

From Zero to Frankfurt: The Translating Process of Ground Zero

The journey began when a mother is lying on a hospital bed, dying. The son who has been years living overseas finally returns. Realizing not much time left, the son sits beside her, reads his diary about faraway lands he saw. About their ancestral land of China, about the Himalayas, about the Pakistani desert and the warzone of Afghanistan. Along with his stories, the mother starts to recount her stories that have been buried for long. About her childhood, her love, her awaiting, her struggle, her God, her life and death. Two journeys set in two dimensions of time and place intertwine, and eventually converge. In the final days, the mother and son share a journey of life together. This is the story of my travel-narrative memoir, Titik Nol: Makna Sebuah Perjalanan (lit. Point Zero: The Essence of a Journey), published in Indonesian language by Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2013. It received quite warm welcome from Indonesian readers. Some months after the launching, Gramedia asked whether I was interested to translate this book into English. At that time Indonesia has been confirmed to be the Guest of Honor in the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015. This is the biggest book exhibition [...]

October 12, 2015 // 0 Comments

Dari Titik Nol Menuju Frankfurt

Kisah ini dimulai dari seorang ibu yang terbaring di ranjang rumah sakit menanti ajal. Anaknya yang bertahun-tahun tinggal di perantauan akhirnya pulang. Menyadari tidak banyak waktu tersisa, anak itu duduk di samping ibunya, membacakan buku hariannya tentang negeri-negeri jauh yang pernah dialaminya. Bersama cerita-cerita itu, sang ibu yang tidak pernah ke mana-mana itu akhirnya membuka sebuah cerita yang selama ini dipendamnya. Tentang masa kecilnya, cintanya, penantiannya, perjuangannya, Tuhannya, hidup dan matinya. Dua perjalanan dalam dua dimensi waktu dan tempat itu berkelindan, akhirnya menyatu. Itulah kisah yang tertuang dalam memoar-cum-catatan-perjalanan saya, Titik Nol: Makna Sebuah Perjalanan, yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Indonesia oleh Gramedia Pustaka Utama pada tahun 2013. Buku itu mendapat sambutan cukup hangat dari pembaca Indonesia. Beberapa bulan setelah buku itu terbit, penerbit menanyakan apakah saya tertarik menerjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada saat itu, Indonesia telah dipastikan akan menjadi Tamu Kehormatan dalam ajang pameran buku terbesar di dunia—Frankfurt Book Fair 2015. Itu artinya, fokus dunia perbukuan akan tertuju pada Indonesia. Namun terlepas Indonesia adalah negara dengan populasi terbesar keempat dunia dan industri buku yang sangat aktif dengan penerbitan 30.000 judul buku per tahun (faktor penting terpilihnya Indonesia sebagai Tamu Kehormatan), Indonesia masihlah sebuah negara “tembus pandang” di kancah perbukuan [...]

October 11, 2015 // 40 Comments

Indonesia is the Country Focus of Singapore Writers Festival 2015 Country Focus 17,000 Islands Dreaming A literary focus on Indonesia   Curated by The Arts House, with the programming support of Goenawan Mohamad The Indonesian archipelago spans the Equator and South-east Asian region, an eighth of the world’s circumference. A nation of 17,000-odd islands that began its journey as a modern state 70 years ago, Indonesia carries millennia of historical weight, contradictions and resolution. What are Indonesia’s aspirations for the world? How do 252 million Indonesians think and dream? Can we see continuities from ancient Srivijaya and Majapahit at work in the up-to-the-minute literature of contemporary Indonesia? If Singapore knew Indonesian literature better, would it change the way we see ourselves and our region? We turn our focus to Indonesia this year by exploring her long traditions of the word in the same ways Indonesians celebrate it – recited to the background of theatre and movements, sung against rich tonal texture and spoken in different tongues. Dreams are, after all, facets of reality.   Lecture WHEN MEANING IS MANAGED: THE FATE OF LITERATURE FEATURING   Goenawan Mohamad MODERATED BY   Peter Schoppert DATE   31 October TIME   4pm – 5pm VENUE   TAH, Chamber An Indonesian poet and man of [...]

