

[VIDEO] Net TV (2014): Talk Show Perjalanan minat khusus bersama Agustinus Wibowo

Indonesia Morning Show Net TV 29 December 2014: Talk Show Perjalanan minat khusus bersama Agustinus Wibowo Agustinus Wibowo not only travels, but also learning the life of the people in the regions he visits. He has visited countries like Afghanistan, Mongolia, Pakistan, and just returned from a three-month journey in Papua New Guinea, and is projecting to visit all Indonesian borders. In Indonesia Morning Show NET TV 29 December 2014, Agustinus talks about his journey and what he has learned.     Talkshow in Indonesia Morning Show program of Net TV on traveling to unusual places to learn about the life of the [...]

January 27, 2015 // 7 Comments

[VIDEO] Net TV (2014): Berwisata Sekaligus Belajar

Indonesia Morning Show Net TV 29 December 2014: Agustinus Wibowo berwisata sekaligus pelajari kehidupan daerah sekitarnya Agustinus Wibowo not only travels, but also learning the life of the people in the regions he visits. He has visited countries like Afghanistan, Mongolia, Pakistan, and just returned from a three-month journey in Papua New Guinea, and is projecting to visit all Indonesian borders. In Indonesia Morning Show NET TV 29 December 2014, Agustinus talks about his journey and what he has learned.     Talkshow in Indonesia Morning Show program of Net TV on traveling to unusual places to learn about the life of the [...]

January 24, 2015 // 5 Comments

The Palace of Illusions

When drawing a picture about memory of the past, we tend to have only two alternatives. Either we amplify good memories and minimize the bad ones, or the other way round. When the nostalgia is about history, this can be dangerous, as the history may turn to an illusion, no matter how real the events are. The incidence of nostalgia may bring you to homesickness. American physicians in nineteenth century even pointed out that acute nostalgia led to “mental dejection”, “cerebral derangement” and sometimes even death. In Indonesia, the so-called history is never so long ago. Some people say, Indonesians have such short memories as they suffer from “history amnesia”. With most of its population are less than 30 years old, majority people did not really experience the whole history of the Republic, from the Independence struggle era (1940s), Sukarno’s Old Order (1950s), the chaos before the arrival of Suharto’s New Order (1960s), and the never ending period of our-president-is-him-again-and-him-again (1970s-1990s). When grumbling about the hardship in current democratic period, people tend to turn their head to the past: how strong and respected our country during Sukarno! How things were cheap and life were happy under Suharto! How we need [...]

December 15, 2013 // 7 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Dua Tahun Sebelum dan Sesudah | Two Years Before, Two Years After (Sust, Pakistan, 2006)

Two Years Before, Two Years After  (Sust, Pakistan, 2006) Two years before, I met these five girls of Sust, near the Chinese border. Two years after, again I met four of them and brought them the old photo. Can you see which girl is missing? Dua Tahun Sebelum dan Sesudah  (Sust, Pakistan, 2006) Dua tahun sebelumnya, saya berjumpa dengan lima gadis Sust di dekat perbatasan Pakistan dengan China. Dua tahun sesudahnya, saya berjumpa lagi dengan empat dari mereka dan membawakan mereka selembar foto lama. Bisakah Anda melihat, gadis mana yang hilang?                 [...]

November 6, 2013 // 11 Comments


巴彦乌列盖(Bayan Olgii)是蒙古最西部且海拔最高的省份,如果从乌兰巴托前往,需忍受长达70 多个小时、十分颠簸的车程,但仍值得一去。在当地生活的哈萨克族人至今保留着伊斯兰传统生活方式,由于穆斯林在饮酒上的限制,犯罪事件相对较少,因此在当地旅行比在蒙古其他地方安全许多。每年在乌列盖都会举办金鹰节(Golden Eagle Festival),当地数百名猎鹰高手参与角逐,成千上万的国际游客也会前来观赛。节日期间,还会举行哈萨克族的传统服饰狂欢秀。

September 15, 2013 // 0 Comments

[VIDEO] Net TV (2013): Travel Photographer

16 July 2013   Talkshow in Indonesia Morning Show program of Net TV on life as travel photographer (and travel writer), especially in Central Asia and war zones of [...]

