

Menyoal Identitas Indonesia dan Dunia di London Book Fair 2019

Pertanyaan tentang identitas adalah tema yang terus-menerus dibahas belakangan ini di berbagai penjuru dunia, baik dalam konteks politik global maupun di dunia perbukuan. Pada bulan Maret lalu, saat Indonesia menjadi tamu kehormatan (“Market Focus”) dalam pameran buku terbesar kedua di dunia London Book Fair, saya sebagai penulis mendapat kepercayaan untuk menjadi bagian dari delegasi. Saya diberi kesempatan berbicara dalam tiga panel diskusi, dan kebetulan semuanya berhubungan dengan isu identitas.  Panel pembuka bagi kehadiran Indonesia dalam ajang London Book Fair tahun ini diselenggarakan pada 11 Maret 2019 di aula British Library, London. Mengangkat tema “17.000 Pulau Imajinasi: Sastra Indonesia Hari Ini”, tiga panelis—yaitu Seno Gumira Ajidarma, Dewi Lestari, dan saya—berbicara tentang perkembangan kesusastraan Indonesia dari perspektif genre dan latar belakang kepenulisan yang berbeda-beda. Menariknya, moderator Louise Doughty membuka diskusi dengan pertanyaan yang kelihatannya cukup mudah, tetapi sebenarnya sangat sulit dijawab: “Bagaimana Anda mengidentifikasikan diri Anda sendiri?” Sebagai keturunan imigran Cina generasi ketiga di Indonesia, pertanyaan “Siapa saya?” adalah pertanyaan yang menghantui saya sejak kecil. Saya dibesarkan dengan dongeng-dongeng eksotik dari negeri leluhur saya, dan keluarga saya selalu mendidik bahwa saya adalah Zhongguo-ren, orang Tiongkok. Tetapi di luar rumah, saya belajar bahwa saya adalah orang Indonesia, [...]

April 25, 2019 // 5 Comments

THE JAKARTA POST CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP: Travel Writing Instructor: Agustinus Wibowo We have arrived in an era where virtually everybody can travel. Somehow, the dream of exploring the unfamiliar world, a dream that decades ago seemed impossible, now has become a reality for many people. Being a travel writer is one plausible way to achieve this. It is still one of the best jobs in the world, as it enables one to travel extensively, and get paid for it. But competition is harsh; to be a distinctive and qualified travel writer is not as easy as it sounds. Moreover, travel writing is a new genre in Indonesia with so much space to learn from the far more mature industry of travel writing out in the West. This course will bring you to diverse aspects of travel writing. We will discuss many representative works from some of the best travel writers and their work. We will also dig into the reality of travel writing as a profession. This course is perfect for journalists, freelance writers, memoir writers, even fiction writers. Nevertheless, students are not required to have any previous coursework in Creative Writing. At the end of this course, you will be able to: develop ideas and direct your [...]

March 30, 2017 // 2 Comments

Penulis Bicara Soal Garis Batas

Seperti halnya oksigen dan gravitasi bumi, garis batas tidak terlihat, tetapi ia memengaruhi setiap aspek hidup kita. Mulai dari garis batas fisik sampai ke kewarganegaraan, etnik, agama, bahasa, warna kulit, ideologi… garis batas ada di mana-mana. Garis batas menempatkan orang dalam kotak yang berbeda-beda, dan telah menyebabkan begitu banyak penderitaan sejak awal peradaban kita. Tetapi, apakah kita benar-benar bisa terbebas dari semua garis batas itu dan hidup dalam sebuah dunia yang tanpa batas? Pada ajang literasi internasional tahunan yang di gelar di Ubud, Bali, tahun ini saya diundang untuk berbicara dalam sejumlah sesi yang berhubungan dengan garis batas. Kebetulan, Ubud Writers & Readers Festival (UWRF) 2016 ini mengangkat slogan Tat Tvam Asi, yang diterjemahkan sebagai: I am You, You are Me. Ini adalah sebuah kalimat suci dalam bahasa Sanskerta, yang melambangkan tentang Kebenaran Hakiki yang ada di dalam diri setiap manusia. Tetapi kalimat ini juga bisa diartikan sebagai dukungan terhadap keberagaman: bahwa semua manusia, walaupun berbeda-beda, pada hakikatnya adalah satu. Bagi saya pribadi, slogan Tat Tvam Asi beresonansi sangat kuat. Sebagai minoritas, saya dibesarkan dengan konsep garis batas yang terpatri di benak. Perjalanan saya berkeliling Asia dengan menembus berbagai garis batas negeri pun sesungguhnya berawal dari kegelisahan saya akan garis [...]