October 11, 2015 // 0 Comments

China dan Jalur Sutra Baru

China mempromosikan mimpi besar untuk membangun Jalur Sutra modern demi kemakmuran bersama. Apakah mimpi ini bisa terwujud, atau sekadar menjadi slogan utopia semata? Laporan untuk Visiting Program for Young Sinologist di Beijing, riset saya mengenai usulan China untuk membangun Jalur Sutra Baru. Jalur Sutra Abad Milenium Hampir 22 abad silam, Kaisar Han mengutus Zhang Qian mendatangi kerajaan Dayuan di Asia Tengah demi membentuk aliansi militer. Perjalanan ini kemudian melahirkan rute perdagangan legendaris Jalur Sutra. Berselang dua milenium, China sekali lagi mengajak negara-negara di sekelilingnya untuk bergabung dalam aliansi multinasional yang dijuluki Jalur Sutra Baru. Dalam kunjungan kenegaraan di Kazakhstan pada 7 September 2013, Presiden Xi Jinping mengusulkan pembangunan Sabuk Ekonomi Jalur Sutra (Silk Road Economic Belt). Berselang tiga minggu kemudian, di hadapan parlemen Indonesia di Jakarta, Xi mengemukakan konsep Jalur Sutra Maritim Abad ke-21 (21st Century Maritime Silk Road). Kedua konsep ini, yang digabungkan menjadi inisiatif Satu Sabuk dan Satu Jalur (OBOR), adalah desain akbar untuk menghubungkan negeri-negeri yang dilintasi rute perdagangan bersejarah itu, mulai dari Asia Tengah hingga Eropa dan Afrika, mulai dari Asia Tenggara hingga Jazirah Arab. Menurut data ADB, kebutuhan pendanaan pembangunan infrastruktur di Asia mencapai US$ 800 miliar setiap tahunnya. Sebagai negara dengan cadangan devisa terbesar [...]

October 5, 2015 // 3 Comments

Beijing 7 Juli 2015: China dan Jalur Sutra

Sebuah catatan dari Visiting Program for Young Sinologists, 7-24 Juli 2015 Ibn Battuta pernah menyusuri Jalur Sutra Laut dari Arab sampai ke Quanzhou di China Orang sering mengaitkan Jalur Sutra dengan peradaban China. Pemerintah China di abad ke-21 ini juga menggalakkan pembangunan “Jalur Sutra Baru”. Tetapi, menurut pakar sejarah Prof. Ge Jianxiong dari Universitas Fudan, dalam sejarahnya China justru lebih banyak mengabaikan Jalur Sutra. Istilah “Jalur Sutra” sendiri tidak pernah ditemukan dalam catatan sejarah China. Istilah ini pertama kali digunakan oleh ahli geografi Jerman pada akhir abad ke-19, Ferdinand von Richtofen, yang menyebut jalur perdagangan sepanjang 6.000 kilometer dari China sampai ke negeri Romawi itu sebagai “Seidenstraße” atau “Jalan Sutra”. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kita menyebutnya sebagai “jalur” bukan “jalan”, karena lintasan ini bukan hanya berupa satu jalan melainkan beratus lintasan yang bercabang-cabang. Selain itu, lintasan bukan berupa jalan besar, tetapi kebanyakan berwujud hanya jalan setapak bagi karavan. Setelah orang Barat dan Jepang banyak meneliti sejarah Dunhuang dan daerah-daerah di China Barat yang dilintasi Jalur Sutra, barulah China mulai menaruh perhatian pada Jalur Sutra. Mengapa demikian? Prof. Ge Jianxiong dalam presentasinya kepada kami pada pertemuan Sinologis Muda di Beijing ini menjawab dengan tegas, “Karena di mata China, Jalur Sutra itu tidak [...]

September 29, 2015 // 3 Comments

London Book Fair 15 April 2015: Penulis di Tengah Pameran Buku

Saya mendapat kehormatan menjadi salah satu penulis yang dikirim untuk berbicara di stand Indonesia pada forum London Book Fair 2015, yang diselenggarakan pada 14-16 April 2015 di Olympia, Kensington, kawasan barat London. Pameran ini diikuti 25.000 pelaku industri dari 124 negara, termasuk Indonesia yang membawa 200an judul pilihan dari berbagai penerbit. Indonesia, dalam partisipasi perdananya di ajang ini, menempati stan 5B140, yang berukuran hanya 20 meter, terletak jauh di ujung belakang Hall B yang berjarak sekitar 20 menit berjalan kaki dari pintu utama. Praktis, di tengah lautan puluhan ribu penerbit, stan Indonesia sangat tersembunyi dan nyaris tenggelam. Sementara di sekeliling stan Indonesia adalah stan dari negara-negara lain yang tidak kalah sepi, seperti dari Abu Dhabi, Slowakia, Al Ain, Dubai. Berbeda dengan pameran buku yang pernah saya hadiri, London Book Fair murni bisnis, bukan ajang jumpa pembaca atau penikmatan sastra. Para pengunjung adalah para pemain industri seperti penerbit, pedagang hak cipta, agen literasi. Kelompok pengunjung lainnya adalah para pekerjanya seperti penulis, penerjemah, desainer, jurnalis. Pengalaman pertama menghadiri pameran buku seraksasa ini sangat mengobrak-abrik pemikiran saya. Di balairung utama Grand Hal, berjajar stan-stan dari penerbit besar dunia: Penguins, Harper Collins, Oxford, juga negara-negara Eropa seperti Prancis, Skandinavia, Jerman. Ini adalah zona yang [...]

