
Travel and Places

Byron Bay, 3 Agustus 2014: Festival Penulis

Bersama Janet Steele, Jono Lineen, Carina Hoanh, dan Bhuchung Sonam “So, where are you from?” tanya Janet Steele membuka panel diskusi “A Guest in Their Country” kepada kami para panelis: seorang pengungsi Tibet yang kini tinggal di Dharamsala, India; seorang Tionghoa Indonesia yang pernah mencari rumah ke negeri China; seorang pengungsi Vietnam yang pernah menjadi manusia perahu dan kini menikah dengan orang Australia dan tinggal di Australia; seorang Kanada-Australia yang kematian adiknya membawanya pergi ke Himalaya dan membuatnya menemukan agama baru—Buddhisme. Pertanyaan “Dari mana kamu?” adalah pertanyaan sederhana yang ternyata membutuhkan jawaban panjang. Bhuchung Sonam menceritakan bagaimana dia meninggalkan Tibet yang pernah menjadi rumahnya, ketika negerinya berada di bawah pendudukan China yang tidak akan pernah diakuinya sebagai tuan untuk negerinya, dan kini tinggal di India yang juga tidak pernah menjadi rumahnya. Bhuchung, dengan penuh kesedihan, mengatakan, dia tidak pernah kehilangan rumah karena memang dia tak punya rumah. Janet Steele, seorang jurnalis kawakan dari Amerika Serikat dan seorang Indonesianis, adalah moderator panel ini. Dia mengawali cuplikan dari buku saya Ground Zero, ketika saya berada di Kashmir di tengah keluarga pengungsi yang menjadikan saya sebagai bagian dari keluarga itu. Para pengungsi Kashmir itu berkata pada saya, “Agustinus, ke mana pun kamu pergi [...]

August 4, 2014 // 10 Comments

Byron Bay, July 31, 2014: A Nanny State?

“Australia is a country only for old people,” says Celine, a 22-year-old Indonesian student sitting next to me in a Qantas flight to Sydney. Celine lives in a suburb of Melbourne, and has been there for four years majoring food technology. “After 5 pm all shops are closed and the towns are deserted. There is absolutely no fun.” I am on my way to Gold Coast, to attend Byron Bay Writers Festival tomorrow; while Celine is heading to Melbourne and she will have some hours of transit in Sydney. Celine grumbles as she has no choice but to take this Qantas flight. She usually takes the Indonesian carrier, Garuda, which offers the only direct flight from Jakarta to Melbourne. But Garuda tickets are sold out, and only Qantas is available for her. But as I am a first timer to Qantas, I am very excited with this flight. In fact, I am first timer to any Western airlines. And I have to admit, I am shocked to see that all passengers were greeted by an overweight stewardess with thick lips wearing glossy lipsticks, whose age I bet around half a century. “Welcome, Sir,” she says with a friendly smile. In [...]

August 1, 2014 // 26 Comments

Jakarta, 29 Juli 2014: Australia dan Papua Nugini

Saya mengambil backpack, mengisinya dengan barang-barang, dan menyadari bahwa saya sudah tak ingat lagi kapan terakhir kali saya merasakan debar seperti ini. Debar akan Ketidaktahuan dan Keberbedaan. Besok, saya akan memulai perjalanan pertama saya keluar benua Asia. Hari Senin 21 Juli lalu saya mendapat konfirmasi undangan menghadiri Byron Bay Writers Festival (BBWF) di Byron Bay, NSW, 1-3 Agustus. Ini adalah festival penulis yang bekerja sama dengan Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, dan setiap tahun memberi kesempatan bagi penulis Indonesia maupun Asia untuk tampil pada forum penulis internasional ini. Karena waktu yang sangat mendesak, saya pun buru-buru mengurus visa Australia. Biasanya visa Australia membutuhkan waktu 5 hari kerja, dan berkenaan dengan Idul Fitri maka hari keberangkatan saya bertepatan dengan hari kerja ke-4. Agak riskan juga. Untunglah, visa Australia (dengan undangan dan permintaan urgen) keluar hanya dalam dua hari. Mengenai festival penulis ini, saya diundang untuk berbicara dalam dua panel, semuanya berhubungan dengan penulisan perjalanan. Hal yang paling membuat saya excited adalah kesempatan untuk berkomunikasi dengan penulis perjalanan dari negara lain. Ketika menerjemahkan buku ketiga saya, Titik Nol, ke dalam bahasa Inggris, saya sungguh menyadari betapa pola pikir dari setiap bangsa yang berbeda sangat memengaruhi cara masyarakat dari pengguna bahasa itu untuk [...]

July 29, 2014 // 27 Comments

Jakarta, July 29, 2014: Australia and Papua New Guinea

I grab my backpack, clean it up from a layer of thick dust covering it, and put my clothes inside. It has been years since the last time I touched this backpack. Suddenly I realize I do not remember the last time I felt this kind of anxiety. Anxiety to face the Unknown and the Otherness. Tomorrow, I will start my first trip out of Asia. Just few days ago, on Monday, July 21, I got the confirmation of invitation to attend the Byron Bay Writers Festival (BBWF) in Byron Bay, NSW, Australia, to be held from August 1 to 3. It is a literary festival in collaboration with the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival in the Indonesian island of Bali, which I have attended twice. Each year BBWF provides an opportunity for Indonesian writer for a special appearance in this international event. As the confirmed invitation came up in very last minutes, I was worrying whether I would get my Australian visa on time. Australian visa usually takes five working days. But as Indonesia is celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr, the day of my departure coincided with the 4th working day after I lodged my visa application along with complete invitation documents [...]

