

Selimut Debu 87: Petualangan Legendaris

Sekitar lima ratus tahun lalu, perjalanan yang kulalui ini adalah petualangan akbar dan legendaris dari seorang raja besar. Raja Babur adalah pendiri Dinasti Moghul, yang meninggalkan bangunan megah di Taj Mahal di India. Babur berasal dari daerah yang sekarang wilayah Uzbekistan, dikejar-kejar dan mau dibunuh sehingga lari ke Afghanistan. Di negeri ini, petualangannya dimulai dari Herat, tempat ia mencari perlindungan pada Sultan Baiqara. Herat kala itu sudah menjadi pusat peradaban, seperti halnya Bukhara dan Samarqand. Masjid agungnya bersinar, perdagangannya maju, dan militernya kuat. Tetapi Babur tak betah tinggal di kalangan keluarga istana yang penuh intrik politik. Bersama para pengikutnya yang setia, ia berangkat menuju ke Kabul. Ia tak memilih jalan lewat Kandahar yang lebih mudah. Ia justru memilih jalur Lintas Tengah Afghanistan, menembus pegunungan Ghor dan Bamiyan. Tapi ini malah menjadi perjalanan yang paling mematikan dalam hidup Babur. Aku pun akan melalui lintasan yang kira-kira sama dengan yang diambil Raja Babur. Abad milenium tentunya jauh berbeda dari abad pertengahan. Namun satu fakta yang tidak berubah, jalan ini tetap sulit dilewati, diperuntukkan hanya bagi mereka yang punya keteguhan baja dan tahan banting. Seorang kakek tua dengan sekarung gembolan di pundak, mirip Sinterklas, duduk di sampingku di dalam bus berkarat. Jenggotnya pun [...]

February 25, 2014 // 4 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Warna-warni Gurun | Colors of the Desert (Pakistan, 2006)

Colors of the Desert (Pakistan, 2006) Desert inhabitants in South Asia are known for their sophisticated costumes, full of ornaments and colors. The women in Thar Desert of Pakistan, especially the Hindu ones, still wear colorful costumes, with dozens of bangles all over their body, and are totally at ease with cameras. Warna-warni Gurun (Pakistan, 2006) Bangsa-bangsa gurun di Asia Selatan punya keunikan pakaian yang sangat rumit, penuh dekorasi, berwarna. Kaum perempuan di gurun Thar, Pakistan, khususnya umat Hindu, masih memakai pakaian yang berwarna-warni, gelang di sekujur tubuh yang berlusin-lusin, dan sama sekali tidak antipati terhadap kamera.   [...]

January 24, 2014 // 0 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Menyibak Harapan | A New Hope (Pakistan, 2006)

A New Hope (Pakistan, 2006) Survival is still the biggest question in the middle of Thar Desert, Pakistan. Aside from serious problems in water and healthcare, economic situation is also not quite optimistic. Some humanitarian projects have arrived here to introduce to the locals their own tradition they have already lost: carpet making. This is a new source to generate income for the desert dwellers. Menyibak Harapan (Pakistan, 2006) Di tengah gurun kering Thar, Pakistan, bertahan hidup adalah pertanyaan terbesar bagi penduduk. Selain masalah air dan kesehatan yang sangat serius, keadaan ekonomi juga sangat parah. Beberapa organisasi kemanusiaan datang dengan mengajarkan penduduk mempertahankan tradisi mereka untuk membuat permadani, sehingga mereka punya tambahan pemasukan untuk keluarga. [...]

January 23, 2014 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Dusun Kering | Dry Village (Pakistan, 2006)

Dry Village (Pakistan, 2006) Some areas in interior of Thar Desert, Pakistan, had not got rain for four years consecutively. Some villages were even deserted by its inhabitants, as they were looking for a new place with more water. These deserted villages turn to ghost villages. Dusun Kering (Pakistan, 2006) Beberapa daerah di pedalaman gurun Thar, Pakistan, sama sekali tidak mendapat hujan dalam empat tahun berturut-turut. Beberapa dusun bahkan ditinggalkan begitu saja oleh penduduknya, untuk mencari tempat yang masih ada airnya. Dusun-dusun yang ditinggalkan kemudian menjadi desa mati.   [...]

