

Titik Nol 198: Karachi

Mausoleum Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Bapa Pendiri Pakistan, adalah lanmark Karachi (AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) Karachi, inilah kota terbesar di Pakistan. Inilah salah satu urutan atas kota terbesar di muka bumi. Di sinilah belasan juta manusia Pakistan tumpah ruah, segala macam etnis dan agama campur aduk. Di sinilah segala kebanggaan bangsa, gemilang sejarah, bercampur dengan bau busuk gunung sampah dan sungai tercemar. Perjalanan dengan bus melintasi gurun pasir membawa saya kembali dari dunia Thar ke alam Pakistan. Begitu meninggalkan Umerkot, bus tak henti memutar acara khotbah pengajian dan lantunan syair maatam yang membawa suasana kesedihan Ashura. Penumpang bus, kebanyakan perempuan Hindu dengan sari dan kalung hidung ukuran besar, sama sekali tidak ada yang protes. Karachi, walaupun sudah bukan ibu kota Pakistan lagi, masih memegang kendali sebagai pusat perekonomian negeri ini. Kota pelabuhan ini masih menjadi hub perdagangan internasional dan gerbang utama masuknya komoditi ke seluruh Pakistan. Siapa yang tak terkesima oleh ukuran kota yang sudah masuk kategori megapolitan ini? Siapa yang tak takjub melihat modernitas arsitektur kuburan Muhammad Ali Jinnah – sang Bapak Pendiri Pakistan, sang Quaid-e-Azam (Pemimpin Yang Agung)? Di mana lagi di Pakistan kita bisa melihat hiruk pikuk orang seramai di kota ini, dengan luas sebesar ini, dengan gedung tinggi dan [...]

May 27, 2015 // 3 Comments

Titik Nol 188: Bahauddin Zakariya Express

Bahauddin Zakariya Express (AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) Senja mulai merambah tanah Punjab. Stasiun kereta api Bahawalpur penuh dengan calon penumpang yang mulai resah karena kereta api Bahauddin Zakariya Express yang berangkat dari Multan menuju Karachi tak kunjung tiba. Multan hanya beberapa puluh kilometer jauhnya sebelum Bahawalpur, sekitar satu setengah jam perjalanan dengan kereta ‘ekspres’ ini. Tetapi baru menjelang tengah malam, kereta panjang berwarna kuning dan hijau ini merapat di stasiun. Yang tercipta pada detik berikutnya adalah kericuhan. Ratusan penumpang yang sudah tidak sabar lagi setelah penantian berjam-jam, segera menyerbu masuk ke dalam gerbong. Petugas pun tak kuasa menahan luapan manusia. Masing-masing penumpang membawa barang bawaan berkarung-karung. Saling dorong, maki, cakar. Suasana pertempuran dipindahkan ke dalam koridor gerbong sempit dan gelap ini. Saya meraba-raba di tengah dorongan dan teriakan beringas orang-orang yang tidak sabar. Nyaris saya menginjak seorang bayi yang teronggok di bawah kaki. Sementara dorongan orang-orang semakin kuat. Saya terjebak dalam histeria. Semua orang seperti sudah tak punya waktu tersisa untuk segera menaruh barang dan duduk di tempat yang paling nyaman. Setelah bercucur peluh saya akhirnya berhasil duduk. Sudah tidak ada tempat lagi untuk menaruh tas ransel, karena semua tempat sudah ditempati oleh karung dan tas penumpang lainnya. Bahkan tempat untuk menaruh [...]

May 13, 2015 // 0 Comments

Titik Nol 140: Kota Modern

Kota Islamabad yang modern (AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) “Yang istimewa dari Islamabad adalah,” kata Syed Khalid Raza, pemuda Islamabad, “ibu kota ini terletak sepuluh kilometer jauhnya dari Pakistan.” Berada di Islamabad, kita seakan sudah bukan lagi berada di Pakistan. Lupakan hiruk pikuknya Rawalpindi, benteng dan masjid kuno Lahore, gang sempit yang meliuk-liuk di tengah bazaar Anarkali, atau kereta keledai yang hilir mudik di jalanan kota Pakistan. Di sini bukannya tempat jalan bolong-bolong dan genangan air hitam berbau busuk, bukan pula tempat asap hitam kendaraan bermotor mengotori udara. Selamat datang di sebuah kota masa depan Pakistan, di mana gedung tinggi menjulang sepanjang jalan raya yang mulus, lurus dan lebar, di mana mobil mewah berseliweran, dan rakyat Pakistan meletakkan kebanggaannya. Sebelum tahun 1960, Islamabad bukan apa-apa. Ibu kota Pakistan sejak negeri ini terpisah dari India pada tahun 1947 adalah Karachi. Kota Karachi, jauh di ujung  propinsi Sindh di selatan, di tepi Laut Arab, dianggap kurang strategis letaknya. Presiden Ayub Khan kemudian memindahkan ibu kota ke Rawalpindi pada tahun 1958 lalu pindah lagi ke Islamabad dua tahun kemudian. Ibu kota ini sepuluh kilometer jauhnya dari Pakistan, demikian gurauan penghuni Islamabad. Walaupun jaraknya hanya beberapa kilometer dari Rawalpindi – kota terdekat dan dinyatakan sebagai sister city [...]

