

[VIDEO] Net TV (2014): Talk Show Perjalanan minat khusus bersama Agustinus Wibowo

Indonesia Morning Show Net TV 29 December 2014: Talk Show Perjalanan minat khusus bersama Agustinus Wibowo Agustinus Wibowo not only travels, but also learning the life of the people in the regions he visits. He has visited countries like Afghanistan, Mongolia, Pakistan, and just returned from a three-month journey in Papua New Guinea, and is projecting to visit all Indonesian borders. In Indonesia Morning Show NET TV 29 December 2014, Agustinus talks about his journey and what he has learned.     Talkshow in Indonesia Morning Show program of Net TV on traveling to unusual places to learn about the life of the [...]

January 27, 2015 // 7 Comments

[VIDEO] Net TV (2014): Berwisata Sekaligus Belajar

Indonesia Morning Show Net TV 29 December 2014: Agustinus Wibowo berwisata sekaligus pelajari kehidupan daerah sekitarnya Agustinus Wibowo not only travels, but also learning the life of the people in the regions he visits. He has visited countries like Afghanistan, Mongolia, Pakistan, and just returned from a three-month journey in Papua New Guinea, and is projecting to visit all Indonesian borders. In Indonesia Morning Show NET TV 29 December 2014, Agustinus talks about his journey and what he has learned.     Talkshow in Indonesia Morning Show program of Net TV on traveling to unusual places to learn about the life of the [...]

January 24, 2015 // 5 Comments

The Palace of Illusions

When drawing a picture about memory of the past, we tend to have only two alternatives. Either we amplify good memories and minimize the bad ones, or the other way round. When the nostalgia is about history, this can be dangerous, as the history may turn to an illusion, no matter how real the events are. The incidence of nostalgia may bring you to homesickness. American physicians in nineteenth century even pointed out that acute nostalgia led to “mental dejection”, “cerebral derangement” and sometimes even death. In Indonesia, the so-called history is never so long ago. Some people say, Indonesians have such short memories as they suffer from “history amnesia”. With most of its population are less than 30 years old, majority people did not really experience the whole history of the Republic, from the Independence struggle era (1940s), Sukarno’s Old Order (1950s), the chaos before the arrival of Suharto’s New Order (1960s), and the never ending period of our-president-is-him-again-and-him-again (1970s-1990s). When grumbling about the hardship in current democratic period, people tend to turn their head to the past: how strong and respected our country during Sukarno! How things were cheap and life were happy under Suharto! How we need [...]

December 15, 2013 // 7 Comments

[VIDEO] Net TV (2013): Travel Photographer

16 July 2013   Talkshow in Indonesia Morning Show program of Net TV on life as travel photographer (and travel writer), especially in Central Asia and war zones of [...]

July 16, 2013 // 0 Comments

[VIDEO] Kick Andy (2011): Kisah Para Petualang   Jumat, 27 Mei 2011 21:30 WIB KISAH PARA PETUALANG Dalam perjalanan kehidupan seorang manusia, pada suatu saat terkadang memerlukan sebuah proses mencari makna hidup melalui hal-hal yang tidak terduga dan bahkan tidak dapat dimengerti oleh orang lain. Hal tersebut dapat berupa melakukan aktifitas berbeda yang diluar rutinitas, kegemaran yang dilakukan secara total, maupun peristiwa-peristiwa yang dialami ketika berada dalam perjalanan menuju suatu tempat. Sesungguhnya inti dari semuanya itu adalah adanya perjuangan dan proses pembelajaran yang dinikmati dengan ikhlas. Itulah yang telah dilakukan oleh para tamu Kick Andy dalam episode ini, mereka adalah para petualang yang sejenak berbagi kisah perjalanannya dengan kita. Rob Rama Rambini. Pria kelahiran Roma, Italia ini adalah sulung dari 3 bersaudara. Ibundanya adalah seorang pianis dan komposer musik, Trisutji Kamal. Besar di Jakarta dan saat lulus SMA ia ikut ayahnya dan tinggal di berbagai negara di Eropa dan Rusia. Selama hidupnya, Rama mengaku tidak pernah tinggal lama disuatu tempat, karena mengikuti sang ayah yang bekerja di Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI). Perasaan tidak pernah terikat pada suatu tempat, bisa jadi telah membuat sosok Rama akhirnya mampu melakukan solo sailing dari California ke Indonesia selama lebih kurang 11 bulan. Dengan membiayai sendiri pelayarannya dengan kurang lebih [...]

May 27, 2011 // 0 Comments