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  <caption here>     Back to Photography Album. Back to Pakistan-Afghanistan Journey 2003 Back to 04 The Pass All photography materials in are copyrights of Agustinus Wibowo, unless specially specified. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these copyrighted works is illegal. Agustinus can be contacted here.   [zoomfolio settings_mode=”masonry” skin=”skin-default” settings_specialgrid=”none” settings_posttype=”post” settings_lightboxlibrary=”zoombox” design_item_width=”” design_thumbw=”” fullscreen=”off” sort_order=”ASC” settings_disablecats=”on” disable_itemmeta=”off” settings_preloadall=”off” design_categories_style=”normal” design_pageContent_pos=”top” settings_specialgrid_chooser_enabled=”off” design_categories_pos=”top” settings_biggalleryall=”off” orderby=”date” settings_ajax=”on” settings_ajax_loadmoremethod=”scroll” posts_per_page=”50″ settings_hide_category_all=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories_enablehistoryapi=”off” cats=”2466″ bgcolor=”transparent” settings_mode_masonry_layout=”masonry” design_total_height_full=”off” [...]

January 6, 2015 // 0 Comments

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  <caption here>     Back to Photography Album. Back to Pakistan-Afghanistan Journey 2003 Back to 04 The Pass All photography materials in are copyrights of Agustinus Wibowo, unless specially specified. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these copyrighted works is illegal. Agustinus can be contacted here.   [zoomfolio settings_mode=”masonry” skin=”skin-default” settings_specialgrid=”none” settings_posttype=”post” settings_lightboxlibrary=”zoombox” design_item_width=”” design_thumbw=”” fullscreen=”off” sort_order=”ASC” settings_disablecats=”on” disable_itemmeta=”off” settings_preloadall=”off” design_categories_style=”normal” design_pageContent_pos=”top” settings_specialgrid_chooser_enabled=”off” design_categories_pos=”top” settings_biggalleryall=”off” orderby=”date” settings_ajax=”on” settings_ajax_loadmoremethod=”scroll” posts_per_page=”50″ settings_hide_category_all=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories_enablehistoryapi=”off” cats=”2466″ bgcolor=”transparent” settings_mode_masonry_layout=”masonry” design_total_height_full=”off” [...]

January 6, 2015 // 0 Comments

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  <caption here>     Back to Photography Album. Back to Pakistan-Afghanistan Journey 2003 Back to 04 The Pass All photography materials in are copyrights of Agustinus Wibowo, unless specially specified. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these copyrighted works is illegal. Agustinus can be contacted here.   [zoomfolio settings_mode=”masonry” skin=”skin-default” settings_specialgrid=”none” settings_posttype=”post” settings_lightboxlibrary=”zoombox” design_item_width=”” design_thumbw=”” fullscreen=”off” sort_order=”ASC” settings_disablecats=”on” disable_itemmeta=”off” settings_preloadall=”off” design_categories_style=”normal” design_pageContent_pos=”top” settings_specialgrid_chooser_enabled=”off” design_categories_pos=”top” settings_biggalleryall=”off” orderby=”date” settings_ajax=”on” settings_ajax_loadmoremethod=”scroll” posts_per_page=”50″ settings_hide_category_all=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories_enablehistoryapi=”off” cats=”2466″ bgcolor=”transparent” settings_mode_masonry_layout=”masonry” design_total_height_full=”off” [...]

January 6, 2015 // 0 Comments

[Title here 5]

  <caption here>     Back to Photography Album. Back to Pakistan-Afghanistan Journey 2003 Back to 04 The Pass All photography materials in are copyrights of Agustinus Wibowo, unless specially specified. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these copyrighted works is illegal. Agustinus can be contacted here.   [zoomfolio settings_mode=”masonry” skin=”skin-default” settings_specialgrid=”none” settings_posttype=”post” settings_lightboxlibrary=”zoombox” design_item_width=”” design_thumbw=”” fullscreen=”off” sort_order=”ASC” settings_disablecats=”on” disable_itemmeta=”off” settings_preloadall=”off” design_categories_style=”normal” design_pageContent_pos=”top” settings_specialgrid_chooser_enabled=”off” design_categories_pos=”top” settings_biggalleryall=”off” orderby=”date” settings_ajax=”on” settings_ajax_loadmoremethod=”scroll” posts_per_page=”50″ settings_hide_category_all=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories_enablehistoryapi=”off” cats=”2466″ bgcolor=”transparent” settings_mode_masonry_layout=”masonry” design_total_height_full=”off” [...]

