

#1Pic1Day: The Yellow Mountains (China, 2011)

Gunung Kuning / Yellow Mountains (China, 2011)   The Yellow Mountain (2011) The Yellow Mountain or Huangshan, located in Anhui province, has special place in the heart of Chinese people. Believed as the best mountains on earth, the mountain range is praised by a famous sentence from Xu Xiake, a poet and travel-writer from the Ming Dinasty about 4 centuries ago: “Returning from the five Top Mountains, you don’t need to see other mountains; Returning from Huangshan, you don’t need to see any of the Top Mountains.”   Gunung Kuning (2011) Gunung Kuning atau Huangshan menempati posisi penting di hati masyarakat China. Pepatah mengatakan, “Siapa pun yang pernah melihat Huangshan, tidak perlu melihat gunung-gunung lainnya.” Bait tersohor penuh pujian tinggi ini adalah tulisan seorang pujangga sekaligus penulis perjalanan dari zaman Dinasti Ming, sekitar 400 tahun lalu.   [...]

August 30, 2013 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Lonely Planet (Mongolia, 2009)

Lonely Planet (Mongolia, 2009)   Lonely Planet, Mongolia (2009) In Mongolian shamanistic tradition, a lonely tree like this is believed to possess magical power or spit. People do respect and fear it at the same time. Mongolian people usually are not dare to get nearby, to camp under, needless to say to cut a sacred lonely tree.   Lonely Planet, Mongolia (2009) Dalam kepercayaan shamanisme Mongolia, pohon yang berdiri sendiri seperti ini dipercaya memiliki kekuatan gaib atau roh, dan sangat dihormati sekaligus ditakuti. Orang Mongol biasanya tidak berani mendekati, berkemah di bawahnya, apalagi menebang pohon seperti ini.       Photo was taken in Khovsgol Aimag, Northern [...]

August 29, 2013 // 0 Comments

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