September 28, 2015 // 9 Comments

Daru 8 September 2014: Petualangan Menyusuri Sungai Liar

Setelah menyusuri pesisir pantai selatan Papua Nugini di Western Province yang paling terisolasi, saya masih menginginkan sebuah petualangan yang lebih gila. Sebuah petualangan yang bahkan para penduduk pun mengatakan mustahil: Menyusuri Sungai Fly. Sekadar menyusuri Sungai Fly saja sebenarnya tidak mustahil. Dari Daru menuju kota Kiunga (pusat pemerintahan Western Province) di hulu sana, yang sejauh 400an kilometer, sebenarnya ada kapal penumpang yang dioperasikan perusahaan pertambangan Ok Tedi setidaknya sebulan sekali, yang harga karcisnya sekitar 2 juta rupiah. Bagi saya, itu tidak menarik, karena saya tidak akan bisa melihat apa-apa selain Kiunga, dan hanya menyaksikan sungai ini seperti pengunjung museum tanpa bisa melebur ke dalam kehidupannya. Lagi pula, saya tidak tahu pasti kapan perahu itu akan datang. Sedangkan untuk menuju Kiunga, alternatif lainnya adalah terbang, dengan frekuensi penerbangan hanya sekali seminggu yang harganya 1500 kina. Tujuh ratus dolar! Hanya untuk perjalanan di dalam satu provinsi yang tidak sampai satu jam penerbangan. Biaya transportasi memang sangat gila di Papua Nugini. Sungai Fly menarik bagi saya, karena sungai sepanjang seribu kilometer ini adalah sungai terpanjang kedua di Papua Nugini setelah Sungai Sepik, namun jauh lebih sulit dijangkau. Sungai ini pertama kali ditemukan tahun 1842 oleh Francis Blackwood yang mengemudikan kapal korvet HMS Fly [...]

September 20, 2015 // 7 Comments

【中国文化译研网】:我愿搭起一座桥梁——对话印度尼西亚作家、翻译家翁鸿鸣 Interview during 2015 Sino-Foreign Audiovisual Translation and Dubbing Cooperation Symposium, in correlation with Shanghai International Film Festival 2015. 【影视】我愿搭起一座桥梁——对话印度尼西亚作家、翻译家翁鸿鸣 2015-07-22 14:45| Original author: 徐奕欣|Location: 中国文化译研网 Description: 有这样一位印尼华侨,他第一次将中国的文学作品直接翻译成印尼语,引入印度尼西亚;他又用自己的生花妙笔,写下他在寻根之旅的种种感悟,直接展示了一个印 尼华侨关于故乡和他乡的思考。他是翁鸿鸣(Agustinus Wibowo),印度尼西亚裔华人,双语作家,自由翻译者,同时也是将余华作品翻译引入印度尼西亚的第一人。 东南亚地区集中了大量的华人,他们侨居异地,但是仍然与中国血脉相连。对于他们中的有些人来说,中国是一个略微有些模糊的概念,因为在异国,除了长辈们的 口耳相传,他们并没有太多接触中国文化的途径。然而,有这样一位印尼华侨,他第一次将中国的文学作品直接翻译成印尼语,引入印度尼西亚;他又用自己的生花 [...]

