

#1Pic1Day: Metropolis, Mongolian Style (2009)

Metropolis, Mongolian Style (2009) Khovd, with population of 35 thousand, is the biggest city in western Mongolia. Mongolia has land area about the same as that of Indonesia, with population of only 2.7 million, more than half of which live in the capital. What you see then is an almost empty country. Metropolitan ala Mongolia (2009) Khovd, dengan jumlah penduduk 35 ribu orang, adalah kota terbesar di Mongolia bagian barat. Luas Mongolia hampir seluas daratan Indonesia, dengan penduduk 2,7 juta jiwa, yang hampir separuhnya tinggal di ibukota, menyebabkan negeri raksasa ini begitu lengang dan lapang. [...]

February 5, 2014 // 0 Comments