January 22, 2014 // 3 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Empat Tahun Tanpa Hujan | Four Years with No Rain (Pakistan, 2006)

Four Years with No Rain (Pakistan, 2006) Water and rain are very scarce in Thar desert, Pakistan. Some areas even had not got rain for consecutive four years. The inhabitants have to walk very far just to get water. Water is very precious here; some people even keep their water with gridlock and bury it under the sand. Empat Tahun Tanpa Hujan (Pakistan, 2006) Hujan sangat langka di gurun Thar, Pakistan. Di beberapa lokasi bahkan hujan sama sekali tidak turun dalam empat tahun. Penduduk harus berjalan jauh hanya untuk mendapatkan setetes air, sehingga air teramat berharga di sini. Beberapa warga bahkan menggunakan kunci gembok untuk mengamankan air yang [...]

January 21, 2014 // 6 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Pulang | Going Home (Pakistan, 2006)

Going Home (Pakistan, 2006) Thar is one of the driest deserts with the highest population density in the world. Thar stretches from Pakistan to India. The inhabitants have to walk for kilometers on boiling sand just to gather water. The desert dwellers usually travel to the nearby town of Umerkot in interior Sindh Province for shopping or selling their animals. The public transport departs from the desert villages in early morning, and return back from the town at afternoon. That’s the time for the desert dwellers to go back to the dry desert they call home. Pulang (Pakistan, 2006) Gurun Thar adalah salah satu gurun paling kering namun paling padat penduduknya di dunia. Gurun ini melintang dari Pakistan hingga India, dihuni oleh bangsa gurun yang harus mencari air hingga berkilo-kilometer. Penduduk Thar biasanya bepergian ke Umerkot, kota terdekat di pedalaman Provinsi Sindh, untuk berbelanja. Angkutan umum biasanya berangkat dari kampung-kampung gurun pada pagi buta, dan kembali lagi dari kota ke tengah gurun di sore menjelang petang, karena itulah waktunya bagi warga gurun untuk pulang ke tengah padang gersang yang menjadi rumah [...]

January 20, 2014 // 5 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Manisan India | Indian Sweets (2005)

Indian Sweets (2005) Diwali celebration in India cannot be separated from the sweets, or mithai, which come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. The adjective “sweet” is far not enough to describe the taste of these Indian sweets. The sensation is like chewing a kilogram of sugar and milk at the same time in your mouth. Manisan India (2005) Bagian penting lain dari perayaan Diwali di India adalah manisan atau mithai yang tampil dalam berbagai bentuk, ukuran, dan warna. “Manis” adalah kata yang terlalu sederhana untuk mendeskripsikan rasa manisan India. Sensasi rasa yang ditimbulkannya di mulut adalah seperti menelan satu kilogram gula dan susu bulat-bulat. [...]

January 7, 2014 // 1 Comment

Selimut Debu 52: Pulang

“Suatu saat, kamu harus kembali ke titik awal. Dan saat itu, kamu akan berpikir bagaimana caranya untuk kembali ke tempat sebelumnya, untuk melanjutkan perjalananmu ….” Demikian Lam Li, sahabat Malaysiaku itu pernah berkata padaku saat kami berdua berada di Kandahar. Kami berdua telah berkelana begitu panjang. Aku memulai perjalananku hampir setahun lalu dari Beijing. Lam Li lebih lama lagi, dari Malaysia jalan darat melintasi Asia Tenggara, Tibet, Nepal, India, Pakistan, sekarang di Afghanistan, dan terus dia akan menuju Eropa. Setelah berbulan-bulan melakukan perjalanan, sangatlah umum para pejalan mulai mengalami “mimpi buruk”. Apakah “mimpi buruk” para pejalan? Itu adalah terpaksa pulang. Ke titik asal. Ke rumah. Lam Li sering mengalami mimpi seperti ini. Di dalam mimpinya itu, tiba-tiba dia sudah kembali ke rumah. Dan di rumah itu, dia sibuk berpikir, bagaimana caranya kembali ke titik terakhir perjalanannya, kembali melanjutkan perjalanan yang telah terpotong. Seperti nubuat, ini pun terjadi pada diriku. Perjalananku dimulai pada 28 Juli 2005. Jadi, hanya seminggu lagi maka genap setahun sudah aku hidup di jalanan. Dari metropolis Beijing yang sibuk, aku sudah melewati jalan yang teramat panjang, melintasi dataran China yang luas hingga k tanah bangsa Uyghur di barat, lalu mendaki pegunungan Atap Dunia hingga masuk ke Tibet, [...]

