Hobi traveling memang biasanya klop sama hobi fotografi. Tapi dengan tambahan pengetahuan dan penguasaan bahasa serta kemampuan bercerita, semuanya menjadi komplit. Salut buat Mas Avgustin. Ternyata, perjalanan saya nyasar di Lumajang, tempat asal Anda belum ada apa-apanya dibanding kisah-kisah ini. By the way, Anda punya sahabat seperjalanan nggak? Kaya Old Shatterhand yang punya Winnetou, gitu?
they will never stop the people of hussainabad. they are creating the society we have been waiting for. do not hesitate in joining the blessing that is hussainabad. continue the mission you have been given the power to complete
Gw bangga punya countrymate seperti elo yg punya keberanian dan kemauan untuk menjelajahi berbagai negara di seputaran asia tengah sana. Walaupun negara yg elu singgahi sekarang lagi bergejolak tapi elu punya keberanian untuk menghadapi situasi tsb. Salut ada orang Indonesia seperti elu, nggak kalah ama bangsa2 lain di dunia. Mudah2an ini bisa menjadi contoh yg baik buat other indonesians untuk berkarya. Hati2 disana, semoga selamat sampai di tanah air lagi. Kau udah buat harum nama negara..Thank you my friend!
Just want to say hi…. I really admire your braveness traveling to one of dangerous place in the world. I really hope that you find what you’re looking for and your journey will continue and never stop. From a friend
Pendeknya saya IRI MALU dan BANGGA dengan anda, ternyata hari gini ada lho yang berkeliling dunia dan bangga membawa nama Indonesia, dengan hasil foto foto jurnalistik dan dokumenter yang tidak kalah dengan fotografer import. Apakah ada rencana berpameran atau meluncurkan sebuah buku (coffetable book) ? Kalau mau tolong kabari saya via email , insyaallah saya akan datang dan beli. Salut untuk anda, terus berkarya sampai peta muka bumi di site ini merah semua. MERDEKA !!!
wah saya salut ama anda. bener lho! jadi iri gitcu.perlu keberanian dan kesiapan mental untuk seperti anda. Good Luck! doakan saya juga seperti anda mewujudkan impian masa kecil saya.
oh wow…it is really an amazing journey i ever read from an asian boy exzpecially your journey in afghanistan…oh man..im really..really impressed on this journey notes..god..please give all the strengness and luck in the world to this guys…so he will always in motivation to continue his journey..and share the story..so others readers and me can read the writing…Avgustin..tell you what..ur the greatest traveller and backbacker i’ve ever read and meet along my journey…Keep it up man since this motivation is really become infectious to me and others..
GREAT..! It needs a great courage. Keep on praying, there’s always hope to heal the world (or am I just too optimistic?), I envy You, hoping oneday will spend my days to travel not for pleasure but to discover..!
Hi there! Remember me? We met in Cambodia in 2004 and went together visitng the killing fields and the prison. How’s it going? Still in Afghanistan? I am here in Germany working on my PhD – not much time for travelling any more at the moment. Have a good time! Good luck . Thomas.
Dear traveler, currently reading The Kite Runner, and can’t put it down. A story about Afghanistan and the times. For us ignorant americans, many emotions to deal with…life here is so blessed but jaded. As an american ceo, I look forward to becoming educated and following your journey. thanks.
Apa kabar Agustinus? Senang dan bangga saya, yang baru hari ini, melihat kelelahanmu yang menakjubkan tampil di dunia maya, dan berbagi dengan kita semua….. Salut dan selamat ya!!! Kapan ke Tashkent lagi…. atau barangkali menjenguk Indonesia yang belum tersentuh kameramu?
Hobi traveling memang biasanya klop sama hobi fotografi. Tapi dengan tambahan pengetahuan dan penguasaan bahasa serta kemampuan bercerita, semuanya menjadi komplit. Salut buat Mas Avgustin. Ternyata, perjalanan saya nyasar di Lumajang, tempat asal Anda belum ada apa-apanya dibanding kisah-kisah ini. By the way, Anda punya sahabat seperjalanan nggak? Kaya Old Shatterhand yang punya Winnetou, gitu?
good job
Hi,like ur pHoto and story.Learn,life,travel is amazing.Hope someday i olso can do It.
they will never stop the people of hussainabad. they are creating the society we have been waiting for. do not hesitate in joining the blessing that is hussainabad. continue the mission you have been given the power to complete
We are proud of you !
