

Titik Nol 205: Pasar Senjata

Pistol yang disamarkan dalam bentuk pena dijual bebas di Darra (AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) Hembusan ganas Afghanistan sudah terendus di Peshawar. Tak lebih dari 40 kilometer sebelah selatan Peshawar, di tengah jalan utama menuju Kohat, terletak desa Darra Adam Khel. Dari luar memang nampak seperti desa Pakistan biasa. Kumuh, semrawut, dan berdebu. Yang tak biasa adalah, desingan tembakan yang tiada henti. Ini adalah tempat di mana segala macam senjata dan bedil dibuat di balik tembok rumah-rumah, dan anak-anak bermain butir-butir peluru menggantikan kelereng. Tak banyak tempat yang benar-benar wild west seperti Darra Adam Khel. Orang-orang bebas membeli dan mencoba segala macam senapan di sini. Mulai dari Kalashnikov, M-16, hingga bolpoint dan tongkat yang bisa menembak. Kakek tua bersurban dan berjenggot putih, keluar dari sebuah toko dengan senyum. Kemudian dia menembakkan M-16 nya ke udara. Tiga tembakan. Nampaknya dia cukup puas dengan bedil barunya. Langit Darra dipenuhi suara-suara tembakan yang menyalak-nyalak tanpa henti. Saya dikejutkan lebih dari sepuluh kali ketika menyeruput segelas teh panas di kedai. Hati saya penuh tanda tanya, ke mana jatuhnya peluru yang ditembakkan tegak lurus ke atas? Sesuai prinsip gravitasi, peluru itu pasti akan jatuh lagi ke bumi. Adakah dia jatuh kembali kepada si penembaknya? Atau nyasar menembus atap [...]

June 5, 2015 // 4 Comments

Happy Mother’s Day

The world celebrates Mother’s Day today. Talking about mother, there is a picture that I hardly can erase from my memory. It’s a photo of an orphaned Iraqi girl who missed her mother so much, and drew an image of her mother on the ground. She then felt comfortable with the mother’s image, and fell asleep inside her. What a heartbreaking image. This picture made me so sad, imagining what kind of life with eternal longing for a mother’s love. (photo source: internet) This picture reminded me to a Chinese song my mother used to sing by whispering to my ears: Mom is the best in the world; the child with a mom is always be cherished;drop into mom’s arms, the happiness can be enjoyed forever.Mom is the best in the world; the child without a mom is like a grass;leave mom’s arms, where to find the happiness? You know how lucky you are, who have access to internet to read this post. You live in a peaceful country without the suffering of wars and disasters, you know what peace is and what love is. And how grateful you should be, to have a mother who loves you always. I [...]

May 10, 2015 // 8 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Kota Para Syahid | City of Martyrs (Tehran, IRAN, 2009)

City of Martyrs (Tehran, IRAN, 2009) The concept of martyrdom is very important in Shia Iran. Their spiritual hero, Hussain ibn Ali, was martyred in the Battle of Karbala. Like the struggle of Hussain, Iran also regards itself as a minority defending the truth against the vice of majority. The history of Iran is full of similar stories: how the people power toppled the tyranny of Shah regime, how they were fighting against British and CIA plot, and how they are persistent defending their culture against Arab influence. Iran was involved in decade wars with the Arabs of Iraq, and now engulfed by the hegemony of America in the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, and Afghanistan. With the strong concept of martyrdom, the cities of Iran are full of monuments and murals to remember the spirit of the martyrs. Kota Para Syahid (Tehran, IRAN, 2009) Konsep syahid sangat penting di negeri Syiah Iran. Pahlawan spiritual mereka, Hussain bin Ali, menjadi syahid dalam Perang Karbala melawan kebatilan Yazid. Seperti perjuangan Hussain, Iran juga memandang dirinya sebagai minoritas yang membela kebenaran melawan mayoritas yang zalim. Sejarah Iran juga penuh cerita serupa: bagaimana kekuatan rakyat berhasil menggulingkan rezim Shah, bagaimana mereka melawan plot jahat kolonialis [...]

September 19, 2013 // 0 Comments