

Beijing International Book Fair 2016 作家来袭,讲述永不完结的故事

It’s a great honour for me to be the first Indonesian author featured in the Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF). The Book Fair also organizes the Literary Salon programs, which are a series of events taking placing during and around the BIBF, bringing authors from around the world into close contact with Chinese audiences. This year’s theme is “Never Ending Stories”, highlighting the continuing and essential importance of literary narrative, even as storytelling branches out into other media. The Salons will be conducted in various venues in Beijing, for the week of August 20 to 28. 作家来袭,讲述永不完结的故事 2016年08月12日17:37   第23届北京国际图书博览会 再过22天,第23届北京国际图书博览会即将开展,图博会今年30岁了,BIBF文学沙龙系列活动也与读者相伴近7年了。今年,我们如约而至。 与往年一样,来自世界各地的几十位作者将齐聚北京。我们举办“文学沙龙”的目的,就是让北京读者与这些作者亲密接触,促成他们与中国作者对话,让所有来自 不同文化背景却对文学、书籍怀着同样热爱的人走得更近 Never Ending Stories [...]

August 13, 2016 // 0 Comments