

Garis Batas 8: Khorog, Pejuangan dari Balik Gunung

Khorog, ibu kota provinsi GBAO (AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) Khorog, ibu kota propinsi GBAO, adalah sebuah kota kecil yang tenang dan sunyi di bawah teduhnya gunung-gunung raksasa. Walaupun berhadapan langsung dengan Afghanistan dan polisi, tentara, agen KGB berkeliaran di mana-mana, suasana di Khorog masih tetap lengang dan santai. Sejuknya udara pegunungan memang membuat malas. Tidak ada pengemis, gelandangan, pedagang asongan, pencopet, pengamen, dan simbol-simbol kemiskinan lainnya. Rumah-rumah mungil tertata tanpa maksud menantang gunung-gunung raksasa yang mengililingi, terjalin seperti sulaman, tidak berpagar rapat, dengan pekarangan sambung-menyambung. Orang bebas masuk-masuk ke halaman tetangga. Tidak ada ketakutan yang memagari hubungan manusia dengan lingkungannya. Mungkin yang paling mengganggu hanya anjing-anjing besar yang sering berkelahi atau mengejar-ngejar sapi malang. Tetapi gambaran Khorog yang tenang dan damai adalah sebuah ironi dari kisah kegagalan sebuah negara muda. Ketika perang saudara meletus, seluruh propinsi GBAO memproklamirkan kemerdekaan, yang segera dibalas oleh Dushanbe dengan isolasi total. Jalan menuju GBAO ditutup. Blokade diberlakukan. GBAO adalah daerah pegunungan, di mana puncak-puncak raksasa seakan saling berlomba menggapai angkasa dan orang harus mendongakkan kepala untuk melihat birunya langit. Tidak banyak lahan yang tersisa untuk pertanian. Musim dingin sangat menggigit. Sumber air bersih memang melimpah, tetapi tidak untuk bahan bakar [...]

June 6, 2013 // 1 Comment

Garis Batas 7: Menuju Khorog

GUNUNG, SALJU, AWAN TAJIK — Berpetualang di Tajikistan, perpaduan antara gunung, salju, awan, dan sejumput keberanian (AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) Saya teringat gurauan orang Afghan tentang tiga barang yang paling murah di Tajikistan – meva, piva, dan beva. Buah, bir, dan janda. Yang dimaksud dengan ‘janda’ adalah gadis-gadis Tajik yang bebas pergaulannya. Selain cantik, perempuan Tajikistan juga tangguh tak kepalang. Jalan naik turun gunung memaksa mobil berkali-kali mogok. Barang bawaan yang diikatkan di atas kap mobil juga beberapa kali terlempar jatuh. Di bawah hujan rintik-rintik, para gadis dengan cekatan memunguti bagasi. Ibu tua dengan kekuatan ototnya ikut mendorong mobil. Jalan yang menghubungkan Dushanbe ke Khorog hingga Kyrgyzstan bernama jalan M-41. Nama kerennya adalah Pamir Highway. Lewat barisan gunung tinggi yang seperti tak tertembus ini, ternyata jalannya beraspal mulus, walaupun ada sedikit bolong-bolong yang mungkin baru muncul setelah Tajikistan merdeka dan kegagalan ekonomi terus mendera. Saya jadi mengagumi kedigdayaan Uni Soviet, yang masih memberi perhatian ke tempat paling terpencil di mantan negara raksasa itu. Tajikistan tak lebih dari ujung kukunya Uni Soviet, tetapi juga pernah menjadi pusat kegiatan basmachi, pemberontakan umat Muslim terhadap rejim komunis. Dan Pamir, siapa yang peduli tempat terpencil yang dikurung gunung-gunung ini? Tetapi nyatanya, jalan beraspal yang mulus juga [...]