July 16, 2013 // 0 Comments

Tempo (2013): Speaking about Poetry and Photography (Makassar International Writers Festival 2013) Speaking about Poetry and Photography Wednesday, 26 June, 2013 | 22:13 WIB TEMPO.CO, Makassar – Agustinus Wibowo, the writer of three travel books, said, “As promoted by an airline ad, everyone can fly now. Yet not everyone can understand the meaning of a journey.” Agus put forth his statement during a discussion at the Makassar International Writers Festival on June 25, 2013. He was the speaker for the first session on the first day of the festival. He spoke about the relationship between poetry and photography. “Many things can be poetic and touching from a journey, just as long as we can find the meaning,” said the author of the books Titik Nol, Selimut Debu, and Garis Batas. Agus, who has traveled to numerous countries in Central Asia, exhibited some pictures as an example. He said trips that are rushed and target-oriented would not have any meaning. Only journeys that are deeply observed and understood can create poetic portrayals in the mind. One of the photos Agus displayed was a picture of a muscle man, a participant of the Master of Afghanistan. “When a person first arrives in Afghanistan, they will take pictures of the war, opium fields, and others. However, if they [...]

June 26, 2013 // 0 Comments

DetikTravel (2013): Tentang Etika Fotografi Perjalanan

Penting! Ini Etika Berfoto Saat Traveling •    Oleh: Afif Farhan – detikTravel •    Rabu, 19/06/2013 16:29 WIB Jakarta – Kurang lengkap rasanya, jika Anda tidak foto-foto atau narsis saat traveling ke suatu destinasi. Meski begitu, ada beberapa etika yang harus Anda tahu sebelum menjepretkan kamera. Jangan sampai kasus Borobudur terulang! Berfoto sudah menjadi kegiatan wajib para wisatawan. Objek-objek wisata seperti pantai, gunung, atau atraksi wisata berupa tari-tarian, dapat Anda abadikan sebagai kenang-kenangan di dalam kamera. Tapi ingat, ada etika-etika berfoto saat tarveling yang harus Anda perhatikan. Penulis buku Garis Batas yang sudah berkeliling Asia Tengah, Agustinus Wibowo berbincang dengan detikTravel mengenai etika berfoto saat traveling. Dia pun memberikan banyak petuah dan pengalaman-pengalaman uniknya saat berfoto-foto di suatu destinasi: 1. Cari tahu soal aturan berfoto “Pertama, cari dulu tanda larangan memotret. Kalau tidak ada tandanya, berarti Anda bebas foto-foto di situ,” tutur pria yang biasa disapa Agus ini, Rabu (19/6/2013). Agus menambahkan, hal tersebut baiknya dilakukan di tempat-tempat wisata berupa candi, masjid, atau bangunan bersejarah. Sebabnya, bisa-bisa kena denda atau malah ditangkap. “Pernah saya di Turkmenistan ditangkap karena dianggap mata-mata. Sebab, saya memotret patung-patung emas yang ada di sana. Sampai mau keluar negaranya, kamera saya diperiksa lagi apakah ada foto tersebut [...]

June 19, 2013 // 0 Comments


巴彦乌列盖(Bayan Olgii)是蒙古最西部且海拔最高的省份,如果从乌兰巴托前往,需忍受长达70 多个小时、十分颠簸的车程,但仍值得一去。在当地生活的哈萨克族人至今保留着伊斯兰传统生活方式,由于穆斯林在饮酒上的限制,犯罪事件相对较少,因此在当地旅行比在蒙古其他地方安全许多。每年在乌列盖都会举办金鹰节(Golden Eagle Festival),当地数百名猎鹰高手参与角逐,成千上万的国际游客也会前来观赛。节日期间,还会举行哈萨克族的传统服饰狂欢秀。

