

#1Pic1Day: Pendakian ke Puncak | A Journey to the Peak (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005)

A Journey to the Peak (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) The famous Annapurna Circuit is 21-day trekking journey, among which the highest point is Thorung La Pass at 5416 meters. For many trekkers, Thorung La is the biggest challenge to conquer in the whole trek. Pendakian ke Puncak (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Rute treking Sirkuit Annapurna yang terkenal itu adalah sebuah perjalanan naik turun gunung sepanjang 21 hari. Titik tertinggi dalam perjalanan itu adalah Puncak Thorung La, pada ketinggian 5.416 meter. Bagi sebagian besar treker, Thorung La adalah tantangan terbesar untuk menaklukkan rute ini. [...]

December 11, 2013 // 3 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Infrastruktur Pegunungan | Infrastructure (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005)

Infrastructure (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Tourism has changed the landscape of Annapurna. Once very wild and dangerous mountain ranges to conquer during the Maurice Herzog era who reached its peak in 1950s, Annapurna is now very much tamed for the sake of international tourists. Clear trail signs, hotels, restaurants, bridges, and even roads are built to make the trek very much easy and practical. Infrastruktur Pegunungan (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Pariwisata telah mengubah wajah Annapurna. Dulu, Annapurna pernah menjadi pegunungan yang liar dan berbahaya saat Maurice Herzog pertama kali mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 1950an. Tetapi kini Annapurna telah dijinakkan demi kebutuhan turis internasional. Petunjuk pendakian yang lengkap, hotel, restoran, jembatan, dan bahkan jalan beraspal telah dibangun untuk membuat rute treking ini semakin mudah dan praktis. [...]

December 10, 2013 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Spektrum Etnis | Ethnic Spectrum (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005)

Ethnic Spectrum (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Trekking through Annapurna Circuit is not only to adore the spectrum of natures, flora, and fauna from the lowest elevation to top of Himalayas, but also to observe the spectrum of human beings: race, ethnicity, religion, language. Passing through Manang (3520 m) and up to higher places, the previously predominantly Hindu Aryan people are replaced by Tibetan-like Buddhist people. Spektrum Etnis (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Melakukan trek melalui Sirkuit Annapurna bukan hanya untuk mengagumi spektrum alam, flora dan fauna dari daerah rendah sampai puncak Himalaya, tetapi juga untuk mengamati spektrum manusia: ras, etnik, agama, bahasa. Setelah melewati Manang (3520 meter) dan semakin tinggi sampai ke puncak, orang-orang Arya penganut Hindu kini sudah digantikan oleh bangsa-bangsa mirip Tibet dan penganut agama Buddha. [...]

December 9, 2013 // 0 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Himalayan Buddhism (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005)

Himalayan Buddhism (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) The higher parts of Annapurna Circuit is inhabited by the Manangi people, who look like Tibetan, speak a language close to that of Tibetan, and believe in Tibetan Buddhism. Buddhisme Himalaya (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Bagian Sirkuit Annapurna yang lebih tinggi dihuni oleh bangsa Manangi, yang mirip orang Tibet, bicara bahasa yang dekat bahasa Tibet, dan menganut agama Buddhisme Tibet (Lamaisme). [...]

December 6, 2013 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Chicken Express (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005)

Chicken Express (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Tourism has changed the face of Nepal and its Himalaya to an irreversible point. Annapurna is considered as the best trek on earth, the most touristy with spoiled facility. Hotels and restaurants scattered all the way from bottom to top of the mountains, and porters carry materials from the lowlands up to high Himalayas to make fancy food for the international tourists, including chicken which can’t survive the elevation. Chicken Express (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Turisme telah mengubah wajah Nepal dan Himalaya-nya secara permanen. Annapurna dianggap sebagai jalur trek terbaik di dunia, sekaligus yang paling penuh turis dan fasilitas yang memanjakan. Hotel dan restoran tersebar sepanjang jalan mulai dari kaki gunung sampai puncak Himalaya. Tak kurang juga para porter mengangkut bahan-bahan makanan dari dataran rendah untuk membuat makanan rumit kebutuhan turis mancanegara di puncak Himalaya, termasuk juga ayam-ayam yang tidak mungkin hidup di tempat setinggi [...]