June 6, 2013 // 0 Comments

Garis Batas 6: Menembus Gunung-gunung

Bocah-bocah menawarkan buah-buahan pegunungan kepada kendaraan yang melintas. (AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) Di antara tempat yang paling terpukul di Tajikistan setelah perang saudara ketika negeri mungil ini baru berdiri, adalah provinsi GBAO, singkatan Gorny Badakhshan Avtomnaya Oblast, Provinsi Otonomi Pegunungan Badakhshan. Dalam bahasa Tajik disebut Viloyati Mukhtori Kuhistoni Badakhshan. Propinsi ini ikut memberontak terhadap Dushanbe dan menyatakan memisahkan diri dari pemerintahan pusat. Dushanbe segera mengisolasi semua jalan menuju GBAO, menyebabkan kelaparan dan kemeleratan di mana-mana. Sebenarnya, tanpa isolasi dari pemerintah Tajikistan sendiri pun, GBAO sudah menjadi salah satu tempat paling terpencil di dunia. Gunung-gunung raksasa berselimut salju dari barisan Pegunungan Pamir sudah mengurung rapat-rapat tempat ini. Gunung-gunung itulah yang menyebabkan susahnya transportasi. Dari Dushanbe ke Khorog, ibukota GBAO, jaraknya 560 kilometer, ditempuh dalam waktu sekitar 20 jam dengan jeep yang tangguh. Biayanya 100 Somoni atau 30 dollar, sudah di atas gaji rata-rata bulanan orang Tajikistan. Karena harga minyak yang sangat mahal, orang Tajikistan juga harus selalu memutar otak untuk menekan pengeluaran. Mobil pribadi pun bisa berubah menjadi angkutan umum. Saya ikut menumpang dalam sebuah jeep yang dimiliki oleh satu keluarga, terdiri dari seorang ibu tua dan tiga anaknya. Jeep ini bisa muat enam orang, jadi keluarga itu sibuk menyeret dua orang penumpang [...]

June 6, 2013 // 1 Comment

Garis Batas 1 : Visa oh Visa

Tajikistan, negeri eksotis di pelosok Asia Tengah, menjanjikan petualangan yang menantang.(AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) Tajikistan, negeri eksotis di pelosok Asia Tengah, menjanjikan petualangan yang menantang.(AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) Empat bulan sudah saya mengarungi Afghanistan, hidup dalam kegelapgulitaan negeri yang masih babak belur dihajar perang berkepanjangan, melintasi gunung-gunung pasir dan padang berdebu, mencicip teh hangat di pagi hari bersama pria-pria bersurban, dan wajah perempuan hampir sama sekali lenyap dalam benak saya. Empat bulan yang penuh petualangan, impian, penderitaan, dan kebahagiaan. Sudah tiba saatnya untuk meneruskan perjalanan ke bagian lain dunia ini, ke negeri-negeri tersembunyi di pedalaman Asia Tengah. Ada Tajikistan, negaranya orang Tajik. Kyrgyzstan, negaranya orang Kirghiz. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, masing-masing punyanya orang Kazakh, Uzbek, dan Turkmen. Semua ‘stan’ ini satu per satu bermunculan di atas peta dunia tahun 1991, mengiring buyarnya adikuasa Uni Soviet. Semuanya adalah negara yang tersembunyi di tengah benua raksasa Eurasia, terkunci bumi, jauh dari lautan mana pun. Misterius, unik, eksotik. Sebagai bekas Uni Soviet yang terkenal dengan bengisnya birokrasi, visa untuk masuk ke negara-negara itu tidak mudah. Apalagi untuk paspor Indonesia. Tajikistan adalah pintu masuk paling gampang bagi orang Indonesia, karena negara ini sudah memberlakukan visa on arrival untuk kedatangan dengan pesawat terbang. Tetapi, karena [...]

June 5, 2013 // 7 Comments

Osh – Goodbye Tajikistan

Finally… the truck. And a new country Maybe it was because of the falling stars. When I woke up very early, about 7, as I couldn’t sleep at all the whole night, I saw two trucks were having custom check in Khurshid’s border post. These were trucks owned by Kyrgyz drivers from Kyrgyzstan. My Kyrgyz host helped me with a negotiation (‘chakchak’ in Tajik) with the drivers, and they agreed to take me as far as Sary Tash for 20 Somoni. Sary Tash would be the first Kyrgyzstan city to be approached from here. I was not the only passengers of the trucks. There was already an old Kyrgyz man with his family. The trucks were taking sheep and yaks. The drivers didn’t have document to transport these animals to Kyrgyzstan, so the numerous checkpoints along the road had to be really fuelled by money to smooth up the way. This is the way the business done. Tajikistan’s Pamir region is famous of its animal products, raised by the Kyrgyz and Pamiri Tajik herders. Animals are brought from the mountain areas in GBAO to the bazaar city of Osh in south Kyrgyzstan, where they may gain profit. Then to return [...]

