Ghost Town (Hunza, Pakistan, 2006) Duykhar, a village on the top of hills watching over the Hunza valley, is a green and busy village in summer. People come here to cultivate the land, and hotels are full of visitors. The area is called as Eagle’s Nest, from where people can view the whole valley, as an eagle in its nest. But in winter, the village turned to a ghost town. The wind is very harsh and the temperature is much lower than normal, plus no electricity and no business from tourism. The dire situation forces the inhabitants to move to their warmer homes downhill. The houses are covered by thick snow, and practically it’s a ghost town. Desa Hantu (Hunza, Pakistan, 2006) Duykhar adalah desa di puncak bukit yang memandang langsung ke Lembah Hunza. Desa ini hijau dan sibuk di musim panas. Penduduk sibuk mengolah kebun dan hotel-hotel dipenuhi turis. Daerah ini dikenal sebagai Sarang Elang, dan dari sinilah pengunjung bisa memandang keseluruhan lembah, seperti elang yang melihat dari sarangnya. Tetapi di musim dingin, desa ini berubah menjadi seperti kota hantu. Angin dingin menerjang, suhu jauh di bawah normal, ditambah lagi dengan ketiadaan listrik dan turis. Karena itulah penduduk biasanya