July 29, 2014 // 26 Comments

The Color is Red (Chinese New Year in Jakarta, 2014)

The Chinese Indonesians welcomes the arrival of Chinese New Year 2014. During the Suharto regime, the celebration of Chinese New Year in public was forbidden. But today, about a dozen years since the government allowed the Chinese community to celebrate their festivals and traditions openly, red is in full swing, red has become the dominating color in temples and shopping malls, on clothes and decorations, on the altar of Buddhist gods and on the lanterns and on the dragon masks. In Indonesia, the Chinese New Year is associated with religion. Indonesia is the only country in the world recognizing Confucianism as one of its state religions, and the Chinese New Year is regarded as religious holiday of Confucianism (as religious holidays are national holidays, thus it becomes nationwide holiday). While in China they say, “Happy Lunar New Year 2014”, in Indonesia they say, “Happy Lunar New Year 2565”, with 2565 is counted from the birthday of Confucius, the prophet of Confucianism. The Chinese believe that rain during the Chinese New Year will brings good fortune. In their ancestral land, Chinese New Year signifies the arrival of spring, and as they say, “Rain in spring is as worthy as oil”, the [...]

February 1, 2014 // 7 Comments

Jakarta, Water City

The heavy rain from midnight until early morning today has caused numerous Jakarta streets flooded. Rains, floods, traffic jams, total deadlock, have been haunting Jakarta and other cities in Indonesia since last three weeks. In Jakarta, somehow it’s important to emphasize the difference between “a pile of water” and “flood”. The local Chinese believe that rains symbolize good fortune, especially if it rains during the Chinese new year’s Eve (which happens to be tomorrow midnight), the heavy rain is believed to bring a super-prosperous new year. But for sure, the flooding at least brings some fortune to the kids (who are always enjoying “beach-waves-and-swimming-pool-right-in-the-heart-of-the-capital-city”) and chart owners, who earned money by transporting motorcycles on their charts. In this year rainy season, some 40 thousands of Jakarta dwellers had to stay in temporary shelters. There were also some kids who participated in swimming contest in a flooded river, drowned, and unfortunately, get killed. What striked me most after living abroad for more than a dozen years and come back to my home country, is seeing laughter and smiles on the faces of my countrymen, despite the fact that they are facing disasters and troubles. The laughter, the never-faded smiles, the genuine [...]

January 29, 2014 // 3 Comments

The Palace of Illusions

When drawing a picture about memory of the past, we tend to have only two alternatives. Either we amplify good memories and minimize the bad ones, or the other way round. When the nostalgia is about history, this can be dangerous, as the history may turn to an illusion, no matter how real the events are. The incidence of nostalgia may bring you to homesickness. American physicians in nineteenth century even pointed out that acute nostalgia led to “mental dejection”, “cerebral derangement” and sometimes even death. In Indonesia, the so-called history is never so long ago. Some people say, Indonesians have such short memories as they suffer from “history amnesia”. With most of its population are less than 30 years old, majority people did not really experience the whole history of the Republic, from the Independence struggle era (1940s), Sukarno’s Old Order (1950s), the chaos before the arrival of Suharto’s New Order (1960s), and the never ending period of our-president-is-him-again-and-him-again (1970s-1990s). When grumbling about the hardship in current democratic period, people tend to turn their head to the past: how strong and respected our country during Sukarno! How things were cheap and life were happy under Suharto! How we need [...]

December 15, 2013 // 7 Comments

[旅行家Traveler] :火山印尼 “后末日”时代

  旅行家2013年01月期 策划/本刊编辑部 执行/王笑一 汤文宇 林伽 程婉 刘江 特约撰稿人/Agustinus Wibowo 本文/Agustinus Wibowo 王笑一 译/明如 专题·印尼 当飞机穿行在印度尼西亚岛屿间,舷窗外不时掠过一座座隆起的火山,犹如火环倒扣在大地之上——在这个世界上火山分布最为密集的国家里,由东到西静卧了400多座火山,其中活火山多达129座,占了全世界活火山数量的1/6。这些动不动就发脾气的怪家伙,大咳几声就是山崩地裂、海啸滔天,威力足以将人类送回史前时代。 梳理印尼的旅游资源,科莫多巨蜥、婆罗浮屠、蜡染、香料、殖民建筑……这些表面看来毫无关联的事物背后,其实都与火山有着千丝万缕的联系。是火山,让印尼地质结构独特、拥有肥沃的土地、长出诱人的物种、引来贪婪的殖民者;也是火山,让印尼的宗教区别又相通、人民知足又乐观;还是火山,在印尼大力发展旅游业的时期,成为一个最有力的卖点。 [...]

January 1, 2013 // 0 Comments

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