July 22, 2015 // 0 Comments

Marukara 4 September 2014: A Dangerous Adventure with Indonesian Illegal Traders (2)

We were traveling in the southern coast of Papua New Guinea with a group of illegal buyers from Indonesia. As the buyers were fearing the assault from local criminals or being caught by PNG police patrol, we decided to stay overnight in the wilderness. The most sensible place for tonight was Marukara, an empty small island across the village of Mabudauan. But unfortunately, when we arrived in the darkness of night, we found that the island was anything but empty. There were many boats parked on the shore. Men were shouting at us. We recognized that they were shouting in Kiwai language, which nobody in our group understood. Sisi shout back in English, “We are not enemy, we are from Tais. Are you guys from Mabudauan? In the past, our ancestors also caught fish in this area. Our ancestors also worked together with your ancestors.” The men shouted back. “Yes! We are from Mabudauan. Welcome!” Suddenly from the island came out a dozen of young men, directing our boats to avoid the rocks surrounding the island. There were about 40 men, young and old. They were all from Mabadauan and came to this island just to catch fish. “Don’t worry,” [...]

June 10, 2015 // 4 Comments

Indonesia: The Dollar Worshipers

I am Indonesian. I had to go abroad urgently. Thinking myself a nationalist, I automatically logged into the website of the national carrier—my pride—Garuda Indonesia. I did the e-booking for the international flight ticket. I was surprised that all prices were quoted in US Dollars, instead of in my own currency, Rupiah. I was confused, but I had to pay anyway. I got more confused that none of my national bank debit cards was accepted for the payment. Garuda only wanted Credit Card with the international logo of Visa or Mastercard. I was heartbroken. Our country’s national airline refused our own money and denied our own national banks. Alas. My Credit Card was over limit. I rushed to a private tour agent. I was relieved because they said they could help. But they quoted a price much more expensive than the one I saw earlier on the website. And yes, it was also in US dollars. I asked whether I could pay in rupiah, or use my debit cards. No, they said. Better bring us crispy US dollar bills, otherwise you have to agree with our unfavorable exchange rate. I ran to the nearby ATM, withdrew about a hundred pieces [...]

June 5, 2015 // 13 Comments

Titik Nol 199: Perempuan Pakistan di Mata Seorang Perempuan Malaysia

Lollywood – Hollywood dan Bollywood versi Lahore (AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) Masih ingat Lam Li, gadis Malaysia yang berkeliling dunia seorang diri? Setelah berkeliling negeri sendiri-sendiri, sekarang kami berjumpa lagi di Peshawar, dan saling berbagi pengalaman dari Pakistan. Sebelum masuk Pakistan Lam Li sudah dipenuhi oleh ketakutan tentang betapa seramnya kelakuan laki-laki Paksitan terhadap perempuan. Banyak cerita backpacker perempuan yang mengalami pelecehan seksual selama di Pakistan, mulai dari gerombolan laki-laki yang tak pernah puas memandangi tubuh wanita dari ujung kepala sampai ujung kaki, hingga kategori lelaki jalanan yang menjamah dan meremas. Jangankan perempuan, sebagai laki-laki asing pun saya sering mengalami pelecehan. Tetapi ternyata sudah hampir dua bulan Lam Li di sini, sama sekali ia tak mengalami pengalaman tak mengenakkan macam itu. Malah ia sempat terharu oleh keramahtamahan orang Pakistan.  Ketika ia baru menyeberang dari India, di Lahore ia langsung diundang menginap di rumah keluarga tukang rikshaw. Abang si tukang rickshaw adalah resepsionis hotel. Bersama orang tua, istri-istri, dan anak-anak, tiga generasi keluarga besar ini tinggal bersama. Dari rumah mungil inilah, ia mulai mereka-reka serpihan Pakistan. “Menjadi perempuan asing itu berarti punya identitas ganda,” kata Lam Li. Ia bebas makan dan ngobrol bersama kaum pria di keluarga itu. Di lain waktu, Lam Li [...]

May 28, 2015 // 5 Comments

Marukara 3 September 2014: A Dangerous Adventure with Indonesian Illegal Traders

The coastal region in the southern Papua New Guinea near the Indonesian border is notorious for the illegal cross-border trading activity. Indonesian traders often cross the sea border from Merauke in the west and venture to Papua New Guinean villages to do their unlawful business. This is a very dangerous journey, due to attacks from the pirates and possibility being caught by joint PNG—Australian border patrol. I could sense the over-cautious attitude in Herman—a Marind trader from Merauke, whom I saw one boat of three passengers floating on the sea near the Buzi village. Marind is a Papuan native tribe inhabiting Merauke, a big city and its surrounding regions at the Indonesian side of the border. Thus, as a dark-skinned and curly-haired Melanesian, Herman did not look any different from the PNG villagers in this area. It was Sisi who disclosed Herman’s Indonesian identity to me. Herman’s boat was heading from west to east, making a short stop in Buzi as he was to meet someone here. At that time, Sisi was about to cross the sea to Australia (Boigu island, only six kilometers away across Buzi), so she walked to the water and talked to Herman. “There is one [...]