November 3, 2016 // 6 Comments

Agustinus Wibowo in Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2016

This is my schedule for this year’s awaited literary festival, UWRF 2016. I have got quite a busy schedule, but I am really excited to see you all there. And I really love this year’s theme: “I am you, you are me“.   Live Music & Arts: Pecha Kucha 26 Oct 2016 20:30 – 22:00 After Dark / Live Music & Arts IDR 75,000 Betelnut . Jl. Raya Ubud (Google Maps) Ignite your ideas with a fast and furious Pecha Kucha night at Betelnut. Brave Festival artists step out on stage to share what they’re passionate about in the 20×20 format: 20 images, 20 seconds each. Tickets available at the door. Featuring: Agustinus Wibowo, Emmanuela Shinta, Madelaine Dickie, Mayank Austen Soofi, Melizarani T Selva, Yassmin Abdel-Magiied Book Launch: Zero: When Journey Takes You Home 27 Oct 2016 16:30 – 18:00 Book Launches / Free Events Free Rondji Restaurant. Jl. Raya Campuhan (Google Maps) After 10 years, the traveller returns home and comes face-to-face with one reality he has always feared: his mother is on the brink death. He recounts his journey, page after page, to his dying mother who has barely ever left their little village in Java. [...]

October 23, 2016 // 0 Comments

Book Launch: Ground Zero–When the Journey Takes You Home

  It’s TODAY! The launching of “Ground Zero: When the Journey Takes You Home”. When it comes to most people’s mind, traveling is about going somewhere. But here, we will discuss the other part, the most important part, of traveling: homecoming. Today I will share my journeys on the roads of Asian countries, including the adventures of sneaking as a Chinese citizen into Tibet and the years of living dangerously in Afghanistan, until my homecoming to Indonesia to face the reality of home. The other speaker in this program, Noor Sabah Nael Traavik had experienced a roller-coaster life journey from the war-ridden Afghanistan, being refugee in Iran, until becoming a Norwegian diplomat. Both of us will discuss the meaning of traveling, seeking and finding, the conflict of identities, and home. This panel will be moderated by Nathalie Indry. So, we are really looking forward to seeing you all guys there in Plaza Senayan, today at 4pm. Have a nice journey! Friday, November 20th 2015 4-6 pm Kinokuniya Bookstore, Sogo, Plaza Senayan, [...]

November 20, 2015 // 1 Comment

Indonesia is the Country Focus of Singapore Writers Festival 2015 Country Focus 17,000 Islands Dreaming A literary focus on Indonesia   Curated by The Arts House, with the programming support of Goenawan Mohamad The Indonesian archipelago spans the Equator and South-east Asian region, an eighth of the world’s circumference. A nation of 17,000-odd islands that began its journey as a modern state 70 years ago, Indonesia carries millennia of historical weight, contradictions and resolution. What are Indonesia’s aspirations for the world? How do 252 million Indonesians think and dream? Can we see continuities from ancient Srivijaya and Majapahit at work in the up-to-the-minute literature of contemporary Indonesia? If Singapore knew Indonesian literature better, would it change the way we see ourselves and our region? We turn our focus to Indonesia this year by exploring her long traditions of the word in the same ways Indonesians celebrate it – recited to the background of theatre and movements, sung against rich tonal texture and spoken in different tongues. Dreams are, after all, facets of reality.   Lecture WHEN MEANING IS MANAGED: THE FATE OF LITERATURE FEATURING   Goenawan Mohamad MODERATED BY   Peter Schoppert DATE   31 October TIME   4pm – 5pm VENUE   TAH, Chamber An Indonesian poet and man of [...]

October 11, 2015 // 0 Comments

[KOPI Delft ESPRESSO]: Jelajah Batas Dunia

Diskusi travel writing, photography, identitas Asia Tengah-Afghanistan, Papua Nugini, dan border issue Bersama Guest of Honour of Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 dan penulis novel best seller Titik Nol: Agustinus Wibowo Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015, 10.00-12.00 di Auditorium A1b UNESCO-IHE Delft Westvest 7, Delft Registrasi hingga 20 Oktober 2015 melalui: [...]

October 10, 2015 // 4 Comments

Indonesian Youth Conference: Siap Bersinergi untuk ASEAN?

Indonesian Youth Conference (IYC) mengajak kamu hadir ke talkshow ‘Siap Bersinergi Untuk ASEAN?’ untuk membuka wawasan kita seputar  Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) dan apa yang harus kita persiapkan langsung dari mereka yang pernah bersinergi dengan teman-teman dari negara ASEAN lainnya. Bersama: Chiki Fawzi (Seniman), Agustinus Wibowo (Penulis dan Traveler), dan Ilman Dzikri (President of ISAFIS). Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015 pukul 15.00-17.00 di Conclave, Jl. Wijaya 1 No. 5C, Jakarta Selatan. Daftarkan dirimu di segera! GRATIS Sampai jumpa hari Sabtu! Tempat terbatas. Narahubung Ryani [...]

June 25, 2015 // 3 Comments