March 23, 2012 // 0 Comments



January 13, 2012 // 0 Comments



December 23, 2011 // 0 Comments

Traveler【旅行家】(2011):伊朗旅游的“后ADS时代”: 既小众,又高端


October 23, 2011 // 0 Comments

Jakarta Post Weekender (2009): Face of Kabul THE WEEKENDER JAKARTA POST: Face of Kabul The Jakarta Post – WEEKENDER | Thu, 01/29/2009 8:00 PM | City Scene Agustinus Wibowo is a 27-year-old backpacker, photographer and writer whose passion for traveling the world has carried him across continents and borders. Recent explorations led to Kabul, Afghanistan, a city that was once the proud son of Persia. Agus’ essays on Central Asian countries are published regularly on and will soon be serialized in print by Kompas Publisher. Here he gives us a glimpse of the war-torn country after decades of civil war and living in fear under the Taliban regime. Mean Streets According to UNICEF, between 50,000 and 60,000 children live on the streets of Kabul. The number continues to rise every year, even though dozens of local and international organizations have committed themselves to eradicating poverty in Afghanistan’s war-torn regions. These children will do anything to earn money, from begging to polishing shoes to selling candy to passersby. Most of them make less than a dollar a day on the unfriendly Kabul streets. A Second Chance Three decades of war, thousands of land mines and various types of diseases caused by poor health services have turned [...]

January 29, 2009 // 2 Comments

Exposure Magazine (2009): Menggapai Negeri Atap Dunia

EXPOSURE MAGAZINE (DECEMBER 2008) MENGGAPAI NEGERI ATAP DUNIA “Tempat ini demikian tingginya, hingga burung pun tak mampu terbang ke sana,” demikian Marco Polo melukiskan barisan pegunungan ini. Kabut menyelimuti taburan kemah putih bundar suku nomaden. Lenguhan keras yak bertanduk raksasa menggemakan keangkuhan gunung padas. Sungai deras mengalir, padang hijau membentang, danau biru kelam menyemburatkan misteri, rintik salju mengguyur perlahan. Anak-anak bermain bola ditelan awan. Sunyi. Damai. Mistis. Inilah musim panas di Pamir, atap dunia di ujung paling terpencil negeri Afghan, pada ketinggian 4.300 meter. Di sini salju bisa turun kapan saja. Sepanjang musim, sepanjang tahun. Manakala ibukota Kabul terbakar oleh mentari bulan Juli, saya di Pamir harus meringkuk di tepi perapian, menghirup segarnya susu yak bersama potongan daging kambing rebus sebesar lengan. Yang tinggal di alam yang tak bersahabat ini adalah bangsa Kirghiz, bangsa minoritas di Afghanistan, yang masih mempraktikkan cara hidup nomaden yang hampir punah di penjuru mana pun di muka bumi ini. Kaum prianya adalah penunggang kuda yang jempolan. Kaum perempuannya berpakaian merah menyala, lengkap dengan lusinan kalung, gelang, dan pernak-pernik yang berat. Yang masih gadis bertudung merah. Yang sudah menikah berkerudung putih, seperti salju yang menangkupi puncakpuncak gunung raksasa yang menjulang di sekeliling. Mereka hidup dalam roda [...]

December 13, 2008 // 1 Comment

Jakarta Post Weekender (2008): Time Stands Still BEYOND BORDERS: Time Stands Still Sparsely populated and well hidden from the rest of the world, Wakhan Corridor is as medieval today as it was over 700 years ago when Marco Polo passed through. Agustinus Wibowo visits the region. The awkward tongue of Afghanistan, located at the northeastern tip of the country, is a 200-mile-long valley that stretches between Tajikistan and Pakistan. A strategic territory created by the once-reigning British Empire at the end of the 19th century, Wakhan Corridor was first attached to Afghan territory as a buffer zone between Britain and Russia. Though the battle for supremacy between the two giants has long ended, little seems to have changed since then. Time has been suspended for what seems like eternity. Deprived of the comforts of modern living, Afghans tend to paint rosy images of Tajikistan, where women are not required to wear the burqa and children receive the education they deserve. It’s a very different story in the nearby land of the Wakhi and Kyrgyz people, where the only rules that apply are those which enhance their survival. The corridor’s isolation from the rest of the world makes Afghan’s narrow passage – only 10 miles wide – [...]

January 25, 2008 // 2 Comments