Muzaffarabad – Missed Call

It was a real call, not just mere a ‘missed call’
March 2, 2006
After the major earthquake disaster on October 8 last year, up till now there were already 2,000 big and small aftershocks, of which the people called as ‘missed call’, as the shocks resembles the short vibration of the mobile phone when a missed call comes. I was not shocked by the small earthquakes, as we also live in earthquake area in our homeland. But the people here, covered by the trauma from the disaster, were all running to the street. Still most people chose to live in tents instead of inhabiting the house buildings; no matter how good and untouched the house was, as everybody was still afraid. I was sleeping in my room at that time, when the young boy in the office urged me to run away immediately.
It was a missed call anyway. No hurry
I hope the earth moved for you, Ming 😉
Sorry, silly joke 🙂
Yeah… Missed calls from the God, never ignore it ;))