

#1Pic1Day: Dukun | Shamanism (Darkhad, Mongolia, 2009)

Shamanism (Darkhad, Mongolia, 2009) The Tsaatan people living in the northern taiga of Mongolia are known as among the most powerful shamans in the country. Shamanism has rooted in Mongolian tradition far before the arrival of religions, and is still significant in the people’s life until today. Dukun (Darkhad, Mongolia, 2009) Bangsa Tsaatan yang tinggal di hutan-hutan taiga di Mongolia utara dikenal sebagai dukun terkuat di negara itu. Shamanisme, atau perdukunan, telah mengakar kuat dalam tradisi bangsa Mongol jauh sebelum datangnya agama-agama, dan masih punya peran signifikan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Mongol hingga hari ini. [...]

October 23, 2013 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Bahkan Sinterklas pun Pakai Hape | Even Santa Has Mobile (Darkhad, Mongolia, 2009)

Even Santa Has Mobile (Darkhad, Mongolia, 2009) The taiga in northernmost Mongolia is inhabited by the Tsaatan people, famous for being the only reindeer breeding people in the world. They live in northern isolated mountains bordering with Russia, but modern technology has starts to show its existence. Blank CD hung on the window is believed to gather strong mobile signal, at least enough to say hello and send text message. Bahkan Sinterklas pun Pakai Hape (Darkhad, Mongolia, 2009) Daerah hutan taiga di ujung paling utara Mongolia dihuni oleh bangsa Tsaatan, yang terkenal sebagai satu-satunya bangsa penggembala rusa salju di dunia. Mereka tinggal di pegunungan terpencil yang berbatasan dengan Rusia. Namun teknologi modern sudah mulai menunjukkan diri di sini. CD yang digantung di jendela dipercaya dapat memperkuat sinyal telepon genggam, setidaknya cukup untuk mengucap halo dan berkirim SMS.   [...]

October 22, 2013 // 0 Comments

Karimabad – The Land of Heaven

Haider Inn 75Rs Hunza in winter This is my second time coming to Hunza valley. The first time was in summer 2003. I arrived here 2 years ago, and amazed by the development projects carried out throughout the valley. The colour of winter is sad, yellow and grey. But the sadness colour doesnt make the mountains and valley mute, it’s still singing, beautifully. As I remember from my last visit, due to failure of the generator in the valley, I didnt have electricity at all during my 3 day stay here. But now it’s different. The electricity, even though that is still unreliable, works for most of the time. 2 days with electricity and 1 day off. Not bad. And it even has an internet cafe with affordable price. 40 Rs/hour, which is not bad considering the terrain of the area. The Internet cafe is run by KADO, with a partnership with an NGO from Western country. The connection was run by a sattelite, as the Internet administrator told me yesterday, and it cost 2000$/mo for this. The connection is very slow during the day because of the weather, but is bearable in the evening. The organization itself doesnt get [...]

December 23, 2005 // 2 Comments