January 6, 2015 // 0 Comments

[Title here 4]

  <caption here>     Back to Photography Album. Back to Pakistan-Afghanistan Journey 2003 Back to 04 The Pass All photography materials in are copyrights of Agustinus Wibowo, unless specially specified. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these copyrighted works is illegal. Agustinus can be contacted here.   [zoomfolio settings_mode=”masonry” skin=”skin-default” settings_specialgrid=”none” settings_posttype=”post” settings_lightboxlibrary=”zoombox” design_item_width=”” design_thumbw=”” fullscreen=”off” sort_order=”ASC” settings_disablecats=”on” disable_itemmeta=”off” settings_preloadall=”off” design_categories_style=”normal” design_pageContent_pos=”top” settings_specialgrid_chooser_enabled=”off” design_categories_pos=”top” settings_biggalleryall=”off” orderby=”date” settings_ajax=”on” settings_ajax_loadmoremethod=”scroll” posts_per_page=”50″ settings_hide_category_all=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories_enablehistoryapi=”off” cats=”2466″ bgcolor=”transparent” settings_mode_masonry_layout=”masonry” design_total_height_full=”off” [...]

January 6, 2015 // 0 Comments

[Title here 3]

  <caption here>     Back to Photography Album. Back to Pakistan-Afghanistan Journey 2003 Back to 04 The Pass All photography materials in are copyrights of Agustinus Wibowo, unless specially specified. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these copyrighted works is illegal. Agustinus can be contacted here.   [zoomfolio settings_mode=”masonry” skin=”skin-default” settings_specialgrid=”none” settings_posttype=”post” settings_lightboxlibrary=”zoombox” design_item_width=”” design_thumbw=”” fullscreen=”off” sort_order=”ASC” settings_disablecats=”on” disable_itemmeta=”off” settings_preloadall=”off” design_categories_style=”normal” design_pageContent_pos=”top” settings_specialgrid_chooser_enabled=”off” design_categories_pos=”top” settings_biggalleryall=”off” orderby=”date” settings_ajax=”on” settings_ajax_loadmoremethod=”scroll” posts_per_page=”50″ settings_hide_category_all=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories_enablehistoryapi=”off” cats=”2466″ bgcolor=”transparent” settings_mode_masonry_layout=”masonry” design_total_height_full=”off” [...]

January 6, 2015 // 0 Comments

[Title here 2]

  <caption here>     Back to Photography Album. Back to Pakistan-Afghanistan Journey 2003 Back to 04 The Pass All photography materials in are copyrights of Agustinus Wibowo, unless specially specified. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these copyrighted works is illegal. Agustinus can be contacted here.   [zoomfolio settings_mode=”masonry” skin=”skin-default” settings_specialgrid=”none” settings_posttype=”post” settings_lightboxlibrary=”zoombox” design_item_width=”” design_thumbw=”” fullscreen=”off” sort_order=”ASC” settings_disablecats=”on” disable_itemmeta=”off” settings_preloadall=”off” design_categories_style=”normal” design_pageContent_pos=”top” settings_specialgrid_chooser_enabled=”off” design_categories_pos=”top” settings_biggalleryall=”off” orderby=”date” settings_ajax=”on” settings_ajax_loadmoremethod=”scroll” posts_per_page=”50″ settings_hide_category_all=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories_enablehistoryapi=”off” cats=”2466″ bgcolor=”transparent” settings_mode_masonry_layout=”masonry” design_total_height_full=”off” [...]

January 6, 2015 // 0 Comments

[Title here 1]

  <caption here>     Back to Photography Album. Back to Pakistan-Afghanistan Journey 2003 Back to 04 The Pass All photography materials in are copyrights of Agustinus Wibowo, unless specially specified. Any unauthorized use or distribution of these copyrighted works is illegal. Agustinus can be contacted here.   [zoomfolio settings_mode=”masonry” skin=”skin-default” settings_specialgrid=”none” settings_posttype=”post” settings_lightboxlibrary=”zoombox” design_item_width=”” design_thumbw=”” fullscreen=”off” sort_order=”ASC” settings_disablecats=”on” disable_itemmeta=”off” settings_preloadall=”off” design_categories_style=”normal” design_pageContent_pos=”top” settings_specialgrid_chooser_enabled=”off” design_categories_pos=”top” settings_biggalleryall=”off” orderby=”date” settings_ajax=”on” settings_ajax_loadmoremethod=”scroll” posts_per_page=”50″ settings_hide_category_all=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories=”off” settings_uselinksforcategories_enablehistoryapi=”off” cats=”2466″ bgcolor=”transparent” settings_mode_masonry_layout=”masonry” design_total_height_full=”off” [...]