Amazing courage.
I wish younger … so I can travel with you.
Be safe … !!
I admire the galeri… The pics are adorable. I also enjoy the writing about things out there. You are very brave man.. Keep the spirit! Bersemangat…!
Gw bangga punya countrymate seperti elo yg punya keberanian dan kemauan untuk menjelajahi berbagai negara di seputaran asia tengah sana.
Walaupun negara yg elu singgahi sekarang lagi bergejolak tapi elu punya keberanian untuk menghadapi situasi tsb.
Salut ada orang Indonesia seperti elu, nggak kalah ama bangsa2 lain di dunia.
Mudah2an ini bisa menjadi contoh yg baik buat other indonesians untuk berkarya.
Hati2 disana, semoga selamat sampai di tanah air lagi. Kau udah buat harum nama negara..Thank you my friend!
Just want to say hi…. I really admire your braveness traveling to one of dangerous place in the world. I really hope that you find what you’re looking for and your journey will continue and never stop.
From a friend
Salah satu impian terbesar saya, adalah fotografi story dan travel. Salut dengan anda
Pendeknya saya IRI MALU dan BANGGA dengan anda, ternyata hari gini ada lho yang berkeliling dunia dan bangga membawa nama Indonesia, dengan hasil foto foto jurnalistik dan dokumenter yang tidak kalah dengan fotografer import.
Apakah ada rencana berpameran atau meluncurkan sebuah buku (coffetable book) ? Kalau mau tolong kabari saya via email , insyaallah saya akan datang dan beli.
Salut untuk anda, terus berkarya sampai peta muka bumi di site ini merah semua.
wah saya salut ama anda. bener lho! jadi iri gitcu.perlu keberanian dan kesiapan mental untuk seperti anda. Good Luck! doakan saya juga seperti anda mewujudkan impian masa kecil saya.
oh wow…it is really an amazing journey i ever read from an asian boy exzpecially your journey in afghanistan…oh man..im really..really impressed on this journey notes..god..please give all the strengness and luck in the world to this guys…so he will always in motivation to continue his journey..and share the story..so others readers and me can read the writing…Avgustin..tell you what..ur the greatest traveller and backbacker i’ve ever read and meet along my journey…Keep it up man since this motivation is really become infectious to me and others..
GREAT..! It needs a great courage. Keep on praying, there’s always hope to heal the world (or am I just too optimistic?), I envy You, hoping oneday will spend my days to travel not for pleasure but to discover..!
fantastic, your trips to central asia should be booked and publlished for public. good work!. My BF is an Afghanistan, now he is in Asghabat.
Hi there! Remember me? We met in Cambodia in 2004 and went together visitng the killing fields and the prison. How’s it going? Still in Afghanistan? I am here in Germany working on my PhD – not much time for travelling any more at the moment. Have a good time! Good luck . Thomas.
Dear traveler, currently reading The Kite Runner, and can’t put it down. A story about Afghanistan and the times. For us ignorant americans, many emotions to deal with…life here is so blessed but jaded. As an american ceo, I look forward to becoming educated and following your journey. thanks.
your journey is very inspiring!
bring back more stories and pics!
all the best, bung!
It’s a wow.
I really enjoy your writing about Wakhan Corridor. May I inquire how to travel there
just want to say “wow…keren banget”
Ale..Kad dela, Paklik? Rabotaet Subotu?. Got new job now…?
Selamat bertugas bro…
Fantastic Photographs.
Apa kabar Agustinus? Senang dan bangga saya, yang baru hari ini, melihat kelelahanmu yang menakjubkan tampil di dunia maya, dan berbagi dengan kita semua…..
Salut dan selamat ya!!! Kapan ke Tashkent lagi…. atau barangkali menjenguk Indonesia yang belum tersentuh kameramu?
i fund this site very well . e-mail chapursan@yahoo.com
great eforts nice pics
i should donate to your site very nice job
Greetings from Droma & Thomas. Are you still on road? still in Afg right now? Be careful… 🙂