

Penulis Bicara Soal Garis Batas

Seperti halnya oksigen dan gravitasi bumi, garis batas tidak terlihat, tetapi ia memengaruhi setiap aspek hidup kita. Mulai dari garis batas fisik sampai ke kewarganegaraan, etnik, agama, bahasa, warna kulit, ideologi… garis batas ada di mana-mana. Garis batas menempatkan orang dalam kotak yang berbeda-beda, dan telah menyebabkan begitu banyak penderitaan sejak awal peradaban kita. Tetapi, apakah kita benar-benar bisa terbebas dari semua garis batas itu dan hidup dalam sebuah dunia yang tanpa batas? Pada ajang literasi internasional tahunan yang di gelar di Ubud, Bali, tahun ini saya diundang untuk berbicara dalam sejumlah sesi yang berhubungan dengan garis batas. Kebetulan, Ubud Writers & Readers Festival (UWRF) 2016 ini mengangkat slogan Tat Tvam Asi, yang diterjemahkan sebagai: I am You, You are Me. Ini adalah sebuah kalimat suci dalam bahasa Sanskerta, yang melambangkan tentang Kebenaran Hakiki yang ada di dalam diri setiap manusia. Tetapi kalimat ini juga bisa diartikan sebagai dukungan terhadap keberagaman: bahwa semua manusia, walaupun berbeda-beda, pada hakikatnya adalah satu. Bagi saya pribadi, slogan Tat Tvam Asi beresonansi sangat kuat. Sebagai minoritas, saya dibesarkan dengan konsep garis batas yang terpatri di benak. Perjalanan saya berkeliling Asia dengan menembus berbagai garis batas negeri pun sesungguhnya berawal dari kegelisahan saya akan garis [...]

November 3, 2016 // 6 Comments

Agustinus Wibowo in Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2016

This is my schedule for this year’s awaited literary festival, UWRF 2016. I have got quite a busy schedule, but I am really excited to see you all there. And I really love this year’s theme: “I am you, you are me“.   Live Music & Arts: Pecha Kucha 26 Oct 2016 20:30 – 22:00 After Dark / Live Music & Arts IDR 75,000 Betelnut . Jl. Raya Ubud (Google Maps) Ignite your ideas with a fast and furious Pecha Kucha night at Betelnut. Brave Festival artists step out on stage to share what they’re passionate about in the 20×20 format: 20 images, 20 seconds each. Tickets available at the door. Featuring: Agustinus Wibowo, Emmanuela Shinta, Madelaine Dickie, Mayank Austen Soofi, Melizarani T Selva, Yassmin Abdel-Magiied Book Launch: Zero: When Journey Takes You Home 27 Oct 2016 16:30 – 18:00 Book Launches / Free Events Free Rondji Restaurant. Jl. Raya Campuhan (Google Maps) After 10 years, the traveller returns home and comes face-to-face with one reality he has always feared: his mother is on the brink death. He recounts his journey, page after page, to his dying mother who has barely ever left their little village in Java. [...]

October 23, 2016 // 0 Comments

Appearance in Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2011 Agustinus Wibowo is an Indonesian travel writer, travelled overland from Beijing to Central Asia and Middle East. He traveled extensively and settled in Afghanistan as journalist for three years. His works include Selimut Debu (A Blanket of Dust) and Garis Batas (Borderlines). Festival Appearances Time travel Saturday, 8 October 2011 10:45 Left Bank Lounge What is the future of travel writing and how do travellers utilise the genre? Has it all been said and done? Brian Thacker, Fiona Caulfield, Trinity, Agustinus Wibowo Chair: Peta Mathias Ticketed A blanket of dust… Saturday, 8 October 2011 13:45 Left Bank Lounge Standing at the cutting edge of Indonesian literature, this modern day wanderer has travelled to the ends of the earth, living in Afghanistan for three years. Wander with him in this intimate session. Agustinus Wibowo with Jamie James Worlds, in words: making language work Saturday, 8 October 2011 16:00 Neka Museum How language can transport us on colourful journeys to exotic lands, Agustinus Wibowo, DBC Pierre, Ida Ahdiah, Trevor Shearston Chair: Rosemary Saye Boundary riders Sunday, 9 October 2011 09:15 Left Bank Lounge Boundaries can be both geographical and intellectual. Crossing borders real and imaginary, exploring new ground, writing new territory. [...]

September 23, 2011 // 0 Comments