
Dog Fighting in Afghanistan

Each Friday morning in cold winter months, thousands of men and boys gather on the outskirt of Kabul. While Friday is the day of prayer and rest for most humans in Afghanistan, it is the worst day for the dogs here; as these man gather for a favorite local pastime: dog fighting. Mastiffs and other large breed mixes can be found on the plain, with teeth barred in preparation of a barbaric entertainment for the local men. Dog fighting was banned under the Taliban, who condemned it as un-Islamic. The tradition makes a comeback after the fall of the regime, although it is still illegal under the current regime. Policemen can be seen around the arena, to guarantee that it’s only the dogs  and not any others are fighting here. Winners of the fighting may earn up to US$20.000, but a dog owner told me that it’s not haram (forbidden) at all in Islam, as it’s not about the money but the pride, and as they don’t kill the dogs nor sell the dogs. A fighting dong with a winning record is actually may sell for as much as a new car.


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All photography materials in are copyrights of Agustinus Wibowo, unless specially specified. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these copyrighted works is illegal. Agustinus can be contacted here.

7 Comments on Dog Fighting in Afghanistan

  1. Interesting photos, Ming. And I fully understand why you made them black and white. Looks pretty brutal.

  2. Anak anjingnya bagus tuh, boleh dibawa ke indonesia apa nggak ya?

  3. All this men should be shoot to death!!

  4. nice stories Mas! detail karo gregeti banget! salam!

  5. Dog Fighting gallery nya kog hitam putih mas? lainnya full colour…

  6. ga boleh di makan tapi boleh di-adu, munafik!!!gimana kalo dibalik?

  7. Dog dalam islam gak boleh d sentuh, dalam pendapat yg paling extreme gak boleh d sentuh sama sekali, kalau kena bagian tubuh malah bagian tubuh tsb harus dipotong. i was shocked to see them afghani people who claim themselves as a very islamist people keep, touch, hold and i am sure they sleep and kiss their dog as they treat their their dog their companion, asset and commodity.kalau kamu punya anjing hard not to fall in love with them.

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