

#1Pic1Day: Peninggalan Jalur Sutra | Remnants of the Silk Road (Kyrgyzstan, 2006)

Remnants of the Silk Road (Kyrgyzstan, 2006) Kyrgyzstan was passed by the Silk Road, the medieval trading routes connecting China and Europe. Unlike its neighbor Uzbekistan, which was blessed by ancient cities and grandeur historical architectural heritages, Kyrgyzstan was the place of nomadic tribes and has not so much of that kind of heritages. One among few the country still has is the Minaret of Burana, remnants from the old city of Balasagun from the 9th century. This minaret was originally 45 meter high, but destroyed by an earthquake, only 25 meter left. Peninggalan Jalur Sutra (Kirgizstan, 2006) Kirgizstan juga termasuk daerah perlintasan Jalur Sutra, jalur perdagangan yang menghubungkan China dengan Eropa di Abad Pertengahan. Tidak seperti negara tetangganya, Uzbekistan yang dipenuhi kota-kota dengan bangunan megah peninggalan Jalur Sutra, Kirgizstan yang tempat tinggalnya bangsa nomaden tidak memiliki banyak peninggalan megah dari zaman itu. Salah satu yang masih berdiri hingga hari ini adalah Menara Burana, peninggalan dari kota kuno Balasagun pada abad ke-9. Menara ini semula tingginya 45 meter, tetapi hancur karena gempa dan tersisa hanya 25 meter.   [...]

February 25, 2014 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Kota Berkilau di Padang Pasir | Glittering City of Desert (Dubai, 2008)

Glittering City of Desert (Dubai, 2008) Two years before, this stretch of road only had two multistory buildings. Today, this road in the middle of desert is full of skyscrapers. Kota Berkilau di Padang Pasir (Dubai, 2008) Dua puluh tahun sebelumnya, di jalan ini hanya ada dua gedung bertingkat. Hari ini, jalan yang melintang di tengah padang pasir ini penuh sesak oleh bangunan pencakar langit.     [...]

January 16, 2014 // 6 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Tertinggi di Dunia | Numero Uno (Dubai, 2008)

Numero Uno (Dubai, 2008) Forty years ago, this desert nation was just a stretch of poor and quiet desert settlements. Now, the emirates have transformed to one of the richest countries in the world, with fantastic projects to be world’s numero uno. At this time, Dubai was building the highest tower in the world, of which height was kept secret during its construction. The initial name was Burj Dubai (Tower of Dubai), but due to financial crisis, Dubai had to receive aid from the Khalifa of Abu Dabhi, the name of the skyscraper was renamed Burj Khalifa. Tertinggi di Dunia (Dubai, 2008) Negeri padang pasir yang pada empat puluh tahun sebelumnya masih merupakan dusun miskin dan lengang, kini berubah menjadi salah satu negara terkaya di dunia dengan proyek-proyek fantastis untuk selalu menjadi yang nomor satu di muka bumi. Dubai sedang membangun gedung tertinggi di dunia, yang pada saat pembangunan masih dirahasiakan berapa ketinggiannya. Semula rencananya akan dinamakan adalah Burj Dubai (Menara Dubai), tetapi karena krisis moneter hebat, Dubai harus dibantu oleh Abu Dhabi, sehingga nama menara ini diubah menjadi Burj Khalifah (Menara Khalifah).   [...]

January 13, 2014 // 0 Comments

Lahore – Badshahi Masjid

April 27, 2006 Badshahi Mosque Lahore is burning. It was 42 yesterday, and again, 42 degree Celcius today. Walking on the street just resembled being boiled by microwave open, with the invisible waves from any directions. I got emotional. But I was not alone. I am sure that the heat makes impact to everybody’s head. I got irritate easily, and I am sure other people were also. These days were the first time I felt annoyed in Lahore. When I walked on the steet on that Sunday, when all of the shops were closed, there were a bunch of boys playing cricket on the street, seeing me, and yelled “Chinni chinni” resembled a chorus. That day I still had quite a sense of humour, that I replied, “main chini mini nahi hu, main namak hu” (“I am not sugar and stuff, I am salt!”). In Urdu, the word “chini” means “Chinese” and “sugar”. But now, with this heat and harassment, I didnt quite have sense of making fun. Because I felt I was there to fulfill their need of entertainment. When I walked through the labirynth-like small alleys in the alleys of Old City, I could not count anymore how [...]

April 27, 2006 // 0 Comments