
Random Thoughts

Dari Titik Nol Menuju Frankfurt

Kisah ini dimulai dari seorang ibu yang terbaring di ranjang rumah sakit menanti ajal. Anaknya yang bertahun-tahun tinggal di perantauan akhirnya pulang. Menyadari tidak banyak waktu tersisa, anak itu duduk di samping ibunya, membacakan buku hariannya tentang negeri-negeri jauh yang pernah dialaminya. Bersama cerita-cerita itu, sang ibu yang tidak pernah ke mana-mana itu akhirnya membuka sebuah cerita yang selama ini dipendamnya. Tentang masa kecilnya, cintanya, penantiannya, perjuangannya, Tuhannya, hidup dan matinya. Dua perjalanan dalam dua dimensi waktu dan tempat itu berkelindan, akhirnya menyatu. Itulah kisah yang tertuang dalam memoar-cum-catatan-perjalanan saya, Titik Nol: Makna Sebuah Perjalanan, yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Indonesia oleh Gramedia Pustaka Utama pada tahun 2013. Buku itu mendapat sambutan cukup hangat dari pembaca Indonesia. Beberapa bulan setelah buku itu terbit, penerbit menanyakan apakah saya tertarik menerjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada saat itu, Indonesia telah dipastikan akan menjadi Tamu Kehormatan dalam ajang pameran buku terbesar di dunia—Frankfurt Book Fair 2015. Itu artinya, fokus dunia perbukuan akan tertuju pada Indonesia. Namun terlepas Indonesia adalah negara dengan populasi terbesar keempat dunia dan industri buku yang sangat aktif dengan penerbitan 30.000 judul buku per tahun (faktor penting terpilihnya Indonesia sebagai Tamu Kehormatan), Indonesia masihlah sebuah negara “tembus pandang” di kancah perbukuan [...]

October 11, 2015 // 40 Comments

London Book Fair 15 April 2015: Penulis di Tengah Pameran Buku

Saya mendapat kehormatan menjadi salah satu penulis yang dikirim untuk berbicara di stand Indonesia pada forum London Book Fair 2015, yang diselenggarakan pada 14-16 April 2015 di Olympia, Kensington, kawasan barat London. Pameran ini diikuti 25.000 pelaku industri dari 124 negara, termasuk Indonesia yang membawa 200an judul pilihan dari berbagai penerbit. Indonesia, dalam partisipasi perdananya di ajang ini, menempati stan 5B140, yang berukuran hanya 20 meter, terletak jauh di ujung belakang Hall B yang berjarak sekitar 20 menit berjalan kaki dari pintu utama. Praktis, di tengah lautan puluhan ribu penerbit, stan Indonesia sangat tersembunyi dan nyaris tenggelam. Sementara di sekeliling stan Indonesia adalah stan dari negara-negara lain yang tidak kalah sepi, seperti dari Abu Dhabi, Slowakia, Al Ain, Dubai. Berbeda dengan pameran buku yang pernah saya hadiri, London Book Fair murni bisnis, bukan ajang jumpa pembaca atau penikmatan sastra. Para pengunjung adalah para pemain industri seperti penerbit, pedagang hak cipta, agen literasi. Kelompok pengunjung lainnya adalah para pekerjanya seperti penulis, penerjemah, desainer, jurnalis. Pengalaman pertama menghadiri pameran buku seraksasa ini sangat mengobrak-abrik pemikiran saya. Di balairung utama Grand Hal, berjajar stan-stan dari penerbit besar dunia: Penguins, Harper Collins, Oxford, juga negara-negara Eropa seperti Prancis, Skandinavia, Jerman. Ini adalah zona yang [...]

September 28, 2015 // 9 Comments

Grand Overland Voyage

Exactly ten years ago, I started my four-year overland journey. I started from Beijing with $2000, dreaming to reach South Africa. From an illegal visitor to Tibet until a journalist in the war ridden Afghanistan, this journey has changed my whole life. Today, I’m back to Beijing, my point zero. But journey is a point of no return; I’m not the same person anymore and my point zero is not the same either. That’s indeed a journey of life. [...]

