

Australia Plus: 翁鸿鸣–华裔印尼旅行作家的中国情愫

Interview with Australia Plus on Perth Writers Festival, Chinese Version翁鸿鸣-华裔印尼旅行作家的中国情愫 翁鸿鸣(Agustinus Wibowo)是一位旅行作家和摄影师,来自印度尼西亚。近日他参加了在西澳州首府珀斯举行的作家节。翁鸿鸣被视为印尼旅行文学一个新流派的先锋,他的故事让读者能体验他的亲身经历以及精神和情感的旅程。澳洲佳与翁鸿鸣进行了访谈。 你在珀斯作家节上讨论了什么话题? 我参加了两场讨论,第一场是与澳大利亚著名的探险家与旅行作家蒂姆·蔻普(Tim Cope)一起进行题为“游历生活”的讨论。 我与蒂姆一起讨论的其中一个有趣问题是我们是不是会自称为现代游牧一族。 我的观点是,游牧与为了自己进行的旅行有巨大差别。 游牧族一年内迁徙多达四次(跟随季节的转变),但是他们在春天、夏天、秋天以及冬天都有固定的牧场。他们仍然受到边界的限制,国际上的或者传统上的限制,而且他们游牧的目的是为了生存。 相比之下,一个现代旅行者在选择去哪里以及为何去都拥有多得多的自由。 我参加的另一场讨论叫“这个被称为家的地方”,一同参加的还有尼日利亚的诗人因努瓦·爱拉姆斯(Inua Ellams)以及南非的活跃人士斯桑克·姆希曼(Sisonke Msimang)。 [...]

March 31, 2017 // 0 Comments

AustraliaPlus: Agustinus Wibowo–Exploring the nomadic life of a travel writer

AustraliaPlus 16 Mar 2017 Agustinus Wibowo with Sastra Wijaya Indonesian travel writer and photographer Agustinus Wibowo recently appeared at the Perth Writers Festival. He is seen as a pioneer of a new genre of Indonesian travel literature, allowing readers to experience his physical, spiritual and emotional journey through his stories. Australia Plus talked to Agustinus to find out more. What are some of the things you discussed at the Perth Writers Festival? I had two sessions there. The first session was called Nomadic Lives with renowned Australian explorer and travel writer Tim Cope. One of the interesting questions that Tim and I discussed was whether we would call ourselves modern nomads. In my opinion, there’s a big difference between nomadism and travelling for our own sake. Nomads migrate up to four times a year (following the changes of season), but they have fixed places for their spring, summer, autumn and winter pastureland. They are still confined by borders – international or traditional ones – and the purpose of their travelling is for survival. By contrast, a modern traveller has much more freedom in choosing where to go and why. The other session I had was This Place Called Home, together [...]

March 20, 2017 // 6 Comments