May 19, 2015 // 8 Comments

[VIDEO] CNN Indonesia: Blusukan di Perbatasan Papua

Agustinus Wibowo/Teguh Yuniswan/Rizky Sekar Afrisia Rabu, 13/05/2015 19:59 WIB Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Papua Nugini atau PNG,  negara tetangga Indonesia, yang boleh dikatakan masih sangat asing bagi kebanyakan warga Indonesia. Perbatasan kedua negara ini yang membentang 760 kilometer. Hanya satu akses yang terbuka untuk umum di utara, antara Jayapura dan Vanimo. Sekalipun dihadang kesulitan akses jalan, keamanan, dan komuniasi dengan warga lokal, penulis Agustinus Wibowo tak gentar menyusuri perbatasan Papua-PNG, selama beberapa bulan. Banyak hal menarik yang ditemuinya di sepanjang perjalanan, dari tradisi bercocok tanam sampai bergoyang. Warga PNG terkenal dengan kesukaan mereka menari dan menyanyi di berbagai [...]

May 13, 2015 // 0 Comments

My Healing with Vipassana (3): The Art of Simple Life

The Vipassana experience was magical for me as I could now sense the sensation of the surface of my whole body, from top of the head to toe. I could sense the interior of my body. My left brain, my right brain, my stomach and my intestines, my bones… all were producing never-ending subtle vibrations. I could even sense the parts of the body when I was sleeping. When I was dreaming, it was more like watching a movie rather than being involved in the actions of the fantasy. At this point, the meditation was not merely about sitting anymore. When we take breath, we meditate. When we walk, we meditate. When we eat and drink, we meditate. Even when we sleep, as long as the awareness is there, we also meditate. By Day 6, I started to notice small details I used to neglect. I started to see the movement of grass and leaves of the trees, appreciate the freshness of the air and the beauty of the occasional noise from the neighborhood, and be thankful to all my weaknesses and flaws, all achievements and failures, all happy and sad moments in my life. All the findings and the [...]

May 12, 2015 // 15 Comments

Buzi 2 September 2014: Not As Paradise As It Seems

Being in such isolated place like Tais, I was totally at the mercy of my host. I could go nowhere without approval from Sisi the Tais woman who brought me here. I had been staying in Tais for more than a week. I wanted to see more places. I wanted to go to Mari, the neighboring village four hours away by walking where Sisi used to live. But she did not allow me, saying that people there would kill me. I wanted our group to depart earlier to Daru, so we could stop in Buzi or Sigabadaru, border villages face to face with Australian islands of Boigu and Saibai. Sisi also did not allow me, saying that the villages were full of raskol (rascals). “But Sisi, how can be raskol there? These are just little villages, everybody knows everybody,” protested me. “No, no. You markai are just foreigner, you never understand,” said Sisi, “These people are jealous people. They will kill you.” Tais, she said, was different from other villages nearby. Tais is so small, the people have abundant food, the church is strong; there is no drinking habit among the people, the village is always peaceful. But I was [...]

May 12, 2015 // 2 Comments

My Healing with Vipassana (2): Nothing is Permanent

Goenka the Teacher had reminded all the students that the Day 2 and Day 6 in our 10-day course of Vipassana would be the most difficult. At least, I can say, the Day 2 was really the biggest torture. I came to the Vipassana meditation course with an expectation of finding salvation from my depression. I thought I would see a magic aura of enlightenment, or beautiful visions, or a surreal experience of ecstasy. But what’s this? This was just a boring process of sitting in total silence, with nothing to do but to observe breath for ten hours per day. The more I craved for a divine vision, the more I got restless. While I closed my eyes and seemed calm, my mind was not unlike an untamed wild horse which brought me galloping over series of memories and fears. Once I saw blurred pictures of places I have visited, changing rapidly as flash: mountains of Himalaya, deserts of Pakistan, jungles of Papua. Suddenly after those happy moments of reiterating my traveling years on the road, my mind threw me to sorrow: hospitals, graveyard, funeral house, dead bodies of my parents, dead body of myself. This is the most [...]

