

#1Pic1Day: Communist Nostalgia (China, 2010)

Communist Nostalgia (China, 2010) Rapid development in China has brought this country entering the world of capitalism. Modernity and materialism cannot be separated from people’s live nationwide. Nevertheless, in last few years, we fill the arrival of nostalgia wind, especially towards the peak of communism under Mao Zedong, where people were equally poor and equally happy. There are some popular thematic restaurants in Beijing offering a journey through time machine, going back to Cultural Revolution era. Visitors seem to attend a general meeting with all other comrades, spectating shows with songs and poems of that era. The restaurant waiters and waitresses also dress in the uniform of Red Army and Red Guards, addressing each visitor as “Comrade”. Nostalgia Komunis (China, 2010) Pembangunan di China yang teramat pesat membawa negeri ini memasuki dunia kapitalisme. Modernitas dan materialisme tidak bisa terpisahkan dari kehidupan di seluruh negeri. Namun demikian, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir muncul kembali kerinduan yang semakin kuat terhadap zaman-zaman Revolusi Kebudayaan, di mana semua rakyat masih miskin tetapi mereka merasa lebih bahagia. Salah satu bentuk nostalgia komunisme adalah munculnya beberapa restoran tematik yang mengusung tema Revolusi Kebudayaan, di mana pengunjung seperti menghadiri rapat akbar para kamerad dengan pertunjukan yang khas pada [...]

January 29, 2014 // 0 Comments

Islamabad – Mahfil-e-Naat

June 3, 2006 Hysteric sea of audience in the party of Naat Syed Abid Gilani and Syed Rashid Kazmi, both I knew from the NGO working in Kashmir earthquake, were two among the people who organized a Naat concert, or Mahfil-e-Naat in Rawal Town, an area between Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Naat is an Islamic tradition here, to chant teachings about the religion in melidious way. It’s comparable to Nashid music in Malay tradition, minus the musical instruments. So a Naat singer (actually the people dont like to say Naat as song/gana, as Naat is from Quran and even it’s melodious we should avoid calling Naat as song) will chant the religious melody, and someone might accompany him with beating background vocal and it somehow turned to be like Acapella music. The background vocal sounds like Kalimah (the holy sentence) to be pronounced over and over with a certain beat. Today, the Naat star tonight is Syed Awais Qadri. My friend said that he was the Michael Jackson of Naat. No wonder that the audience were overwhelming. The concert started at midnight, and ended at 3 am. I also like Awais Qadri’s Naat and have saved some MP3 files in my [...]

June 3, 2006 // 1 Comment