
Imam Hassan

#1Pic1Day: Festival of Death (Iran, 2010)

Festival of Death / Festival Kematian (Mashhad, Iran, 2008)     Festival of Death (Mashhad, Iran, 2008) Black is the color dominating important dates in Iran. Men-in-black parade through the boulevards. They beat their heads and chests, flagellate their backs with metal chains. Sometimes you hear weep and mourning amid busy band noise and harmonious chanting. Most of important religious events in Iran are related to martyrdom of the saints, and are commemorated in full swing. The most important event is Ashora (Martyrdom of Imam Hussain) and Arbain (40 days after the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain). In this picture is commemoration of the Demise of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Martyrdom of Imam Hassan.   Festival Kematian (Mashhad, Iran, 2008) Hitam adalah warna yang mendominasi hari-hari besar di Iran. Para lelaki berbaju hitam berarak menyusuri jalan. Dada dan kepala ditepuk, rantai dipukulkan ke punggung, sesekali terdengar tangis susul-menyusul di tengah dentuman suara band dan lantunan doa berirama. Di antara hari-hari besar religius di Iran, mayoritas memang berupa peringatan kematian dan diperingati secara kolosal. Yang terpenting adalah hari Ashora (peringatan kesyahidan Imam Hussain) dan Arbain (peringatan 40 hari setelah kesyahidan Imam Hussain). Dalam gambar ini adalah ritual peringatan wafatnya Rasulullah dan kesyahidan [...]

September 10, 2013 // 5 Comments