

Titik Nol 200: Sebuah Desa di Pinggiran Peshawar

Bocah-bocah Safed Sang di atas keledai (AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) Di desa kecil Safed Sang, di pinggiran kota Peshawar, saya melewatkan malam dengan para pemuda Pathan. Salah seorang pemuda itu bernama Ziarat Gul, artinya ‘bunga ziarah’. Umurnya baru 19 tahun. Wajahnya lebar. Bola matanya besar. Hidungnya mancung. Garis wajahnya kuat. Tubuhnya tinggi dan kekar. Kulitnya putih bersih, jauh lebih putih untuk ukuran orang Punjabi atau Sindhi. Ziarat adalah etnis Pashtun, atau dalam bahasa Urdu disebut Pathan. Orang Pashtun juga sering disebut Afghan, suku bangsa dari Afghanistan. Perjumpaan saya dengan Ziarat sebenarnya tak disengaja. Dua bulan sebelumnya, saya sedang berkonsentrasi di depan komputer di sebuah warnet. Ziarat, yang duduk di sebelah saya, memandangi lekat-lekat. Terus-menerus mengajak bicara sampai saya tak bisa konsentrasi. Setengah jam berikutnya, datanglah Lam Li si petualang Malaysia. Mata Ziarat langsung beralih ke arah tubuh wanita itu. Di Pakistan, kaum pria bisa sampai melotot memandang tanpa lepas jika melihat kemolekan wanita, yang terbalut jubah dan jilbab sekali pun. Betapa kecewanya Ziarat ketika tahu sekarang hanya tinggal saya yang ada di Pakistan. Lam Li sudah menyeberang ke Afghanistan, sehingga tak ada lagi kesempatan baginya berkenalan. Tetapi ia tetap membulatkan tekad untuk mengajak saya mengunjungi desanya yang bernama Safed Sang. Peshawar, terletak [...]

May 29, 2015 // 2 Comments

Dushanbe – Greetings from Tajik Capital

Stamps of independent Tajikistan still use Russian Cyrillic alphabet along with Latin. They portrays local heros and culture, also other colorful cartoonish and big stamps with unrelated topics for collectors, like: outer space, Euro football competition, Elvis Presley, Bruce Lee and panda Finally, I arrived in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan. The Tajik border is located across the river from the Afghan port of Shir Khan Bandar. It’s an expensive fare of 10 dollars per person to cross the river by boat. The Tajik immigration is located somewhere further, and it was another 1 dollar to reach the immigration office by bus. And they still charged 5 dollars for luggage checking (customs). I befriended the old customs officer. We talked in Farsi and he was so happy looking at Indonesian photos. Actually he already signaled me to leave soon after the custom check, that way I could avoid the 5 dollar fee. But I really didnt know about the 5 dollar game, and I insisted to get a registration slip from him, as I presumed in Central Asia if you leave the country without the slip, you will have problem. He told me that for Tajikistan, registration slip would only [...]

October 7, 2006 // 0 Comments

Islamabad – The Capital of Pakistan

The modern Faisal Mosque, named after the king of Saudi Arabia February 3, 2006 The capital of Pakistan, Islamabad- the name means the city of Islam, is a new city created just few decades ago. The designer of the city was a European, and it was designated to be a modern city. The roads are long, straight, with blocks of commercial regions, residential regions, and government offices. The names of the blocks and the roads are even in number, like F-7 for ths Jinnah Supermarket, or G-7 for the block opossite F-7 separated by the main road called ‘blue area’. The using of letter and number is not quite user-friendly. But it seems how it also goes in the West. Nevertheless Islamabad is a new city, the roads are wide, but the population is not that much. The buildings looks more modern and clean than the nearby Rawalpindi, with obvious reason that the strata and level status of the inhabitants are higher, but the feeling of the city is totally empty. Not so much live, vibration, smell, and noise like in Rawalpindi, thus, it’s not the place where most visitors linger about. The reason I go to Islamabad is usually [...]

February 3, 2006 // 0 Comments