#1Pic1Day: Bekerja di Bawah Tanah | Working Underground (Kerman, IRAN, 2008)
Working Underground (Kerman, IRAN, 2009) Bordering with warring and unstable Afghanistan, Iran has harbored millions of refugees coming from its troublesome neighbor. With their own burden of economic hardship and national security, Iranian government has to impose severe restrictions against Afghan immigrants. Job opportunities to the Afghans in Iran are limited to informal sector, and children are not allowed to go to Iranian schools. Security check is also frequent towards the Afghans, as Iran has put strict time limit for the immigrants to go back to their country. Despite of all the restrictions, Iran still receives huge influx of illegal immigrants from Afghanistan, as they still regard Iran is still promising economically compared to their war-torn homeland. Bekerja di Bawah Tanah (Kerman, IRAN, 2009) Berbatasan langsung dengan Afghanistan berarti Iran harus menampung jutaan pengungsi dari negara tetangganya yang selalu problematik itu. Dengan beban ekonomi yang berat dan juga alasan keamanan nasional, pemerintah Iran terpaksa menerapkan pembatasan yang ketat terhadap imigran Afghan. Kesempatan kerja orang Afghan di Iran dibatasi di bidang informal, dan anak-anak mereka tidak boleh bersekolah di sekolah Iran. Pemeriksaan polisi sangat sering dilakukan terhadap orang Afghan, dan Iran telah menetapkan batas waktu yang jelas supaya para imigran Afghan [...]