

#1Pic1Day: Warna-warni Gurun | Colors of the Desert (Pakistan, 2006)

Colors of the Desert (Pakistan, 2006) Desert inhabitants in South Asia are known for their sophisticated costumes, full of ornaments and colors. The women in Thar Desert of Pakistan, especially the Hindu ones, still wear colorful costumes, with dozens of bangles all over their body, and are totally at ease with cameras. Warna-warni Gurun (Pakistan, 2006) Bangsa-bangsa gurun di Asia Selatan punya keunikan pakaian yang sangat rumit, penuh dekorasi, berwarna. Kaum perempuan di gurun Thar, Pakistan, khususnya umat Hindu, masih memakai pakaian yang berwarna-warni, gelang di sekujur tubuh yang berlusin-lusin, dan sama sekali tidak antipati terhadap kamera.   [...]

January 24, 2014 // 0 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Menyibak Harapan | A New Hope (Pakistan, 2006)

A New Hope (Pakistan, 2006) Survival is still the biggest question in the middle of Thar Desert, Pakistan. Aside from serious problems in water and healthcare, economic situation is also not quite optimistic. Some humanitarian projects have arrived here to introduce to the locals their own tradition they have already lost: carpet making. This is a new source to generate income for the desert dwellers. Menyibak Harapan (Pakistan, 2006) Di tengah gurun kering Thar, Pakistan, bertahan hidup adalah pertanyaan terbesar bagi penduduk. Selain masalah air dan kesehatan yang sangat serius, keadaan ekonomi juga sangat parah. Beberapa organisasi kemanusiaan datang dengan mengajarkan penduduk mempertahankan tradisi mereka untuk membuat permadani, sehingga mereka punya tambahan pemasukan untuk keluarga. [...]

January 23, 2014 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Dusun Kering | Dry Village (Pakistan, 2006)

Dry Village (Pakistan, 2006) Some areas in interior of Thar Desert, Pakistan, had not got rain for four years consecutively. Some villages were even deserted by its inhabitants, as they were looking for a new place with more water. These deserted villages turn to ghost villages. Dusun Kering (Pakistan, 2006) Beberapa daerah di pedalaman gurun Thar, Pakistan, sama sekali tidak mendapat hujan dalam empat tahun berturut-turut. Beberapa dusun bahkan ditinggalkan begitu saja oleh penduduknya, untuk mencari tempat yang masih ada airnya. Dusun-dusun yang ditinggalkan kemudian menjadi desa mati.   [...]

January 22, 2014 // 3 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Empat Tahun Tanpa Hujan | Four Years with No Rain (Pakistan, 2006)

Four Years with No Rain (Pakistan, 2006) Water and rain are very scarce in Thar desert, Pakistan. Some areas even had not got rain for consecutive four years. The inhabitants have to walk very far just to get water. Water is very precious here; some people even keep their water with gridlock and bury it under the sand. Empat Tahun Tanpa Hujan (Pakistan, 2006) Hujan sangat langka di gurun Thar, Pakistan. Di beberapa lokasi bahkan hujan sama sekali tidak turun dalam empat tahun. Penduduk harus berjalan jauh hanya untuk mendapatkan setetes air, sehingga air teramat berharga di sini. Beberapa warga bahkan menggunakan kunci gembok untuk mengamankan air yang [...]

January 21, 2014 // 6 Comments

Umerkot – A Day in Tharpakar

May 17, 2006 Hut in the middle of desert Today is another ‘field’ day for the social workers in Sami Samaj Sujag Sangat NGO in the desert area near the Indian Border, South Pakistan. Today, as the activities of previous weeks, the workers visited the villages (what they called as ‘fields’) in the deep desert of Tharpakar to introduce the new machine-readable ID card (computer sekhnati card) to the people deep in the desert. The people lived so much scattered in the dry desert of Tharpakar, isolated from outside world, uneducated, and unregistered. The NGOs were working hard to make data of how many people to be distributed ID Cards, but it was not an easy work considering the area and the fact that most of these desert people are still nomadic. Today we visited six villages; one village among them was half deserted already, left by the inhabitants to somewhere else greener. The desert was very dry, after years of drought, despite the fact that now was monsoon season, and people kept traveling to find greener and wetter area for their life and their cattle. It was noticeable, that all animals in this yellow dry desert: camels, cows, donkeys, [...]

May 17, 2006 // 3 Comments