#1Pic1Day: Pulang | Going Home (Pakistan, 2006)
Going Home (Pakistan, 2006)
Thar is one of the driest deserts with the highest population density in the world. Thar stretches from Pakistan to India. The inhabitants have to walk for kilometers on boiling sand just to gather water. The desert dwellers usually travel to the nearby town of Umerkot in interior Sindh Province for shopping or selling their animals. The public transport departs from the desert villages in early morning, and return back from the town at afternoon. That’s the time for the desert dwellers to go back to the dry desert they call home.
Pulang (Pakistan, 2006)
Gurun Thar adalah salah satu gurun paling kering namun paling padat penduduknya di dunia. Gurun ini melintang dari Pakistan hingga India, dihuni oleh bangsa gurun yang harus mencari air hingga berkilo-kilometer. Penduduk Thar biasanya bepergian ke Umerkot, kota terdekat di pedalaman Provinsi Sindh, untuk berbelanja. Angkutan umum biasanya berangkat dari kampung-kampung gurun pada pagi buta, dan kembali lagi dari kota ke tengah gurun di sore menjelang petang, karena itulah waktunya bagi warga gurun untuk pulang ke tengah padang gersang yang menjadi rumah mereka.
I wonder mas, how can people choose to live there, the hardest place to live, and still call it home? Just curious…
Fotonya bercerita, RT : #1Pic1Day: Pulang | Going Home (Pakistan, 2006) – http://t.co/uprFGNMggV http://t.co/QPcgtPKmfO
Subhanallah…… Vey Amazing…. 🙂
home sweet home