Mumbai – Jaundice???
December 3, 2005
Delight GuestHouse 250 Rs
Today when I went to the post office to settle my account in the philatelic burau, the guy told me that my eyes looked yellow and whether I had infection. I was so surprised to hear that, as nobody told me before. In the morning I looked myself behind the mirror and everything was OK. And this was the first time I heard about jaundice. The man told me that probably I got jaundice, after the long train journey from Jaipur to Mumbai. Indeed I felt very, very exhausted after the train. It’s not common for me, as usually I take much, much longer train journey in China with no sleeper class but I am always energetic.
Arriving in Mumbai in the first day I lost my appetite quite significantly. My urine was very thick and tea-coloured. And I always feel tired.
Right after the post office visit, I went directly to St John Hospital next to it. The hospital boasts as Mumbai Hospital No. 1 as what is written on the gate. Not far from the building’s gate in the hospital complex, there was an old man, leprae, laying down on the pavement with one leg swinging in a dike. Almost dying. I saw the right leg was rotten, with the white colour around the meat. Some doctors with with coat just passing, as nothing happened there.
The hospital itself was chaotic. No registration needed, I was directed to room No. 3. But all of the room numbers are in Hindi numerics. So I still had to ask people to direct me. The madam just looked at my eyes for a while, asked me to go home to rest. Nothing serious, she said. But she told me if I was worrying I could do medical check up in monday as in saturday (today) and sunday the lab is closed. “Maybe jaundice.”
Jaundice? What is jaundice? I really have never heard about this vocabulary. A fast internet browse lead me to the Indonesian word, “Sakit kuning”. What a scary fate on my head… I got sakit kuning??? And further article reading lead me to hepatitis family….
What I did then was visiting all sugar cane stalls, and buy a glass from each. Go directly to hotel room, and slept the whole night.
semoga cepat sembuh
hope you get well soon
Jaundice is a symptom which can be rooted in several problems. So it’s best to check with a Doctor. It can come from something as standard as severe Dehydration, to Anemia. More seriously, from Hepatitis which is very common in Asia. I don’t know if you’ve had Anti-Hepatitis vaccinations against it before you went travelling, Ming? Most Western travellers get those shots before they go travelling.
Again, i’d advise you go to a proper clinic in India to get tested. Anywhere else,and they’re probably just trying to sell you a whole load of medicines you probably don’t need. You already know what India is like.
If you’ve actually contracted Hepatitis, then you’ll soon know it. People usually can’t even get out of bed they are so weak, once Hepatitis (there are several strains) comes on.
In all cases, it is advised that you get tested if you are unsure. One thing is sure. Don’t leave it if you are jaundice. Jaundice is something that must be checked out (no matter what the cost), because it indicated some health problems anyway.
Take care, and Good Luck
Hey Gus I would suggest you check it with any doctor. One of the cause of Jaundice is hepatitis.
Read this article:
Allo alloo
Hehe, bisa2nya backpacking sebanyak ini, dari India ke Mongolia! Gmn cara kah?
Whoaaah ….
Salam kenal.
Semoga cepat sembuh ya! Just take some nice break first. Wish you speedy recovery.