November 4, 2006 // 0 Comments

Karakul – the Giant Death Lake

The giant death lake of Kara Kul. Karakul in Kyrgyz language means ‘black lake’. The lake itself is not black. In fact, this huge water body was deep blue when the sky is friendly, and turns to be grey when the sun chooses to hide behind the clouds. But the life is as dark as its name. There is no life at all in this huge lake. The lake has high concentration of salt. But despite of the salt, the lake also freezes in winter. The village next to the lake, bears the same name, is a Kyrgyz settlement with only one Tajik man inhabitant – a policeman. I was supposed to stay with the Tajik policeman, as it’s the only chance for me to communicate with my Persian knowledge. But when I arrived there, the Tajik man had left to Khorog. I stayed with a Kyrgyz family, an Acted-arranged guest house. They don’t speak Tajik, but the husband know little bit and can sing the national anthem proudly, “Zindabosh e vatan Tajikistan e azadi man (Long Live o Fatherland, My Free Tajikistan!)” He didn’t understand the meaning of the proud anthem though. Tildahan, the wife, is a young woman, [...]

November 2, 2006 // 0 Comments

Murghab – Life in Murghab

A morning greetings from Murghab Murgab (Murghab) was promising when it was built. It was a new Russian settlement built as frontier city of Pamir. The highway connecting the isolated mountains to the lowland towns was supposed to bring wealth to the nomadic community. Life had changed ever since. A town was built on the top of mountains. People were educated. Frontier military checkpoints were enforced. But how is life now, after Tajikistan gained independence from the USSR and civil war took place in the new country? The hope of the future had turned to be a bad fate. I had got a chance to know Gulnara, a 54 year old woman working as a primary school teacher in Murgab. Gulnara is the younger sister of Khalifa Yodgor from Langar. But the last time she saw him was 2 years ago. “It is too expensive to go there,” said her. Langar is not too far from Murgab. It is around 250 km only, but the public transport there is very rare and expensive. At present, Murghab-Langar cost 50 Somoni/pax. Gulnara’s salary is only 80 Somoni per month. She hardly manages to feed her family with that money, needless to say [...]

October 31, 2006 // 0 Comments

Murgab – 100 Questions and Answers about Tajik Presidential Election

Browsing through the list of candidates A friend of mine, Rosalina Tobing, works in social political section of the Embassy of Republic of Indonesia in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. She often gets assignments to make reports about political moments in Central Asia. These days, the thing which people in Tajikistan like to talk about was the presidential election which is going to happen on November 6, 2006. Besides of this, people in GBAO also like to know more about the spiritual leader Aga Khan who visit the area together with the president. Rosalina asked me to get a book for our embassy’s reference, entitled ‘100 Questions and Answers about Tajikistan Presidential Election”. The book is as mythical as the 1001 Nights. I couldn’t find anywhere in Tajikistan (maybe because I always bumped into wrong places all time) but in election booths in the villages in GBAO. First I saw the book in the community hall , which was magically turned to be an election booth, in Vrang. I tried to ask permission to photocopy it, but the chief of election committee said there was no photocopy machine at all in the village. When I started to take photos of the book with [...]

