

#1Pic1Day: The Love We Share #9 (Afghanistan, 2008)

  The Love We Share #9 (Afghanistan, 2008) Duty—a little boy is accompanying her mother sewing, in a herder settlement of the Kyrgyz nomads, Pamir mountains, Afghanistan. Kewajiban—seorang bocah menemani ibunya menjahit, di daerah permukiman penggembala Kyrgyz, pegunungan Pamir, Afghanistan             [...]

March 13, 2014 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: The Love We Share #8 (Afghanistan, 2008)

The Love We Share #8 (Afghanistan, 2008) Beauty and the Beast—A Kyrgyz mother in Pamir mountains, Afghanistan, is combing the hair of her daughter she just washed. Harus Bersih—Ibu Kyrgyz di pegunungan Pamir, Afghanistan sedang menyisir rambut putrinya yang baru saja dicuci.             [...]

March 12, 2014 // 0 Comments

#1Pic1Day: The Love We Share #6 (Afghanistan, 2008)

The Love We Share #6 (Afghanistan, 2008) A Warmth Called Home—young Kyrgyz kids in Pamir Mountains, Afghanistan, are peeping from inside their yurt. Kehangatan Rumah—bocah-bocah Kyrgyz di pegunungan Pamir, Afghanistan, mengintip dari dalam kemah yurt mereka.           [...]

March 10, 2014 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: The Love We Share #5 (Afghanistan, 2008)

The Love We Share #5 (Afghanistan, 2008) Father’s Face—a young girl of an Uzbek nomadic shepherd is gazing at her father in the steppes of Badakshan, Northern Afghanistan. Wajah Ayah—seorang gadis dari keluarga gembala nomaden Uzbek menatap wajah ayahnya di tengah padang rumput Badakhshan, Afghanistan utara.         [...]

March 7, 2014 // 2 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Sayap Patah | Broken Wings (Kyrgyzstan, 2006)

Broken Wings (Kyrgyzstan, 2006) A Kyrgyzstan boy on a horse is showing a wounded bird he just found on the ground. The ancestors of the Kyrgyz were nomadic people, but most of them are not anymore, or at least semi-nomadic. During the Soviet era, nomadism was regarded backward, so the Russians deliberately moved the nomads to apartment blocks. Some Kyrgyz people still preserve their nomadic culture, staying inside yurts in the steppes during the summer months, then move to their concrete houses in winter. The capability of horse riding, which used to be in their blood, now is also relatively decreasing. Sayap Patah (Kirgizstan, 2006) Seorang bocah berkuda di Kirgizstan menunjukkan seekor burung terluka yang ditemukannya. Nenek moyang bangsa Kirgiz adalah bangsa nomaden, tetapi sekarang mereka sudah semi-nomaden, terlebih lagi sejak datangnya orang Rusia yang menganggap nomadisme adalah keterbelakangan, dan memindahkan para penggembala ke blok-blok apartemen. Beberapa orang Kirgiz yang masih melestarikan gaya hidup semi-nomadisme, tinggal di padang rumput pada musim panas, dan kembali ke rumah bangunan di musim dingin. Kemahiran dalam berkuda, yang semula adalah kultur yang mendarah daging, kini juga semakin berkurang. [...]

February 28, 2014 // 0 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Warna-warni Gurun | Colors of the Desert (Pakistan, 2006)

Colors of the Desert (Pakistan, 2006) Desert inhabitants in South Asia are known for their sophisticated costumes, full of ornaments and colors. The women in Thar Desert of Pakistan, especially the Hindu ones, still wear colorful costumes, with dozens of bangles all over their body, and are totally at ease with cameras. Warna-warni Gurun (Pakistan, 2006) Bangsa-bangsa gurun di Asia Selatan punya keunikan pakaian yang sangat rumit, penuh dekorasi, berwarna. Kaum perempuan di gurun Thar, Pakistan, khususnya umat Hindu, masih memakai pakaian yang berwarna-warni, gelang di sekujur tubuh yang berlusin-lusin, dan sama sekali tidak antipati terhadap kamera.   [...]

January 24, 2014 // 0 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Menyibak Harapan | A New Hope (Pakistan, 2006)

A New Hope (Pakistan, 2006) Survival is still the biggest question in the middle of Thar Desert, Pakistan. Aside from serious problems in water and healthcare, economic situation is also not quite optimistic. Some humanitarian projects have arrived here to introduce to the locals their own tradition they have already lost: carpet making. This is a new source to generate income for the desert dwellers. Menyibak Harapan (Pakistan, 2006) Di tengah gurun kering Thar, Pakistan, bertahan hidup adalah pertanyaan terbesar bagi penduduk. Selain masalah air dan kesehatan yang sangat serius, keadaan ekonomi juga sangat parah. Beberapa organisasi kemanusiaan datang dengan mengajarkan penduduk mempertahankan tradisi mereka untuk membuat permadani, sehingga mereka punya tambahan pemasukan untuk keluarga. [...]

