

Saya pun Perlu Healing

Tak terasa, waktu di tahun 2022 ini berlalu secepat kilat. Dan jujur, hidup saya terasa hampa. Saya sebenarnya mengawali tahun ini dengan semangat tinggi. Keheningan retret meditasi memberi saya banyak inspirasi, dan saya sepertinya telah menggenggam kebebasan finansial dengan investasi saham saya. Tetapi semua itu seperti dibalik dalam seketika. Hanya dalam beberapa minggu, profit yang semula +30% berubah menjadi rugi -45%. Harus saya akui, itu pukulan yang cukup berat, menguras waktu dan pikiran saya untuk berusaha mengembalikan kerugian. Namun, semakin saya mencoba, semakin saya terjerat dalam lingkaran setan yang tidak ada habisnya. Hingga saya menyadari, yang saya kehilangan bukan hanya uang, tetapi yang paling berharga: waktu. Pandemi dan efek digitalisasi yang terlalu pesat ini memang mengubah total hidup saya. Dari yang dulu suka berkelana dan mengeksplorasi dunia, kini kehidupan saya terpaku di rumah, memelototi grafik dan angka. Saya terpenjara, dan penjara saya sesungguhnya adalah pikiran saya sendiri. Belakangan ini saya banyak bermeditasi dan berkontemplasi untuk penyembuhan diri. Tahapan pertama penyembuhan adalah menyadari ada yang salah, kemudian menemukan apa yang salah, baru kemudian menyembuhkannya. Semua pukulan ini semakin membuat saya memahami filosofi ANICCA. Segala sesuatu pasti berubah. Segala sesuatu tiada abadi. Melepaskan diri dari kemelekatan adalah kunci kebahagiaan. Dalam perjalanan spiritual [...]

July 28, 2022 // 5 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Bedil di Sana, Bedil di Sini | Gun No Roses (Peshawar, Pakistan, 2006)

Gun No Roses (Peshawar, Pakistan, 2006) Guns, violence, and masculinity dominate local films played in a cinema of Peshawar, western Pakistan. Bedil di Sana, Bedil di Sini (Peshawar, Pakistan, 2006) Senjata, kekerasan, dan maskulinitas mendominasi film-film lokal Pakistan yang diputar di sebuah bioskop di Peshawar, Pakistan Barat   [...]

November 12, 2013 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Pencari Kerja | Job Seekers (Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 2006)

Job Seekers (Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 2006) Since early morning, daily job seekers wait for opportunity of the day on the busy main streets of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Pencari Kerja (Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 2006) Sejak pagi buta, para pencari kerja harian telah duduk di jalanan utama yang sibuk kota Rawalpindi, Pakistan, menantikan kesempatan dan peruntungan mereka di hari itu. [...]

November 11, 2013 // 8 Comments

Karaköl – Depressed Life

The Gulsaira family I arrived in Karaköl by accident. At first I planned to go from Osh to Toktogul by a direct bus. Toktogul is located on the midway going to Bishkek. But I missed the bus. The jouney then turned to be quite exhausting, as I had to take first the bus to Jalalabad for 100 Som, then 90 Som from Jalalabad to Tashkomur. I arrived in Tashkomur almost dark. Tashkomur is famous for its electrical generator produced by the dams. The town is also a sad witness of the deterioration of Kyrgyzstan economy after the independence. Now it is a quiet sleepy town 2 km away from Osh-Bishkek highway. It was not the place I really want to spend a night. I was lucky when suddenly came a bus signed “Toktogul”. I jumped in, wishing to see my old friends in Toktogul on the very same day. After two hour journey (100 som), the crowded minibus suddenly emptied in the middle of the town of Karaköl. It was complete dark already. The bus didn’t continue any further. It just stopped in Karaköl, and that was all of the journey today. I felt lost. In the middle of night, [...]

November 11, 2006 // 0 Comments

Lahore – Do You Know that ….?

April 26, 2006 Watch out! Some interesting things that make Pakistan differ from Indonesia. Do you know that: 1. It’s better not to plan your shopping day in Pakistan on Sundays Because all shops, hmm, maybe not all, but most, closed on Sundays. It’s bizzare that Sunday is the only holiday in the week, and it’s the chance for office workers to shop. But, eh, all of the shops are closed. Only food maybe is easy to find on Sundays, but not any other things. I am still thinking that the habit of people sleeping and staying at homes on Sundays was made by the closing shops, or it is the other way round. Once I asked a friend, whether it was only on Sundays that people can go shopping, as in other days they busy for works. He answered, “they are not busy at all any other days, hmm…, you know how we Pakistanis work” Sundays are also not good time for shopping in Indonesia, but for contrary reason: the bazaars and malls are too crowded on weekends. 2. Pakistan has six working days Yes, and the only holiday is Sunday. But it was not always like this. Once, [...]

April 26, 2006 // 0 Comments