January 6, 2015 // 0 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Tertinggi di Dunia | Highest in the World (Everest, Tibet, 2005)

Highest in the World (Tibet, 2005) Rows of snowcapped mountains surrounding the highest point of Everest are seen from behind the cloud. There is also politics behind the naming of the world’s highest peak. The countries where Everest is located refuse to use the name of the British scientist Sir George Everest as the name of the mountain. The Tibetans call Everest as Qomolangma, “The Holy Mother”. The Chinese also preserve the name, spelled in Chinese as Zhumulangma, and never use Everest in their English-language legal documents. Later, the Nepalis also rename the peak as Sagarmatha. Tertinggi di Dunia (Tibet, 2005) Barisan pegunungan di samping puncak Everest, menyembul dari balik pelukan awan tebal. Di balik penamaan ini juga ada politik. Negara-negara yang menjadi tuan rumah gunung tertinggi di dunia ini menolak untuk menggunakan nama ilmuwan Inggris Sir George Everest sebagai nama dari puncak gunung ini. Orang Tibet menyebut Everest sebagai Qomolangma, “Ibunda Suci”. China juga mempertahankan nama itu, dalam bahasa China ditulis sebagai Zhumulangma, dan tidak pernah menggunakan nama Everest dalam dokumen resmi mereka dalam bahasa Inggris. Kemudian, Nepal juga menamai puncak itu sebagai Sagarmatha. [...]

February 20, 2014 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: The Journey to the Everest (Tibet, 2005)

The Journey to the Everest (Tibet, 2005) A little village on the way to Everest. To visit Everest, foreign visitors have to obtain special permit. I came by motorcycle and pretending to be a Tibetan, so managed to sneak to the Everest Base Camp without going through checkpoints. Menuju Everest (Tibet, 2005) Sebuah desa kecil terletak dalam perjalanan menuju Everest. Untuk mengunjungi Everest, pengunjung asing memerlukan surat izin khusus/permit. Saya datang dengan menumpang sepeda motor dan menyamar sebagai orang Tibet, sehingga bisa tiba di kaki Everest tanpa melalui pemeriksaan. [...]

February 19, 2014 // 2 Comments

#1Pic1Day: 108 Kelokan | 108 Turns (Tibet, 2005)

108 Turns (Tibet, 2005) Turning and winding road up and down hills you have to go through in the journey to the Everest. They say, there are 108 turns in total. I have lost count, though. 108 Kelokan (Tibet, 2005) Jalan yang berkelok-kelok mendaki dan menuruni bukit dalam perjalanan menuju Everest, konon totalnya berjumlah 108 kelokan. Saya sendiri sempat kehilangan hitungan saking banyaknya kelokan di sini. [...]

February 18, 2014 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Beratnya Perjalanan | Arduous Journey (Mongolia, 2009)

Arduous Journey (Mongolia, 2009) Journeys in Mongolia are more than often arduous, requiring perfect physical condition. Most of the roads are unpaved, just a small track in the wilderness. You also have to consider the distance between destinations which are usually extremely far away, plus unforgiving weather and nature, plus hungry wolves and foxes from the forested hills. Bon voyage! Beratnya Perjalanan (Mongolia, 2009) Perjalanan di Mongolia selalu berat dan membutuhkan fisik yang prima. Hampir tidak ada jalan beraspal, mayoritas berupa jalan track seperti ini. Ditambah lagi jarak yang sangat berjauhan, cuaca yang tidak bersahabat, dan hewan liar seperti serigala yang mengincar di hutan-hutan. Selamat jalan! [...]

February 4, 2014 // 2 Comments

Jakarta Globe (2013): Learning By Traveling   Agustinus Wibowo: Learning By Traveling By Annisa Dewi Yustita on 1:36 pm November 28, 2013. Category Blogs, Cultural Musings Tags: Indonesia author, travel Villagers traveling on the truck in Afghanistan western provinces. The central route of Afghanistan connecting Herat to Kabul is unpaved for about 900 km. (Agency Photo) Traveling is more than just spending time in a particular place. On a deeper level it enables us to learn many things from our destination, such as the language, culture and its people. Agustinus Wibowo is an Indonesian travel writer whose travel experiences have taken him through Asia and the Middle East. He said that he was fascinated by the world’s cultures and traditions and was curious about how the world works despite its historical and cultural divisions. Agustinus started his journey going around Asia with just US$2,000 from his savings during his study at Tshinghua University in Beijing, China. When he ran out of money, he stayed for a while with local people and worked with them to collect money and continued his journey again. “I loved traveling from when I was a student in China. I used to be a homeboy and scared of going around [...]