July 31, 2015 // 1 Comment

Indonesia: The Dollar Worshipers

I am Indonesian. I had to go abroad urgently. Thinking myself a nationalist, I automatically logged into the website of the national carrier—my pride—Garuda Indonesia. I did the e-booking for the international flight ticket. I was surprised that all prices were quoted in US Dollars, instead of in my own currency, Rupiah. I was confused, but I had to pay anyway. I got more confused that none of my national bank debit cards was accepted for the payment. Garuda only wanted Credit Card with the international logo of Visa or Mastercard. I was heartbroken. Our country’s national airline refused our own money and denied our own national banks. Alas. My Credit Card was over limit. I rushed to a private tour agent. I was relieved because they said they could help. But they quoted a price much more expensive than the one I saw earlier on the website. And yes, it was also in US dollars. I asked whether I could pay in rupiah, or use my debit cards. No, they said. Better bring us crispy US dollar bills, otherwise you have to agree with our unfavorable exchange rate. I ran to the nearby ATM, withdrew about a hundred pieces [...]

June 5, 2015 // 13 Comments

My Healing with Vipassana (2): Nothing is Permanent

Goenka the Teacher had reminded all the students that the Day 2 and Day 6 in our 10-day course of Vipassana would be the most difficult. At least, I can say, the Day 2 was really the biggest torture. I came to the Vipassana meditation course with an expectation of finding salvation from my depression. I thought I would see a magic aura of enlightenment, or beautiful visions, or a surreal experience of ecstasy. But what’s this? This was just a boring process of sitting in total silence, with nothing to do but to observe breath for ten hours per day. The more I craved for a divine vision, the more I got restless. While I closed my eyes and seemed calm, my mind was not unlike an untamed wild horse which brought me galloping over series of memories and fears. Once I saw blurred pictures of places I have visited, changing rapidly as flash: mountains of Himalaya, deserts of Pakistan, jungles of Papua. Suddenly after those happy moments of reiterating my traveling years on the road, my mind threw me to sorrow: hospitals, graveyard, funeral house, dead bodies of my parents, dead body of myself. This is the most [...]

May 10, 2015 // 2 Comments

Happy Mother’s Day

The world celebrates Mother’s Day today. Talking about mother, there is a picture that I hardly can erase from my memory. It’s a photo of an orphaned Iraqi girl who missed her mother so much, and drew an image of her mother on the ground. She then felt comfortable with the mother’s image, and fell asleep inside her. What a heartbreaking image. This picture made me so sad, imagining what kind of life with eternal longing for a mother’s love. (photo source: internet) This picture reminded me to a Chinese song my mother used to sing by whispering to my ears: Mom is the best in the world; the child with a mom is always be cherished;drop into mom’s arms, the happiness can be enjoyed forever.Mom is the best in the world; the child without a mom is like a grass;leave mom’s arms, where to find the happiness? You know how lucky you are, who have access to internet to read this post. You live in a peaceful country without the suffering of wars and disasters, you know what peace is and what love is. And how grateful you should be, to have a mother who loves you always. I [...]

May 10, 2015 // 8 Comments

My Healing with Vipassana (1): A Happiness Seeker and His Breath

Something was terribly wrong with me lately. I used to feel much “alive” when I travel on the road, but returning to days of monotony confined in Jakarta apartment always brought depression to me. It’s ironic to feel lonely amidst a busy and noisy apartment block inhabited by thousands of people. I was sure, my depression had something to do with my family problems. Since I lost my mother five years ago, sadness and fear slowly grew inside me. Three years after that, my father passed away. Year after year, I could not handle this loneliness anymore. I felt more and more insecure. Every quiet night I go to bed alone, I was bombarded by frustrating thoughts. Am I still needed in this world? For the sake of whom do I still need to continue my life? Even worse, I have depression and anxiety at the same time. As the negativity piled up, once in a while, I even contemplated of doing something very, very stupid to end my life. Until then, a friend suggested me to try Vipassana meditation. He himself had attended the course, and called the experience ‘life changing’. I have known earlier that much of our [...]

May 7, 2015 // 6 Comments

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