December 5, 2013 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Kepala Baja | Metal Head (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005)

Metal Head (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) The people inhabiting highlands of Annapurna are known to be powerful and are the main material of the famous Gurkha soldiers. A man is powerful enough to lift carcass alone, and even the women in Manang region may carry 30 liters of water by hanging the burden on their head, climbing up and down the mountains. Kepala Baja (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Orang-orang yang mendiami daerah tinggi di Annapurna terkenal sebagai bangsa yang kuat, dan merupakan bahan baku utama dari tentara Gurkha yang tersohor itu. Seorang lelaki di sini kuat untuk memanggul bangkai sapi sendirian, dan para perempuan di Manang bisa mengangkat 30 liter air yang digantungkan di kepala mereka sambil mendaki dan menuruni bukit [...]

December 4, 2013 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Tropical Nepal (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005)

Tropical Nepal (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Nepal might be tiny in size, but in term of elevation it’s unmatchable. The elevation of Annapurna Circuit trek ranges from 700-is meter, passing through hot and tropical villages similar to those of Indonesia, and reaches its peak at 5416 meter at Thorung La Pass. Alam Tropis di Nepal (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Nepal mungkin negara kecil dalam hal ukuran, tetapi kalau soal ketinggian adalah negara raksasa yang tidak terbandingkan. Rentang ketinggian Srikuit Annapurna adalah mulai dari desa-desa bergaya tropis pada 700an meter, dan mencapai puncaknya pada 5.416 meter di puncak Thorung [...]

December 3, 2013 // 2 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Bukit Berbukit | Rugged Hills (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005)

Rugged Hills (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) The Annapurna Circuit trek trails is considered one of the best treks in the world, though road construction is threatening its reputation and its future as a classic trek. The Circuit started to be popular in 1970s when the Nepal became one of the important terminals in long happy hippy trail originating from Europe. You start the trail at very low elevation (with scenery very tropical, not much different from Indonesian hills), until the snow-capped mountain scenery typical of the Himalayas. Bukit Berbukit (Annapurna, Nepal, 2005) Jalur treking Sirkuit Annapurna dianggap sebagai jalur trek terbaik di dunia, walaupun pembangunan jalan mengancam reputasinya dan masa depannya sebagai jalur trek klasik. Sirkuit Annapurna mulai populer pada tahun 1970an ketika Nepal menjadi perhentian penting dalam jalur hippy yang berangkat dari Eropa. Kita mulai pendakian pada ketinggian yang sangat rendah (dengan pemandangan yang sangat tropis, tidak jauh berbeda dengan perbukitan di Indonesia), hingga mencapai gunung-gunung bertudung salju yang khas [...]

December 2, 2013 // 5 Comments

Kandar – The Land of Fighters

April 3, 2006 Helicopter bringing aids to Harama. Imagine how those angry fighters hijacked the flying copter First, the rumors. The name of Kandar is full of myth, ask every villager of Noraseri, and his face will be filled by fear. Not only villagers from Noraseri, but the fame of Kandar had reached areas as far as Pattika and Muzaffarabad. The people of Kandar had made their popularity around the hills. Kandar, located on the top of the hill just behind, is visible from Noraseri. Seemed as close it was, the real four kilometer distance was somehow an unreachable gap for the villagers from Noraseri. It was the image of Kandar which put down the people of other villages. I have heard the rumor about Kandar for the first time from Rashid who told me how ‘nonsense’ these people were. Rashid said that no NGO was working there, as the NGOs were afraid of Kandari. Kandar, accidentally the name resembled “Kandahar”, one of the most dangerous areas in Afghanistan. It was a joke that Kandar was Kandahar of Kashmir. Once upon a time in history, somewhere in a time dimension after the disaster, there happened a helicopter was hijacked by [...]

April 3, 2006 // 0 Comments

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