

Jalan Panjang Melatih Kesadaran Pikiran

Saya duduk memejamkan mata, berkonsentrasi mengamati napas. Seekor semut, entah dari mana datangnya, perlahan merayapi kepala saya, lalu turun ke atas daun telinga, dan berbelok ke alis mata. Saya tidak membuka mata sama sekali, tapi saya yakin itu ulah semut. Saya bisa merasakan entakan setiap kaki mungilnya. Rasa gatal merambat, mengikuti jejak semut itu merayapi kulit. Sungguh besar godaan dalam diri saya untuk mengangkat tangan, mengibaskannya untuk mengusir semut itu pergi. Tetapi saya semakin teguh memejamkan mata, berjuang keras untuk tidak menggerakkan tangan atau bagian tubuh mana pun juga. Ini adalah perjuangan biasa dalam bermeditasi. Pagi itu, saya akhirnya berhasil melewati satu jam penuh tanpa bergerak sama sekali. Semut itu adalah guru bagi saya, yang melatih tekad kuat dan kesabaran saya. Tentu pengalaman saya ini tidak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan para biksu Buddhis Theravada di Thailand. Saya dengar mereka lazim bermeditasi di tengah hutan rimba, dan bisa tetap duduk tanpa bereaksi sekalipun badan mereka digerayangi ular atau diendus singa. Tujuan utama meditasi adalah untuk mencapai kebahagiaan. Tapi di mana letak bahagianya duduk diam berjam-jam tanpa bergerak sama sekali? Bukankah ini lebih terlihat seperti penyiksaan diri daripada pencarian kebahagiaan? Meditasi yang saya praktikkan adalah teknik Vipassana, yang dalam bahasa Pali namanya berarti [...]

January 5, 2022 // 0 Comments

My Healing with Vipassana (3): The Art of Simple Life

The Vipassana experience was magical for me as I could now sense the sensation of the surface of my whole body, from top of the head to toe. I could sense the interior of my body. My left brain, my right brain, my stomach and my intestines, my bones… all were producing never-ending subtle vibrations. I could even sense the parts of the body when I was sleeping. When I was dreaming, it was more like watching a movie rather than being involved in the actions of the fantasy. At this point, the meditation was not merely about sitting anymore. When we take breath, we meditate. When we walk, we meditate. When we eat and drink, we meditate. Even when we sleep, as long as the awareness is there, we also meditate. By Day 6, I started to notice small details I used to neglect. I started to see the movement of grass and leaves of the trees, appreciate the freshness of the air and the beauty of the occasional noise from the neighborhood, and be thankful to all my weaknesses and flaws, all achievements and failures, all happy and sad moments in my life. All the findings and the [...]

May 12, 2015 // 15 Comments

My Healing with Vipassana (2): Nothing is Permanent

Goenka the Teacher had reminded all the students that the Day 2 and Day 6 in our 10-day course of Vipassana would be the most difficult. At least, I can say, the Day 2 was really the biggest torture. I came to the Vipassana meditation course with an expectation of finding salvation from my depression. I thought I would see a magic aura of enlightenment, or beautiful visions, or a surreal experience of ecstasy. But what’s this? This was just a boring process of sitting in total silence, with nothing to do but to observe breath for ten hours per day. The more I craved for a divine vision, the more I got restless. While I closed my eyes and seemed calm, my mind was not unlike an untamed wild horse which brought me galloping over series of memories and fears. Once I saw blurred pictures of places I have visited, changing rapidly as flash: mountains of Himalaya, deserts of Pakistan, jungles of Papua. Suddenly after those happy moments of reiterating my traveling years on the road, my mind threw me to sorrow: hospitals, graveyard, funeral house, dead bodies of my parents, dead body of myself. This is the most [...]

May 10, 2015 // 2 Comments

My Healing with Vipassana (1): A Happiness Seeker and His Breath

Something was terribly wrong with me lately. I used to feel much “alive” when I travel on the road, but returning to days of monotony confined in Jakarta apartment always brought depression to me. It’s ironic to feel lonely amidst a busy and noisy apartment block inhabited by thousands of people. I was sure, my depression had something to do with my family problems. Since I lost my mother five years ago, sadness and fear slowly grew inside me. Three years after that, my father passed away. Year after year, I could not handle this loneliness anymore. I felt more and more insecure. Every quiet night I go to bed alone, I was bombarded by frustrating thoughts. Am I still needed in this world? For the sake of whom do I still need to continue my life? Even worse, I have depression and anxiety at the same time. As the negativity piled up, once in a while, I even contemplated of doing something very, very stupid to end my life. Until then, a friend suggested me to try Vipassana meditation. He himself had attended the course, and called the experience ‘life changing’. I have known earlier that much of our [...]

May 7, 2015 // 6 Comments