October 30, 2006 // 0 Comments

Murghab – The Dudkhoda’s Family

Boys of Murghab, in front of Tajik banner with the tricolor flag and coat-of-arms, of which important element is a snow mountain “Pamir will be better…. Pamir will be better….” – Dudkhoda My first impression of this 39 year old Tajik man was really not so good. this man tried to hug me and kiss me when I was sleeping next to him under the same blanket on the floor in the Kyrgyz restaurant in alichur packed by the Kyrgyz drivers. He also made me to pay his bills in the restaurant. But later I found that he had story worth to tell. He arranged for me a seat in the Kyrgyz truck, along with him, who returned to his home in Murghab. He was actually a passenger of the truck, not being able to pay the ride with money but offered the drivers a dinner in his hosue in Murghab. I came along with him, sitting along the way to Murghab (100 km) for free. Just near Murghab, there were two military checkpoint. The Kyrgyz drivers failed to do registration and they became easy target of the military man in the small dormitory. “Hey, brother, you should follow the [...]

October 29, 2006 // 0 Comments

Alichur – Kyrgyz Community

The steppe of Alichur Actually I planned to stay for some more days in Langar, but I have heard that the transport onward to Murghab would be very difficult to get. This was caused by the high oil price, so people couldnt afford anymore to travel, and instead of going to smaller and hopeless Murghab they opted to bigger Khorog. Suddenly, even when I was not prepared yet, there was a passenger jeep going to Murghab on 27th. The khalifa told me if I didnt take this car, the next transport might be a month after. I had no choice but to leave Langar. The road continued to east along the river bordering Afghanistan. Afghanistan on that side of the river had no more motorable road as it already entered the Big Pamir area. Sometimes caravans of Bactrian camels were visible along the dirt road on that side of the river, while we were travelling in a russian jeep. World differed more than a century in the two sides of the river, which was very shallow and narrow in winter. It should be very easy to cross the border illegally here. The camel caravan must be the Afghan (Pashtun) traders [...]

October 28, 2006 // 0 Comments

Vrang – Life in Vrang

Green, peaceful, and lazy … Vrang Travelling in Tajikistan side of the Wakhan Corridor was as difficult as in Afghanistan side. Public transport was rare, the oil price got higher as the altitude got higher. It was 3.50 Somoni per liter of petrol here. No one was sure when the coming transport would come. And even when it came, it was often full, no space to share. It was indeed luck to be able to travel according to what one has planned. I was patient enough even though I worried about my short visa. Dr Akhmed was a doctor in Tughoz. I was waiting for transport to Vrang, 5 km away from tughoz, in his hospital. As the main doctor in this village, he earned only 50 Somoni per month. You would go nowhere with that amount of money in Tajikistan. But everybody was optimistic with his life. Working with little income was still better rather than begging on the streets. I have heard beggars in Jakarta could earn at least 60 dollars per month, about 280 Somoni, or 4 times higher than Dr Akhmed’s income. You need a lot of money and bunch of patience to travel in Tajikistan. [...]

October 25, 2006 // 0 Comments

Tughoz – Aliboy Family Aliboy family

The Aliboy family His name is Tuloev Aliboy Jumakhanovich, an unemployed man who sometimes work as driver, 33 years old. He greeted me, “We, Ismailis, dont go for hajj in Mecca. We dont waste our money for hajj. But our leader says, providing shelter and food for poor traveller, the mosafers, that is our hajj pilgrimage.” That is the reason of the hospitality of the Ismailis. No matter that there is no even wheat to make bread, being hospitable to a guest is compulsory. Aliboy sheltered me in his traditional house. There were his old father, Jumakhan, 72 years old, the old mother, sisters, cousins, and children in his little house. People of the Pamir are said to have long ages, like Jumakhan’s grand father who lived until 120 years old of age. Maybe it was because of the pure water. Aliboy had no job, even though he had a car. Here we could observe how live reduced dramatically to its modest form since the breakaway of the USSR. From a car owner to be an unemployed whou couldnt sustain sufficient income for basic needs, life have never been easy afterwards. The situation in Tajikistan was much worsened by the [...]