March 6, 2015 // 0 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Pakistan Streets #8 (Karachi, 2006)

  Pakistan Streets #8 (Karachi, 2006) Karachi was the capital of Pakistan, and is still the most modern city in the country. Jalanan Pakistan #8 (Karachi, 2006) Karachi pernah menjadi ibukota Pakistan, dan masih merupakan kota paling modern di negeri ini.           [...]

January 1, 2014 // 0 Comments

Karachi – The Biggest City of Pakistan

May 30, 2006 Karachi Talking about the biggest city of Pakistan, no, it’s not the new capital of Islamabad, it’s the port city of Karachi. Karachi was the capital of the new republic after the partition, but after the capital shift to the north, Karachi still serves as the economic center of the country. Karachi house the mausoleum of the founder of Pakistan, Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, known as Quaid-i-Azam (the prime leader). This mausoleum is located not far from city center, and becomes the main pilgrimage spots for Pakistanis from the whole country. The architecture itself cannot be described more than distinctive, but still interesting place to spot the pilgrims. Karachi also has beaches. Cliffton beach might be the most popular in the city. If there is something that this beach doesnt share with other beaches in the world, it is the camels provided for the tourists to linger around the sand. It is not common for the visitors to swim here, so dont expect spotting girls with bikinis like those in Bali. In weekends, the beach might be crowded, by single visitors, couples, families, and even gay couples, who share affections quite openly on the benches near the [...]

May 30, 2006 // 0 Comments

Umerkot – A Failed Nation?

May 15, 2006 Giving understanding to the people and the leaders is a main task for the development programs here Sami Samaj Sujag Sangat is a small NGO in Umerkot dealing with the welfare of the people in the rural areas of Umerkot, bordering with the vast Tharpakar connecting this interior Sindh with Rajasthan and Gujarat in India side. This part of Pakistan had quite a substantial amount of Hindu people, and especially in deep desert, the rural villagers were mostly Hindus from the lowest caste. Umerkot itself had a glorious history as the birthplace of a Mughal king, Akbar. The town had a very ancient fort, but not much was left from the ruins. Parkash, a friend of mine, was working in this NGO with a teamwork which consist of people from the two religions: Muslims and Hindus. They work together without any problem. Religions had never been problem here, as people from both religions respect each other and live harmoniously. Beef was even not served in restaurants here, as about half of the population were Hindus and the Muslims respected their diet choice. Neither pork (as everywhere in Pakistan). The NGO was planning to held a health session [...]

May 15, 2006 // 0 Comments

Bahawalpur – Train Journey to Sindh

May 8, 2006 The totally-not-express Bahauddin Zakariya Express Packed. Hundreds of passengers, agressively jumped into the economy train of Bahauddin Zakariya which served the bottom class of people of cheap mass transport. The passengers blocked the only passage from the chart door until the seats with the unimaginable number of luggage of their each, and their huriness which dont allow others to pass. This was the common scene of passenger boarding in public transports in Sub Continents. It seems that everybody doesnt have any second of time, and ‘time is money’ concept suddenly overwhelmed the laid-back mind of these Pakistani passengers. The hurried passengers, each with their own hysteria of screaming and pushing, also zipping through, made everything worst. The train came late. It started from Multan, and Bahawalpur was supposed to be the second stop, separated around one and half hour. But the train came two hours late, and departure from Bahawalpur was in the middle of the night. Many of passengers didnt have seat, and this forced even babies had to sleep on the floor, with risk of being stepped by people. It was a struggle to get into my seat, and in this hot weather, even at [...]

May 8, 2006 // 0 Comments