May 10, 2015 // 2 Comments

Tais 30 August 2014: A Nation in Waiting

Nobody would deny, Tais is a very blessed land. See how green the vast pasture surrounding the village—even though your economist mind may ask why such a potential fertile land is just wasted and overgrown by wild grass as tall as your chest. See how bountiful their garden products are, their huge yams and blue yams and cassavas and sweet potatos, their super-sweet bananas and super-hot chili and super-fresh coconuts and super-big oranges. When the men go hunting to nearby jungles, they almost never come home empty handed. The people of Tais never ran out of food, as their land provide much more than enough for its 80 families spread in the 1 kilometer breadth of their village. Despite of this, you would see the children were very unhealthy; they have skinny bodies of bones but with big bellies. I asked Sisi—my host in this village—why. She just laughed, and said that it was children loved to eat too much. But I thought it was due to their monotony of diet, most of which was carbohydrate. Their food, if not boiled yam or boiled potato or boiled cassava, then it must be roast yam, roast potato, or roast cassava. Sometimes [...]

May 8, 2015 // 1 Comment

My Healing with Vipassana (1): A Happiness Seeker and His Breath

Something was terribly wrong with me lately. I used to feel much “alive” when I travel on the road, but returning to days of monotony confined in Jakarta apartment always brought depression to me. It’s ironic to feel lonely amidst a busy and noisy apartment block inhabited by thousands of people. I was sure, my depression had something to do with my family problems. Since I lost my mother five years ago, sadness and fear slowly grew inside me. Three years after that, my father passed away. Year after year, I could not handle this loneliness anymore. I felt more and more insecure. Every quiet night I go to bed alone, I was bombarded by frustrating thoughts. Am I still needed in this world? For the sake of whom do I still need to continue my life? Even worse, I have depression and anxiety at the same time. As the negativity piled up, once in a while, I even contemplated of doing something very, very stupid to end my life. Until then, a friend suggested me to try Vipassana meditation. He himself had attended the course, and called the experience ‘life changing’. I have known earlier that much of our [...]

May 7, 2015 // 6 Comments

Tais 28 August 2014: What is Your Dream?

The school is supposed to start at eight in the morning, and to finish at twelve. But none in this Papua New Guinean coastal village have clocks. Including Madam Singai, the only school teacher in the village. Nevertheless, she knows perfectly when she should start her class. That is when she has finished the cassava cooking and baby feeding in her house, and when she believes the sun is high enough. She then roams around the village, shouting all her students’ names. Dozens of barefooted students then resemble a parade of obedient ducks, follow her to the school hut at the end of the village. Madam Singai also knows when to finish her school. That is when most of her students make so much of noise, crying because of being hungry, or because of her own stomach produces noise calling for lunch. After gathering the students, Madam Singai is ready for the class today. The classroom for the Grade I and II students. Centipedes disrupted the class. Of course once in a while Madam Singai thinks how much better life would be if she could split herself into two. She alone has to take the responsibility of all of the [...]

May 6, 2015 // 6 Comments

Titik Nol 183: Matahari yang Mendekat

Para chowkidar di makam Shah Shams sedang menikmati santap siang (AGUSTINUS WIBOWO) Matahari Multan bersinar terik, membakar manusia-manusia yang merayap di lorong sempit dan menyesatkan kota Kuno. Di musim panas seperti ini, suhu siang hari bisa mencapai 52 derajad celcius, cukup untuk membikin pingsan. Mengapa Multan demikian panas? Alkisah Shams-ud-Din Sabzwari adalah seorang guru suci yang umurnya lebih dari seratus tahun. Ia berasal dari kota Tabrez di Iran, hidup antara abad ke-12 sampai 13. Seperti guru suci Sufi lainnya, ia datang ke Multan dan mengajar di sini. Shah Shams, demikian ia dikenal, sangat tersohor dengan mukjizatnya. Dalam bahasa Arab, kata shams berarti matahari. Dari sekian banyak kisah tentang sang guru, salah satu mukjizat yang dilakukan oleh Shah Shams adalah memindahkan matahari, mendekatkan sang surya ke tubuhnya. Akibatnya, kota Multan terasa panas dan membakar. Kisah serupa juga pernah saya baca tentang kota Kandahar di Afghanistan selatan, di mana seorang guru Sufi bernama Baba Farid menghukum kota itu karena penduduknya yang tak ramah dengan mendekatkan matahari. Ajaran Sufi penuh dengan kisah dan legenda mukjizat macam ini. Seperti orang suci lainnya, Shah Shams juga punya mazar-nya di Multan. Di luar makam, ada toko yang khusus menjual barang-barang Syiah, seperti foto para Imam, rantai [...]

May 6, 2015 // 1 Comment

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