October 24, 2006 // 0 Comments

Ishkashim – Bodurbekov Family

Alisher (a.k.a Muhammad Bodurbekov) with his cousin “Now you are not guest anymore. You are part of our family. Welcome!” – Muhammad Bodurbekov Since the first minute I arrived in Ishkashim, I was impressed by the hospitality of the people in the Wakhan Valley. I was invited by Muhammad Bodurbekov, 29, to his house in the village. Muhammad, alias Alisher, worked in Dushanbe in Aga Khan’s NGO, MSDSP. He had classes in Khorog and he then had chance to see his family in Ishkashim. He spent a month in the UK for his higher education, and he still maintained his British accent. Alisher was an educated professional and he had so many things to discuss. So before starting, let’s sit on the ‘kurpacha’, the guest welcome matress, which Alisher laid between the pillars of Ali and Muhammad. Sitting on the kurpacha symbolized the acceptance of the welcome gesture from the host. In this house there were Alisher’s father, mother, sister, and some nephews and nieces. Alisher sister was married already but she was staying in her parents’ house. She was married to a man from Shegnon and according to the Shegnon tradition, the first child should be born in the [...]

October 22, 2006 // 0 Comments

Khorog – The Capital of GBAO

Driver is a respected job in Tajikistan, especially in GBAO where most people still struggle of unemployment “Thanks to God, thanks to Aga Khan, for their kindness to us” – Mamadrayonova Khurseda The provincial capital of GBAO, Khorog, is a little town set in a valley surrounded by vertical cliffs of high mountains. It is cool and lazy, and despite of its proximity with Afghanistan, it is quite laid back. The appearance of military still can be felt intensively in the town, thanks to the neighbouring Afghanistan, which is just across the river and notorious for opium export and illegal border crossing. Young soldiers have to patrol every morning along the misty and freezing river. The 1300 km long border with Afghanistan gives much headache to Tajikistan, and its patron – Russia. Russian guards were playing a big role in ‘saving’ the war torn Tajikistan from further deterioration. But as the situation of the country had been stabilized for almost ten years now, the existence of Russian and CIS troops had been much reduced since the previous two years. If you walk along the main street of Khorog, except for the numerous militsia, police, and KGB agents, you will feel [...]

October 19, 2006 // 0 Comments

Khorog – The Journey to GBAO

One of the two brothers, fellow passengers on the journey to Khorog, GBAO, Tajikistan GBAO, the Gorno Badakhshanskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast (Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast) is my main reason to come to Tajikistan. It is dominated by the minority Ismaili Badakhshani Tajiks and Sunni Kyrgyz. It has majestic mountain architectures. But the main reason I want to go to this restricted area was its history. The province was supporting rebel side in the civil war of Tajikistan. The province suffered a lot from the blockade of the central government. Going to Tajikistan is already something strange for my Indonesian friends in Kabul. “Why going to Tajikistan? It is a poor country.” Going to GBAO is another thing to be objected by my Tajik friends in Dushanbe. “Why going to GBAO? It is so far and poor…” Even the Tajik diplomat in Kabul raised his eyebrows when my embassy staff insisted to get a Tajik visa together with GBAO permit. “Is he really a tourist???” For the ‘GBAO’ four letters to be added on my visa I had to pay a painful 100 dollar fee. It is a bureaucratic country, and my embassy told me to follow the rules, as for this [...]

October 18, 2006 // 0 Comments

Ishkashim – Peeping Into Tajikistan

Welcome to Badakhshan “In Tajikistan they have everything but money. In Afghanistan we have money but nothing else.” – Mehruddin The distance from Faizabad to the eastern town of Ishkashem is merely 160 km, but as anywhere in Badakhshan province, the road is unpaved and dusty. The transport is also difficult and unreliable. I was staying in the house of a journalist-cum-farmer, Mr Jaffar Tayyar, in the outskirt of Faizabad. As customary in Afghanistan, all long distance public transport departs very early in the morning as traveling after dark is dangerous. To reach the bus depot in Faizabad I had to walk from the village of Mr. Tayyar as early as 4 a.m. There is no direct bus to Ishkashim. First one has to get to Baharaq, 42 km or 2 hours from Faizabad. It costs 150 Af. Baharaq is a nondescript little bazaar village. Here the onward transport to Ishkashim might be found. They only depart when there are enough passengers, and as Ishkashim is not a major destination, thus it’s unreliable. Comfortable public hot water shower in Faizabad I was lucky when I arrived there was a passenger bus (4 WD Toyota coach but mistakenly written as “ATOYOT”) [...]

July 28, 2006 // 0 Comments

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