January 23, 2014 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Dusun Kering | Dry Village (Pakistan, 2006)

Dry Village (Pakistan, 2006) Some areas in interior of Thar Desert, Pakistan, had not got rain for four years consecutively. Some villages were even deserted by its inhabitants, as they were looking for a new place with more water. These deserted villages turn to ghost villages. Dusun Kering (Pakistan, 2006) Beberapa daerah di pedalaman gurun Thar, Pakistan, sama sekali tidak mendapat hujan dalam empat tahun berturut-turut. Beberapa dusun bahkan ditinggalkan begitu saja oleh penduduknya, untuk mencari tempat yang masih ada airnya. Dusun-dusun yang ditinggalkan kemudian menjadi desa mati.   [...]

January 22, 2014 // 3 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Empat Tahun Tanpa Hujan | Four Years with No Rain (Pakistan, 2006)

Four Years with No Rain (Pakistan, 2006) Water and rain are very scarce in Thar desert, Pakistan. Some areas even had not got rain for consecutive four years. The inhabitants have to walk very far just to get water. Water is very precious here; some people even keep their water with gridlock and bury it under the sand. Empat Tahun Tanpa Hujan (Pakistan, 2006) Hujan sangat langka di gurun Thar, Pakistan. Di beberapa lokasi bahkan hujan sama sekali tidak turun dalam empat tahun. Penduduk harus berjalan jauh hanya untuk mendapatkan setetes air, sehingga air teramat berharga di sini. Beberapa warga bahkan menggunakan kunci gembok untuk mengamankan air yang [...]

January 21, 2014 // 6 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Membeku | Freezing (Tsagaan Nuur, Mongolia, 2009)

Freezing (Tsagaan Nuur, Mongolia, 2009) Mongolia is identical with harsh winter. But once in several years, the people suffer from “extremely harsh winter”, known as zud, in which temperature can drop down below minus 60 Centigrade and animals (also people) are dying because of the extreme condition. Membeku (Tsagaan Nuur, Mongolia, 2009) Mongolia identik dengan musim dingin yang tidak bersahabat. Walaupun demikian, setiap beberapa tahun sekali, orang Mongolia masih harus mengalami “musim dingin ekstrem” yang jauh lebih ganas. Dikenal sebagai zud, musim ini adalah saat di mana suhu bisa turun hingga di bawah -60 derajat Celcius yang menyebabkan kematian hewan-hewan ternak (juga manusia) dalam jumlah besar.         [...]

October 29, 2013 // 3 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Kekosongan Sempurna | Total Emptiness (Khovd, Mongolia, 2009)

Total Emptiness (Khovd, Mongolia, 2009) With land area not so much different with Indonesia, Mongolia is inhabited by not more than 3 million people (compared to 240 million in Indonesia). Vast and empty is the dominant impression of Mongolian pastureland. Kekosongan Sempurna (Khovd, Mongolia, 2009) Dengan luas area yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan Indonesia, Mongolia hanya dihuni tidak lebih dari 3 juta jiwa (bandingkan dengan 240 juta penduduk Indonesia). Luas dan kosong adalah impresi dominan dari padang rumput Mongolia.       [...]

October 28, 2013 // 3 Comments

Krat – The Wakhi People of Krat

Wakhan Corridor is always far and mysterious “Zdravstvui tovarech” – a villager from Krat Freedom is what the Wakhi people are longing for. I never expected my visit to Chapursan, the Wakhi Tajik valley in northern Pakistan, brought me to learn deeper about the life of the same ethnic in Afghanistan side of the valley. In Chapursan, 7 months ago, I stayed in house of Noorkhan, a Wakhi Tajiki from Kil village, where sun doesn’t come at all in winter for 3 months. Who expected, deep in restricted area of Wakhan Corridor, I met friends and relatives of Noorkhan. Faizal-u-Rahman, 29 years old, is a cousin of Alam Jan Dario, a famous man from Zod Khon village in Chapursan, who pioneered tourism in the valley. I met Faizal in in Khandud. He was offering me a hitch on tractor to the village of Krat in Wakhan Valley of Afghanistan. He, together with other people from Chapursan are working for an American NGO, Central Asian Institute, and this moment they are building a school in the village. Chapursan is an area dominated by Wakhi Tajik people, same as in Wakhan Valley, and the Wakhi people follow Ismaili sect of Islam. Only [...]

August 3, 2006 // 2 Comments