January 7, 2014 // 4 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Festival Cahaya | The Festival of Lights (India, 2005)

  The Festival of Lights (India, 2005) The most important festival among Indian Hindus is Diwali, also known as “Festival of Lights”. The celebration emphasizes victory of light over darkness, good over evil, hope over despair. Aside from the puja ritual for Goddess Lakhsmi, Diwali celebration is also signified by millions of lights shining roads, streets, and alleys. They also burn firecrackers for the whole night.   Festival Cahaya (India, 2005) Perayaan terbesar di kalangan umat Hindu India adalah Diwali, dikenal juga sebagai “Festival Cahaya”. Hari raya ini menekankan kemenangan cahaya atas kegelapan, kebaikan atas kejahatan, harapan atas keputusasaan. Selain ibadah puja kepada Dewi Lakhsmi, perayaan Diwali ditandai dengan menyalakan jutaan lilin di berbagai sudut jalan, dan menyalakan petasan yang meledak-ledak sepanjang malam.                 [...]

January 6, 2014 // 0 Comments

SNAP (2006): Mencari Warna-warni Kehidupan

No. 006/2006 SNAP (Majalah Fotografi) JALAN-JALAN | Asia Selatan Mencari Warna-warni Kehidupan NASKAH & FOTO: AGUSTINUS WIBOWO Ketika saya masih duduk di kelas 1 SD, pernah seorang guru bertanya tentang cita-cita. Saya menjawab dengan polosnya, “Ingin jadi turis!” “Lho, jadi turis, kan, bukan pekerjaan?” katanya terkejut. Hari ini, dua puluh tahun kemudian, saya berada di Afghanistan, setelah satu tahun lebih mengelana melintasi negeri-negeri Asia, dari gunung-gunung tinggi hingga padang pasir tak bertuan. Berjumpa dengan suku-suku terasing di pedalaman, hingga mengunjungi pabrik-pabrik senjata ilegal. Separuh turis, separuh jurnalis. Sama sekali tidak kusangka, cita-cita masa kecil kini tercapai. India Kaya Warna Perjalanan panjang ini adalah perjalanan mencari warna. Menemukan arti kehidupan yang tersembunyi dalam ragam-ragam budaya, serta saling berbagi dengan pembaca yang mungkin tak berkesempatan menengok sendiri. Kamera, bagi saya bukan hanya alat untuk mengabadikan pengalaman, namun juga media berkomunikasi dengan penduduk lokal. Memulai dari Beijing, Cina, setelah tiga bulan perjalanan darat sampailah saya di Nepal, sebuah negeri mungil yang terjepit di antara dua raksasa Asia, India dan Cina. Budaya Hindu begitu mewarnai kehidupan masyarakatnya. Warna mistis dan kepercayaan kuno, disemerbaki oleh harumnya asap dupa yang dibakar oleh para penganutnya, menjadikan Nepal negeri yang penuh misteri, terkunci di antara puncak-puncak salju yang [...]

December 30, 2006 // 5 Comments

Khorog – The Journey to GBAO

One of the two brothers, fellow passengers on the journey to Khorog, GBAO, Tajikistan GBAO, the Gorno Badakhshanskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast (Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast) is my main reason to come to Tajikistan. It is dominated by the minority Ismaili Badakhshani Tajiks and Sunni Kyrgyz. It has majestic mountain architectures. But the main reason I want to go to this restricted area was its history. The province was supporting rebel side in the civil war of Tajikistan. The province suffered a lot from the blockade of the central government. Going to Tajikistan is already something strange for my Indonesian friends in Kabul. “Why going to Tajikistan? It is a poor country.” Going to GBAO is another thing to be objected by my Tajik friends in Dushanbe. “Why going to GBAO? It is so far and poor…” Even the Tajik diplomat in Kabul raised his eyebrows when my embassy staff insisted to get a Tajik visa together with GBAO permit. “Is he really a tourist???” For the ‘GBAO’ four letters to be added on my visa I had to pay a painful 100 dollar fee. It is a bureaucratic country, and my embassy told me to follow the rules, as for this [...]

October 18, 2006 // 0 Comments

Lahore – I See India Again

April 25, 2006 Across the border Yes, this is a trip to the Indian border for the famous ridiculous border ceremony of the two enemous brothers: India and Pakistan. Few months ago I attended the ceremony from the Indian side, hardly saw anything due to the huge crowds. Seeing from the different sides of the border is always interesting. It’s just a thin line on the map, some inches of line de jure, but it made the two completely different sides on right and left side. Travelling to the border from Lahore, was passing through dusty areas of uninhabited lands. The area was completely empty since the Partition, and just recently when the relation between India and Pakistan getting better, people started to inhabit the dusty land between Lahore and the border. Equally the same case for Amritsar (Indian city next to the border), but less dusty. It was hot, and dusty. The sweat mixed with the dust to form special ingredients on my wrong-seasoned garment of clothes. The border is exactly between the two cities: Lahore and Amritsar, splitted the distance of 60 kms into two 30 kilometer distances. I was on the public bus (12 Rs ticket for [...]

