
#1Pic1Day: Kehidupan Nomaden | Nomadic Life (Little Pamir, Afghanistan, 2008)


Nomadic Life (Little Pamir, Afghanistan, 2008)

Kyrgyz men prepare to move. Yurt, or tent, or ooy in their language, is the traditional home of nomadic Kyrgyz and is highly portable. The skeleton is made of wood, bought from neighboring countries or traveling traders. The top of yurt is a circle, where the sunshine passes through. This roof circle hole is now used on the flag and national emblem of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

Kehidupan Nomaden (Pamir Kecil, Afghanistan, 2008)

Orang-orang Kirgiz ini sedang bersiap untuk berpindah. Yurt, tenda atau ooy dalam bahasa mereka, adalah rumah tradisional bangsa nomaden Kirghiz yang sangat portabel. Rangka yurt terbuat dari kayu, dibawa oleh para pedagang yang berkeliling dari negara-negara tetangga. Bagian atas dari yurt adalah sebuah lubang tempat masuknya sinar matahari. Pola desain lubang matahari ini sekarang merupakan bendera dan lambang negara dari Republik Kirgizstan.


About Agustinus Wibowo

Agustinus is an Indonesian travel writer and travel photographer. Agustinus started a “Grand Overland Journey” in 2005 from Beijing and dreamed to reach South Africa totally by land with an optimistic budget of US$2000. His journey has taken him across Himalaya, South Asia, Afghanistan, Iran, and ex-Soviet Central Asian republics. He was stranded and stayed three years in Afghanistan until 2009. He is now a full-time writer and based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Contact: Website | More Posts

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