November 28, 2013 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Tidak Ada Burung Terbang | No Birds Fly (Little Pamir, Afghanistan, 2008)

No Birds Fly (Little Pamir, Afghanistan, 2008) Pamir, roof of the world, is a flat stony land in extreme elevation, surrounded by snow-capped mountains. Described by Marco Polo as, “The region is so lofty and cold, that you cannot even see any birds flying”. With snow may come at any time of the year, Pamir is extremely cold even in the middle of summer. Tidak Ada Burung Terbang (Pamir Kecil, Afghanistan, 2008) Pamir, dijuluki juga sebagai Atap Dunia, adalah tanah datar berbatu dan luas di ketinggian ekstrem, dikelilingi pegunungan bertudung salju. Marco Polo mendeskripsikan Pamir sebagai: “daerah yang sangat mulia dan dingin, engkau bahkan tidak bisa melihat satu pun burung yang terbang.” Dengan salju yang bisa datang kapan saja sepanjang tahun, Pamir teramat dingin bahkan di puncak musim [...]

October 10, 2013 // 1 Comment

#1Pic1Day: Perjalanan Mematikan | Perilous Journey (Little Pamir, Afghanistan, 2008)

   Perilous Journey (Little Pamir, Afghanistan, 2008) Pamir was supposed to be winter settlement of the Kyrgyz herdsmen, before the international borderline dividing Afghanistan with British India and Soviet Union was fixed. Once the border was enforced, the Kyrgyz were locked in Pamir for all seasons through the year. The road to Little Pamir, used to pass through some easier paths in today’s Tajikistan, now is 5-day journey on horseback through the perilous steep paths next to high cliffs. Perjalanan Mematikan (Pamir Kecil, Afghanistan, 2008) Pamir seharusnya adalah lokasi permukiman musim dingin dari masyarakat gembala Kirgiz, sebelum ditetapkannya perbatasan internasional yang memisahkan Afghanistan dari British India dan Uni Soviet. Setelah perbatasan diberlakukan, para nomaden Kirgiz terkunci di Pamir untuk keempat musim sepanjang tahun. Jalan menuju Pamir Kecil, dulunya adalah lintasan yang jauh lebih mudah di wilayah yang sekarang Tajikistan, tetapi kini berupa perjalanan mematikan lima hari berkuda melintasi jalan setapak yang curam di pinggir [...]

October 8, 2013 // 6 Comments

#1Pic1Day: Perjalanan Menembus Angkasa | A Journey through Sky (Ainy Pass, Tajikistan, 2006)

  A Journey through Sky (Ainy Pass, Tajikistan, 2006) With high mountains covering 93% of its total area, Tajikistan is blessed with natural beauty but cursed by the relating problems, especially transport. Traveling through high passes becomes impossible in winter as the mountains are covered by snow. During Soviet Union era, travel from the capital Dushanbe to the northern city of Khojand (formerly Leninabad) used to be possible through the lowlands of Uzbekistan. But since the independence, worsening relations between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have forced travelers to go through high mountain passes: Ainy (3378 m) and Anzob (3372 m). The Chinese government is now helping with projects to repair the road and build tunnels to make the trip possible all year round.   Perjalanan Menembus Angkasa (Ainy Pass, Tajikistan, 2006) Dengan pegunungan tinggi yang menutupi 93 persen wilayahnya, Tajikistan diberkahi dengan keindahan alam yang dahsyat, tetapi juga dikutuk dengan banyaknya masalah terutama di bidang transportasi. Bepergian melintasi puncak-puncak gunung tinggi menjadi mustahil di musim dingin, karena pegunungan tertutup salju. Pada era Uni Soviet, perjalanan dari ibukota Dushanbe ke kota Khojand (dulunya Leninabad) di Tajikistan utara bisa dilakukan melalui dataran rendah di Uzbekistan. Tetapi sejak kemerdekaan bangsa-bangsa di Asia Tengah, juga [...]