April 25, 2006 // 0 Comments

Noraseri – The Doctor Shahab Family

April 2, 2006 Doctor Shahab with my Indonesian cap The NGO camp was emptied already today. The scars of the tents left another scars in people in neighborhood. It was Doctor Shahab, born as Khani Zaman, among those who used to come at least one time in a day to our camp area. He was an old man in his sixties, and everybody called him as Mister Doctor, or Doctor Shahab. I believed he was a doctor, until Hafizah told me that he never been a doctor. It turned out to be that he was a pharmacist, and used to be a driver of an ambulance of Edhi Foundation. His work was not that far from doctor anyway. The first time I knew Doctor Shahab was the same date when the Hajji Shahab passed away. The two occasions still made me confusing the two names many of the times. Doctor Shahab was there in the funeral day of Hajji Shahab, claiming that he was a friend of President Soekarno in school time, and asked me to send a dozen of Indonesian caps. He was humorous, he was optimistic, and he was intelligent. He lost his wife in the earthquake, but [...]

April 2, 2006 // 0 Comments

Karimabad – Indian Connection

Indian influence is obvious here India is just a bordering country, but the history of hostility between India and Pakistan makes the relation between the two countries interesting. As we all probably know, the language of both countries, Urdu and Hindi, are 90% similar. Urdu has more Persian and Arabic originated words, and Hindi from Sanskrit. But both languages are mutually intelligble. Though, the scripts are different. The influence of India is very huge in Pakistan, this is unquestioned. Everybody can sing the gigle of Aashiq Banaya, the new popular Bollywood movie, even though that this new film may not reach the villages of Pakistan. “Mujh se Saati Karogi? (Will you Marry Me?)”, Salman Khan’s newest movie, is a famous sentence anywhere here in Pakistan. And it became a laughter when we use this sentence to tease the others. The people in Karimabad, far away from anywhere, stuck their satellite dish to Indian channels. And guess what, a very plain TV drama, Vuh Ranehwali Mehlon Ki (She is Native of Palace)- A story of a beautiful girl from rich family loving a handsome boy from a poor family, is so sticky that all people in my hotel can be stucked [...]

January 9, 2006 // 3 Comments

Rawalpindi – Cantontment?

I never expected that it’s very difficult to find a place to stay in this city Imperial Hotel, Muree Road, Rawalpindi 400Rs/double bed room After the 5 hour bus journey from Lahore to Islamabad, and long taxi drive to Saddar Bazaar in Rawalpindi, I was really resent by the hotel owner who refused me to stay in his hotel. Saddar Bazaar is the place for the budget hotels in Rawalpindi, where 2 years ago I used to stay. Today, they refused to accept me as their guest, as there is a stamp ‘Visa not Valid for Cannt Area’ on my visa page. I didnt realize what the meaning of the small stamp on my visa before today. The feeling of being refused in a hotel was very bad. I can imagine the same feeling of people being refused to enter a certain country despite of possessing the valid visa. And I felt disappointed, badly treated, being looked as second class man, etc. Cantontment is military area, which sometimes also include residential and bazaar area, as in this example Saddar Bazaar in Rawalpindi. I didnt know about this before. I am worrying whether this visa will affect my journey thru the [...]

December 17, 2005 // 0 Comments

Lahore – Welcome to Pakistan

Regale Internet Inn 150 Rs/dorm Indian border guard across the Pakistan borderline. Being sick for so many days has given me the chance to read lots of books recently. Just read Salman Rushdie’s “Shame” about the ridiculous stories of Pakistan history, from uprising and downing of its political leaders, from the ridiculous political manouvers, and also the stories about the founding of the “Land of Pure” and it failures. The other good book I got is VS Naipaul’s “Among the Believers”. This book is about Islam in Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia. I have read the Indonesian part, and felt that the critics was quite well-said, even some parts I dont quite agree. The Pakistan part is quite interesting, how these Indian Muslims created this “Land of Pure” and how they tried to be the most purified Muslim on earth. But the struggle is full of failures, and Pakistan was a country of experiments. And today, I successfully crossed to Pakistan. The crossing was straightforward on both sides, except the Indian officers said that I should have crossed the border a day earlier as my visa expired today. But they let me pass anyway. There was no luggage check on [...]

December 13, 2005 // 0 Comments

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