September 23, 2013 // 2 Comments (2011): ‘Traveling is about Losing your Ego’

December 29, 2011 Indonesian Travel Writer & Photographer Agustinus Wibowo: ‘Traveling is about Losing your Ego’ By: Yvette Benningshof   Passing borderlines is almost a daily routine for Agustinus Wibowo. The travel writer and photographer from Indonesia picked up his backpack at the age of 19 and started to travel throughout Central Asia. He has lived in Afghanistan for three years as a photojournalist and has written two bestsellers books about his borderless travels. Wibowo’s current latitude: Beijing, China. Agustinus Wibowo (30) left his village Lumajang in East-Java, Indonesia in 2000 to study Computer Science in Beijing. From there he started his travels to Mongolia where he got robbed on the first day. That didn’t hold him back to travel to even more ‘dangerous’ countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2003. As a true budget backpacker he took off with only 300 US dollars. ‘I traveled by the cheapest train in China, 70 hours on a hard seat. Then by public transport and hitchhiking trucks in Pakistan. Crossing the border with Afghanistan I used horses and donkeys or just walked my way. I also stayed with local people, that’s why it’s so important to learn the local languages. The [...]

December 29, 2011 // 0 Comments

Kabul – A Midnight Jog

Kabul taxi, can be dangerous day or night People tend to have more things to say when they are angry or disappointed. And today I do the same. I regret I didn’t tell you earlier how I was impressed by hospitality of Kabul taxi drivers, who usually refuse to receive money from a foreign guest (only lip service mostly, but anyway it makes me happy), but now I have to tell a scary experience with a Kabul driver. I was invited by a friend to a dinner in Wazir Akbar Khan area, the rich part of Kabul where many embassies, foreign organizations, and expatriate housings are located. I usually don’t stay until late night, but yesterday we talked until completely forgetting about the time. At the end, an AFP French reporter friend of mine realized that it was already 10:30, and we had to leave. She offered me to walk together to the main road, from where I can find taxi to go home and she went back to her house on foot. We walked together to the direction of the main road. Usually, at this inconvenient time of the day, taxis are hard to find. But God-knows-why, we found [...]

January 9, 2008 // 0 Comments

Globe Asia (2007): Solo Travel – Wealth of Experience

  SOLO TRAVEL: WEALTH OF EXPERIENCE Holiday season is approaching and perhaps it’s time to do something different. Try solo traveling. The trip might be more costly than joining an arranged tour but the joy of discovery is more than adequate reward, say Agustinus Weng and Nefransjah. BY MARY R. SILABAN Flying business class, staying at five-star resorts, joining a flock of fellow tourists in an air-conditioned bus and eating a sandwich while visiting an ancient temple is not how Nefransjah and Agustinus Wibowo like to travel. The two independent travelers, or what people usually call backpackers, demand the freedom to add their own flavor. While on the road, Nefransjah tries to be as close as he can to the street, and that means taking as few air flights as possible and avoiding the usual tourist sites. “1 want to absorb all the local ambience,’ says the 37 year-old. For Agustinus, 26, there’s no thought of joining a group tour. “When we travel solo, we have the closest contact with the local community. We can communicate with the locals and learn much valuable knowledge rather than merely historical facts a tour guide may provide you, says Agustinus. The young traveler [...]

June 29, 2007 // 1 Comment

Shakhimardan – An Uzbek Island Surrounded by Kyrgyz Mountains

Shakhimardan, an Uzbek “island” surrounded by Kyrgyzstan As artificial as any other thing in Central Asia was the border lines between the countries. The nations created by the Soviet rulers now had to be provided their homeland. Stalin might say, land populated by most Uzbek should be Uzbekistan, those inhabited by mostly Mongoloid Kyrgyz then became Kazakhstan (the Kazakh was called as Kyrgyz) and Kyrgyzstan (of which people was called as Black Kyrgyz). But the matter was not simple in the Ferghana Valley. Ferghana Valley was always a boiling pot in Central Asia. The people were renowned as deeply religious Muslim, if not fundamentalist. It was more than necessary for the Russian to divide this huge mass with the highest population density all over Central Asia. Then, besides the division of ethnics (who were Uzbek, who were Kyrgyz, and who were Tajik), there was a clever intrigue by dividing the border lands to divide the people. Then, the identity in Ferghana Valley was not single ‘Islam’ anymore, but new artificial entities of Kyrgyz, Uzbek, and Tajik. But this was not something special if it was just borderlines. Borderlines created by Stalin were so complicated, zigzagging, and nobody understood the reason. [...]

April 7, 2007 // 1 Comment

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